Cryogenic Chilldowm

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GINEESH T.G (1106)

M Tech in Industrial refrigeration and
Department of mechanical engineering
TKM College of Engineering.
• Introduction
• Literature review
• Chilldown and governing principle
• Flow transition, heat transfer mechanism, Flow instability
• Chilldown of rocket engine
• Recirculation method of chilldown
• Experimental setup, procedure, and interpretation.
• Conclusion
• Reference
What are cryogenic fluids ?

Table 1. : Cryogenic fluids and boiling temperature (Barron, 1985)

Cryogenic Boiling point Cryogenic Boiling point
fluid (K) fluid (K)

Oxygen 90.2 Helium 4.2

Hydrogen 20.3 Argon 87.3
Nitrogen 77.4 Neon 27.1

Uses of cryogenic fluids

• Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).

• Infrared cameras.
• Cryogenic freezing of food.
• Preservation of medical samples
• Cryogenic cooling of superconductors
• Low temperature chemical reactions.
• As cryogenic fuels for rockets
Uses of cryogenic fluids

• Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).

• Infrared cameras.
• Cryogenic freezing of food.
• Preservation of medical samples
• Cryogenic cooling of superconductors
• Low temperature chemical reactions.
• As cryogenic fuels for rockets
Uses of cryogenic fluids

• Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).

• Infrared cameras.
• Cryogenic freezing of food.
• Preservation of medical samples
• Cryogenic cooling of superconductors
• Low temperature chemical reactions.
• As cryogenic fuels for rockets
Cryogenic chilldown process

Cryogenic chilldown of horizontal tube (YouTube, 2019)

Importance of study on cryogenic chilldown
• Indispensable process
• Pressure surge and oscillations
• Flow transition

• Chilldown time and Cryogenic fluid consumption

• Effect of various parameters on chilldown
i. Mass flux,
ii. Fluid properties, Tube properties,
iii. Amount of gravity, Direction of low with respect to gravity
iv. Surface finish of the tube
Importance of study on cryogenic chilldown
• Indispensable process
• Pressure surge and oscillations
• Flow transition

• chilldown time and Cryogenic fluid consumption

• Effect of various parameters on chilldown
i. Mass flux,
ii. Fluid properties, Tube properties,
iii. Amount of gravity, Direction of flow with respect to gravity
iv. Surface finish of the tube
Researches on cryogenic chilldown
Experimental researches Analytical researches

Terrestrial Microgravity Flow modelling

chilldown chilldown Homogeneous fluid
Two fluid model
Flow visualization studies

Instabilities studies

chilldown optimization
Literature review

1. Terrestrial cryogenic boiling and two-phase flow experiments

Year Author Reference list

1952 Kutateladze
“Heat Transfer in Condensation and Boiling,” State Sci.
and Tech. Pub. Of Lit. on Machinery, Moscow (Atomic
Energy Commission Translation 3770, Tech. Info -
Service, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.)

1962 Breen and “Effect of Diameter of Horizontal Tubes on Film Boiling

Westwater Heat Transfer,” Chemical Engineering Progress, 58, 67-
1965 Brentari et al. “Boiling Heat Transfer for Oxygen, Nitrogen,
Hydrogen, and Helium”, NBS Technical Note No. 317,
National Bureau of Standards.

1965 Seader et al. “Boiling heat transfer for cryogenics”, NASA Space
Contractor Report CR-243.

1989 Klimenko et al. “Channel Orientation and Geometry Influence on

Heat Transfer with Two-Phase Forced Flow of
Nitrogen,” Cryogenics, 29, 31-36.

2005 Jackson, J. et al. “Transient heat transfer during cryogenic chilldown”,

Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer
Conference, 2, pp. 253–260.
2008 Nayak and Vijayan. “Flow instabilities in boiling two-phase natural
circulation systems: A review”, Science and
Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2008.
2. Terrestrial chilldown experiments

Year Author Reference list

1960 Burke et al. “Pressure Cooldown of Cryogenic Transfer Lines,”

Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 4, 378-394..

1962 Bronson et al. “Problems in Cool-Down of Cryogenic Systems,”

Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 7, 198-205.
1964 Chi and Vetere. “Two-Phase Flow during Transient Boiling of Hydrogen
and Determination of Nonequilibrium Vapor
Fractions,” Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 9, 243-
2017 Shukla et al, “Investigation of transient chilldown phenomena in
tubes using liquid nitrogen”, IOP Conference Series:
Materials Science and Engineering, 278(1).
2019 Li, C. et al. “Thermal behaviour and flow instabilities during
transient chilldown of liquid rocket engine by passive
recirculation approach”, Cryogenics. Elsevier,
99(January), pp. 87–98.

