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Language Assessment

Annisa Aprilya
Monalisa Ariska
Ulvia Zuhra
Oral Production Tests
Story Telling
Instruction: Choose a story that you want to tell and then tell to your friend in
front of the classroom clearly! The story could be about fairy tale, legend/myth
and whatever that you think good to tell. The duration should be about 10
minutes for each student.

 Student find a story by themselves and understand the story well.
 They make a note about what they want to tell.
 One by one student tells their story in front of the classroom.
Fast Response
Instruction: Choose 3 topics below and then make 2 sentences for each
topic chosen!
1. Facebook.
2. I love my mom.
3. Reading is the window of knowledge.
4. London.
5. Eiffel Tower
6. My favorite song.
7. Instagram.
8. If I have 1 billion dollar in my account.

 Student chooses 3 topics that they think it is easy for them.

 Student mentions 2 statements for each topic chosen.

 The topics should be responded quickly.

Instruction: Complete the conversation below by the relevant word and
then practice it with your friend in front of the class!

Peter : Good morning, Pat!

Patrick : , Pete, how are you?

Peter :I , , and you?

Patrick : I . Thank you. going?

Peter : I am .

Patrick : where is Andy? I didn’t see him on the way school with you
Peter : he is .
Patrick : Oh I’m to hear that.
Hopefully he will get well soon.
Peter : . All right. I gotta go. Nice to meet you Pat!
Patrick : , Pete! Take care, bye!
Peter : Bye.

1. Student fill in the blank space conversation with their partner.
2. Learn the dialogue with their mate.
3. practice the dialogue in front of the class.
4. Other groups listen and give some comments.
Describing Picture
Instruction : Choose one picture, after that describe the picture in front of the
class! Tell to your friends about what you see in the picture.


 Teacher shows some pictures to the students.

 Students choose one picture that they like.

 Students learn about what they want to tell.

 Each student describes the picture in front of the class.

Instruction: Make a good speech based on the topics below! You can choose
one topic and make a speech to present in front of your friends.


1. Dads are more fun than moms.

2. Cooking should be taught in schools.

3. Men should wear pink.

4. Fairy tales are good for young children.

5. Should boys and girls have separate classroom?


 Students choose one topic given by the teacher.

 Students learn about the topic.

 Each student speech in front of their friends.


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