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REF. ID. : FIVT/DRG/19-20/147

Any attempt at any level cannot be satisfactorily
completed without the support and guidance of
learned people. I would like to express my
immense gratitude to MRS. NEERA SURESH for
her constant support and motivation that has
encouraged me to come up with the assignment. I
am also thankful to all other members of
frankfinn and all my classmates who have
rendered their whole hearted support to all times
for the successful completion of this assignment.
Q. Assess the different customer service skills that
you noticed (external and internal) during your
project. Evaluate your own aptitude towards
serving another human being. Demonstrate the
customer handling skills with example in rater
model ( reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy
and responsiveness ).
Customer service skills is observed :
 Patience: If you deal with customers on daily
basis, be sure to stay patient when they come to
you stumped and frustrated, but also make sure to
take the time to truly figure out what they want.
 Attentiveness: The ability to really listen to
customers is so crucial for providing great service
for a number of reasons like making a customer
happy with your services.
 Clear communication skills: Make sure you
are getting to the problem at hand quickly,
customers don’t need your life story or to hear
about how your day is going.
 Knowledge of the product: The best forward-
facing employees in the company will work on having
a deep knowledge of how your product works.
Without knowing your product from front to back, you
won’t know how to help customers when they run
into problems.
 Ability to use positive language: Language
is a very important part of persuasion, and people
(especially customers) create perceptions about you
and your company based on the language you use.
 Empathy: A support representative ability to
empathize with a customer and craft a message that
make things towards a better outcome and will make
the customer happy.
 In the service industry good communication,
helpful personality, polite behaviour is very
 I also have the ability to empathize the
situation of others.
 Patience and positive attitude towards
customers and after listening to their problems
provide them with the best solutions to solve
their problems.
Rater model is the convenient method to measure
customer expectations. Rater is an acronym of five
factors: reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy
and responsiveness.
 Reliability: Is the organization able to deliver the
agrees upon services consistently, accurately and on
time? This concerns the quality of the reliability and the
way in which the customer can rely on it. For example,
If it turns out that a provider is not able to deliver
internet services without issues, the organization’s
reliability will decline.
 Assurance: Employees should be able to
convincingly communicate their knowledge to the
customers so that customers may trust on what the
employees say and find their advice helpful. For
example, when the information about an interest tax
deduction for an expensive mortgage turns out to be
inaccurate, both the bank and its employee’s credibility
will diminish rapidly. The customer might even go to a
different bank for his mortgage.
 Tangibles: Physical aspects of the service should be
appealing. Think for instance of the office, website,
equipment, and employees looking reliable. For
example if a customer is selecting a health insurance
plan, but ends up on a website looks unprofessional,
that customer will probably opt for a different
insurance company.
 Empathy: Employees should be able to empathize
will with the customers and give them individual
attention. The relationship b/w employees and theirs
customer should be of empathy. For example if a
customer has a complaint about a considerable delay
at an airline, he want to feel heard by the employee. If
there is not even a shred of empathy in the employees
response, the customer will be disappointed and
decide never to fly the airline in question again.
 Responsiveness: It is to what extent can the
organization offer quick service and to what extent
is the company willing to help customers? Quality
service is paramount. For example if a commercial
training institute does not pay enough attention to
a customer who requested more information about
a specific study programme, chances are the
customer will look for a different institute. After all,
the customer wants to start the programme within
a month. If it takes a month just to get a response,
he is likely to have found another study
Q. If you were in the place of service provider that
you noticed in the project, how differently would
you render service to your customers? What
changes would you try bringing in and how
would you implement the same?
If I would have been at the place of service
provider :
 firstly I would try to understand the customers
need and expectation for our product and
 I would try to respond to the problems as soon
as possible.
 I would try to deal with the customers with
empathy, patience and consistency by listening
to their problems carefully and providing them
with the best of solutions.
 I would give my customers a way to provide
feedback which will help me to improve me
customer service.
 I would have come up with complete knowledge of
the product the customer is interested in buying
and would show the customer all the benefits of
the product.
 I would have make sure that I should have a
positive interaction with the customers as they way
one talks represent his/her company and services.
 I would provide them with the service assurance in
future also whenever there is a need of any help
regarding the product and services they are buying
from us.
Changes I would try :
 I would put some good discounts and offers as an
attraction for a customer.
 In case of any queries regarding the goods and
services I would empathize with the customers
problem and would try to solve the problem as
soon as possible to make the customer happy .
 I would always listen to the feedback positively and
try to improve my service in the way that customer
wants and would never leave any query
 I would try to resolve customer issues at
their first point of contact by offering live
chat support on the website allows for more
collaboration behind the scenes.
 I would never leave any negative review
unattended as customer is giving a second
chance to make their experience better, I
would personalize my response and address
their concern.
Q. How would you handle an angry
customer? Explain with reasoning.
Customers get rude or angry for a
variety of reasons – some justifies,
some not. But we are in a business to
serve our customers, we’ll likely
encounter rude or angry individuals at
one time or another. How we respond
can make the difference between a
customer who feels satisfied with the
resolution and one who vows never to
patronize your business again.
Ways which can help to handle an angry
customer are:
 Remain calm: When a customer starts yelling or
being otherwise rude, there is nothing to be gained
by responding in a similar manner. In fact, that will
probably escalate the matter. Maintain control of
yourself, even if the customer’s tirade makes you
feel like yelling yourself.
 Don’t take it personally: Remember the customer
is not angry with you, they are displeased with the
performance of your product or the quality of the
service you provide. Your personal feeling are
 Use your best listening skills: The first thing an
angry customer wants is someone to listen- and for
better or worse, you are that person. Listening
patiently can defuse a situation, as long as the
customer feels acknowledged in her or her
complaint. Hear them out. When they are done
talking, summarize what you have heard and ask
any questions to further clarify their complaint.
Body language can be critically important here.
Keep eye contact. Show how closely your are
paying attention to their problem.
 Actively sympathize: After the customer complaints,
he wants to know you understand where he’s coming
from and how he or she feels. Express sympathy for
their unpleasant customer experience. Respect and
understanding go a long way toward smoothing things
 Apologize gracefully: Whether the customer’s
complaint is legitimate or not really irrelevant. If you
want him/her to stay a customer, you need to express
an apology for the problem they are having. A simple
straightforward is often all that is needed: “ I am sorry
you are not happy with our product. Lets see what can
we do to make things right.
 Find a solution: Once you understand why the
customer is unhappy, it is time to offer a solution.
Ask him what he feels should be done or put
forward your own fair and realistic answer to the
problem. In most cases that’s all the customer is
looking for .
 Take several minutes to yourself: Once your
customer has left, take a few minutes to process
what just happened and allow yourself to calm
down. Even if the customer left happily, these sort
of situations can be really stressful. Take a few
moments to distress and clear your mind.
 Follow up with the customer: Give your
customer a call once the problem has been
resolved. Ask him if everything is going smoothly.
When you can, go the extra mile by giving him a
discount on next purchase.
ThaNk yOu…

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