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4 Research Instruments

• The researchers will be used the interview

guide questionnaire
• It consists of open-ended questions
• The researchers will be using cellphone, tape
recorder and camera for documentation.
3.5 Data Gathering Methods and
• The researchers will conduct in-depth interviews among the 10 informants
• But Before the interviews, the study will follow certain procedure in order to achieve the
• First, the researchers collected the preliminary background of data and formulated the
interview questionnaires.
• Then, the researchers will select the qualified informants through purposive sampling.
• And next, in conducting the study, the researchers initiated a courtesy call to the barangay
hall through letters and personal approach and seek their permission to conduct an
interview in the said setting.
• Before the informant’s one-on-one interview, the researchers explained the main purpose
and objective of the study to the respective informants to get their consent and full
cooperation in answering the prepared questions.
• Lastly, the data gathered will be transcribed, analyzed and interpeted.
3.6 Data Analysis
• This research will be analyzed through Thematic
• Which Thematic analysis will be applied to cluster the
identified patterns and themed the acquired data.
• We also used qualitative analytic method.
• It enables researchers to develop a deeper appreciation
for the group or situation they are researching. And at
the same It determines the pattern and allows to
conduct a more granular analysis.

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