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 Entertainment now comes courtesy of

computer devices.
 A major component of such entertainment
is in the form of video games of every
conceivable genre, subject matter, and skill
 These range from educational games and
mind twisters, to building and constructions
games, to ones that entail physical
interaction by the users (sports, fitness,
 There are tremendously popular games of
strategy, war, science fiction, and mythical
worlds that employ amazingly complex and
realistic graphics, motion, sound, and other
special effects.
 Similar to image creation and manipulation,
it is now possible for video game fans to
become video game creator themselves.
 Online tutorials and guides are available on
sites like e-how, instructables, and YouTube.
 There are available programs that can be
downloaded and used immediately, with
no need for prior knowledge on coding or
web development.
 Twine
 Stencyl
 GameMaker
 It is a method of creating an artwork using a
 This is different from the image-generating
devices and programs like video games,
which create, modify, store, and share
images entirely on a laptop, tablet, or
android phone.
 Digital painting still makes use of traditional
painting mediums such as acrylic paint, oils,
and watercolor and also applies the
pigment to traditional surfaces, such as
canvas, paper, polyester, etc.
 However, it does so by employing
computer software that drives a type of
robot devices(such as a plotter) or an office
machine (such as a printer) that takes the
place of the artist’s hand.
 Digital painting also refers to a technique
using a graphics software program to
create an artwork that is total virtual.
 The canvas, brushes, paints, and other tools
are all virtual, existing only within the
computer. And the finished work is also
stored in virtual format, to be shared
through cyber space.
 Ctrl+Paint is an example of an online
resource for teaching yourself digital
painting for free, via simple videos and mini
Social media purposes
 Another tremendously powerful and
innovative field that digital technology
has revolutionized is that of crating
presenting videos.
 The explosion of social media in recent
decades has provided a new platform
for video materials targeting the
‘netizens’ of today.
 Not only are there online advertisements
that continuously bombard the users’
computer screens and mobile phone
 There are also millions of personally
produced videos that are constantly
uploaded to online platforms like
YouTube from music, dance, and stage
performances tutorials of all kinds to
recipes to documentaries to news clip to
marriage proposals.
Medical/scientific purposes
 Another extremely valuable use of
today’s video technology is that of
imaging videos in the fields of medicine
and science.
 You may be familiar with Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MIR),
Computerized Tomography (CT scans),
and the like which are used to create
and record visual images of a patient’s
internal anatomy in order to diagnose
and treat diseases and injuries.
 There are also ultrasound tests or
sonograms, which translate sound waves
bouncing off physical objects into
images that can be studied--- whether a
baby developing in the womb (in 2D, 3D,
and 4D options) growths or
malformations inside the body, structural
flaws in buildings, as well as objects in
outer space, underground, and deep in
the ocean.

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