(PPT) Positive and Negative Effects of Religion

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Group 2:

Agnote, Christian Matthew

Nava, John Mike
Lonceras, Mary Grace
Sinogba, Mary Ann
1. Promotes Social

 Religion provides divine authority to
ethical and moral principles which also
help promote unity among people.
 Common participation in rituals together
with basic uniformity of beliefs help
promote social cohesiveness.

 has a key concept which
help promotes social
solidarity, which called
ahisma (concept on non-
2. Provides Moral

 It provides a systematic model of
the universe, which in effect
determines organized human
 By providing moral values, one is
able to distinguish right from
3. Provides Social Change

 Since religion is a source of moral values,
religion provides social change.
An example is Gandhi’s satyagraha,
advocate that nonviolence of the mind can
lead to the realization of the real nature of
an evil situation and that by refusing to
cooperate with evil, truth can be asserted.
4. Reduces the Fear of the

 In general, religion has provided people
with answers the unknown such as the
origin of life and the concept of afterlife.
 Explanations provided by religions have
reduced fears and anxieties among
individuals and some religions have even
made death a better alternative to living
the uncertainty.
5. Gives Positive Goal s in Life

 People were inspired by the stories of
different prophets from their own
religious affiliations, like that Moses,
Siddharta Gautama, and Muhammad.
 These people showed how ordinary
people like them were given important
missions in life, and how they
struggled to carry out their respective
6. Gives a People Sense of

 Just as family, ethnicity, or nationality
give people a sense of belonging, so
does religion.
 Belonging to a particular religion
whose members share the same beliefs,
practices the same rituals, and worship
the same god , gives individual a sense
of being in the right place with the right
1. Affirms Social Hierarchy

The traditional caste system in India would
also reflect how religion reflects political and
social structures since it propagated the India
that people had to be subdivided into certain
social classes with particular social roles and
that the attainment of moksha (union of
universal sol and individual sol) would
depend on how they performed their duties
based on their designated class.
2. Cases Discrimination

 Religion can be also a source of
discrimination, or the prejudicial treatment of
different categories of people or things,
especially on the basis of race, religion, age,
or sex.
 In Islam, the practices of wearing the hijab
(a head covering worn in public by Muslim
women) is considered be many critics as a
form of suppression against Muslim women
3. Triggers Conflicts and

 Wars have been fought
in the name of religion,
and this phenomenon
continues up to the
present time.
4. As an Economic Tool for
exploiting the Masses

 - According to Karl Marx, it
maintains social inequality by
propagating a worldview that justifies
 - He believed that religion can be
effectively used by the ruling class to
maintain a social order that is more
favorable to them.
5. Impedes Scientific Success
and Development

 For example, it has often said
that the Catholic Church used
to teach that the world is flat
and warned people against
going too far away places if
they do not wish to fall off the
edge of the earth.
6. Obstructs the use of Reason

 Many question the suitably of
religious doctrines to the needs of
the present and the future
 In order to put this dogma into
practice, religion should, therefore,
evolve and learn to adapt to the
ever changing world.

Self-Immolation of a Buddhist Monk
in Vietnam

 Self-immolation, or the killing of oneself as a
form of sacrifice, originally referred to as the
act of setting oneself on fire.
 Now it refers to a much wider range of
suicidal choices such as leaping off a cliff,
starvation, or ritual removing of the guts
(also known as seppuku).
 It is used as a form of political protest or

Sati or the practice of self-immolation
of a widow on her husband’s funeral
pyre, is said to have originated 700
years ago in India.
When the Rajput women burnt
themselves to death after their men
defeated in battles to avoid being taken
by the conquerors.

 The word inquisition, has somehow become
associated with the word torture.
 After 1252, torture was used to punish the heretics.
 on May 15, a papal Bull was issued by Pope Innocent
IV, the Ad exstirpanda, which authorized the use of
torture by inquisitors. One common factor form of
torture was the strappado, wherein the hands were
bound behind the back with the rope, and the
accused was suspended this way, dislocating the
joints painfully in both arms.

In February 2002, a train
was set on fire in which 59
people, including 25
women and 15 children,
were killed.

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