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Europe literature

 Key words:
 Fiction – written stories about people and events that are
not real
 Supernatural – unable to be explained by science or the
laws of nature
 Fantasy – to be discussed hehe
 Genre Fiction
 There are 2 types of Fiction when it
comes to Novels.
Genre Fiction and Literary Fiction
Genre Fiction
 Includes many subcatergories such as
Mystery/Thriller, Horror, Romance,
Western, Fantasy, Science Fiction, etc.
 To escape from reality
Literary Fiction
 Is more difficult to classify or break apart
into subcategories
 To put it simply, Literary Fiction is
anything that does not fit into a genre.
 Purpose is to share wisdom and practically
evoke emotional responses
 The main reason for a person to read
Genre Fiction is for entertainment, for a
riveting story, an escape from reality.
Literary Fiction serarates itself from
Genre because it is not about escaping
from reality, instead, it provides a means
to better understand the world and delivers
real emotional responses.
 In essence, the best genre fiction containes
great writing, with the goal of telling a
captivationg story to escape from reality.
Literary Fiction is cormprised of the heart
and soul of a writer’s being, and is
experienced as an emotional journey
through the symphony of words, leading
to a stronger grasp of the universe and of
 Is a genre fiction that incorporates
magical or supernatural elements as
the main plot, theme, or setting in its
Its overall presentation is
created from the vivid
imagination of the author.
 Fantasy opens a new world of uncertainty
and illusory to its readers - magic,
witchcraft, princesses, dragons, elves, cat-
eared girls, cat-eared maids, goblins,
goblin slayers, and cat-eared goblins w/
maids are concepts where fantasy revolves.
 Therefore, the events in the story
cannot be recreated in the real world
except cosplaying the character.
 It is said that fantasy has the longest
and richest history from all other
types of genre fiction
And the first recorded literary
works were fantasy.
 Epic of Gilgamesh and Homer’s
Oddesey are just some of the notable
works and models in which modern
literature was based

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