Prepared By: Remilyn F. Almario

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Prepared by: Remilyn F.

 Study of Human past
 Evidence+investigation=history

 A. Prehistory
 B. Eastern Civilization
 C. Western or European Civilization
 D. The Americas
 E. Flowering of African Civilizations
 F. Australia and Oceania
 G. The Medieval World
 H. The Transition to Modern Times
 400 to 250 years ago—during the Paleolithic Period
 PrimatesDryopethicinesRamapithecinePaleonthological
VacuumHominidHomos*Homo Sapiens

 Lucy—Australopithecus Afarensis
 Homo Habilis—used rough stones
 Homo Erectus—language, fire, customs and rituals
 Modern Humans

 Main Characteristics are: start of the agriculture, trading system, political systems,
rise of civilizations
 Mesopotamia—Fertile Crescent  Sumerians, Assyrians,
Babyloanians, Chaldeans, Hebrews, Phoenecians, Persians
 Indus Valley—Harappa and Mohenjo-daro
 Nile River—Egypt
 Huang Ho River—China, Xia
 Greece—Hellas and Hellenic Civilization
 Sparta and Athens =

 Crete—Minoan and Mycenaean Civilization

 Golden Age of Greece was during the 5th and 4th century
 Pericles, SPA

 Famous conqueror and statesman Alexander the Great, spread the Hellen
 Christpher Columbus, 1492
 Mesoamerica that includes Central and South America

1. Olmec—laid the foundation, pioneer

2. Mayan—great temples and pyramids, trade amongst city-states, halach uinic
3. Aztec—Tenochtitlan, chinampas, huittzilpochtli, human sacrifice
4. Incas—engineers conquered the mountains, strong political organization
 Nubians—established kingdom at the southern part of the Nile River, Sudan
 Kingdom of Kush—inherit power from the ancient Egypt
 Axum—trading power, Ethiopia
 Kingdoms of west Africa
 Ghana—traders (salt and gold)
 Mali—rulers opened trade routes
 Songhai—devoted to Islam

 African Trading Cities and States

 Bantu—banana and taro introduced to S.E. Asia
 Congo—people were knew because of their skills in pottery, weaving, iron working and
 Great Zimbabwe
 Australia—is comprised of Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania
 Oceania—Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia
 The Roman Empire overrun by Teotunic Tribes
 Small Germanic tribes rose, Franks, Visigoths, Burgundians, Saxons, Vandals
 Han dynasty, Sassanid Empire, and Gupta Empire fell under Huns (Central Asians)
The Renaissance and
The Age of
The Age of Revolution

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