3. Reduced gravity boiling and two-phase flow experiments

Year Author Reference list

1995 Adham-Khodaparast et al. “Flow Film Boiling Collapse and Surface Rewetting in
Normal and Reduced Gravity Conditions,”
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 38,

2008 Yuan, K. et al. Cryogenic boiling and two-phase flow during pipe
chilldown in earth and reduced gravity’, Journal of
Low Temperature Physics, 150(1–2), pp. 101–122.
doi: 10.1007/s10909-007-9521-8. 14
Chilldown : Governing physics
Q𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘 ≥ Q 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 + Q 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒆 Qflow : flow energy (J)
Qline : stored line energy (J)
Qparasite : parasitic heat leak energy (J)
Qrad : radiation heat leak (W)
Q𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 = න mሶ (he − hin ) dt Qsen : sensor heat leak (W)
ta T : temperature (K)
ts t : time (s)
𝑑𝑇 m : mass of transfer line (kg)
Q 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒 = න m 𝐶𝑝 𝑑𝑡
𝑑𝑡 mሶ : mass flow rate (kg/s)
𝑎 : solid surface
𝑠 : steady state
Q 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 = න (Q 𝑟𝑎𝑑 + Q 𝑠𝑒𝑛 )
Eq. 1 (Hartwig et al., 2015) 15
Two phase flow transition

• Dispersed flow
• Inverted annular flow
Liquid droplets
• Stratified wavy flow
• Stable stratified flow

Nucleate boiling Transition Film boiling

Fig 1: Flow transition in horizontal pipe line
(Chung and Yuan, 2015)
Two phase flow transition

• Dispersed flow
• Inverted annular flow
Liquid droplets
• Stratified wavy flow
• Stable stratified flow Liquid filaments

Nucleate boiling Transition Film boiling

Fig 1: Flow transition in horizontal pipe line
(Chung and Yuan, 2015)
Two phase flow transition

• Dispersed flow
Quenching point
• Inverted annular flow
Liquid droplets
• Stratified wavy flow
• Stable stratified flow Liquid filaments

Nucleate boiling Transition Film boiling

Fig 1: Flow transition in horizontal pipe line
(Chung and Yuan, 2015)
Two phase flow transition

• Dispersed flow
Stratified flow Quenching point
• Inverted annular flow
Liquid droplets
• Stratified wavy flow
• Stable stratified flow Liquid filaments

Nucleate boiling Transition Film boiling

Fig 1: Flow transition in horizontal pipe line
(Chung and Yuan, 2015)
Fig2: Two-phase flow transition for chilldown process. A Dispersed flow. B inverted
annular flow. C ,D Transition stage. E,F stratified flow (Yuan et al., 2008) 20
Liquid droplets/ mist

• Mist flow
• Inverted annular flow
Film boiling
• Bubble flow

Fig 3: Flow transition in vertical pipe line
(Chung and Yuan, 2015) 21
Heat transfer regimes

(a) (b)

Fig 4 : Chilldown characteristics curves

(a) T vs heat flux (b) T vs time (Darr et al., 2015) 22
Fig 5: Chilldown boiling curve (Hartwig et al., 2015)
Chilldown methods for rocket engines

Fig 6: Schematic LOX passive recirculation precooling system (Cui Li 2018) 24

Fig 7: Schematic LOX passive recirculation precooling system (Li et al., 2019)
Experimental procedure

Fig 8: Operation sequence of a LOX passive recirculation chilldown test (Li et al., 2019)
Temperature drop histories

Fig 9: Wall temperature vs time (Li et al., 2019)

Top and bottom reflux configuration

Fig 10: Chilldown for liquid phase inlet/ bottom reflux

configuration(Chen et al., 2003)
Temperature drop and pressure histories

Fig 11: Temperature and pressure profile during chilldown for

liquid phase inlet/ bottom reflux configuration(Chen et al., 2003) 29
Temperature drop and pressure histories

Fig 12: Temperature and pressure profile during chilldown for gas
phase inlet/ top reflux configuration(Chen et al., 2003) 30
Flow pattern instabilities

Fig 13: Recirculation flow and driving pressure difference vs time (Li et al., 2019)
Geysering in vertical transfer line

Fig 14: Mechanics of geysering instability (Hands, 1988)

• Flow transition, flow instabilities and thermal behaviour of cryogenic chilldown
• The passive recirculation is highly susceptible to flow instabilities of which the flow
pattern transition instability and the flow geysering are the most representative in
the chilldown.
• indispensable complicated transient two phase flow process,
• efficiency and safety of whole cryogenic system.

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