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Serikat Kerja

Labor Unions
Agung Nugroho (18059172)
Gian Mulkiansyah (18059185)
Ilham Hamid (1805)
Risa Khairani (18059209)
Wahyu Dyni Putra (18059203)

Definition Definition Labor Employee

of of Unions and Relations
Labor Collective Collective
Unions Bergaining Bergaining
What is Labor
Definition of Labor Unions

Labor Unions

A labor union is an organization that

represents the collective interests of

#Labor Union also called a trade

union or worker's union
Types of Labor Unions

Craft Unions B Public Sectors Unions

The oldest union out there. This Unions very similar to the
such as bakers, carpenters, Industrial Unions.
electricians and machinists However, the Public Sector takes

Industrial Unions
A C care of people in government
agencies which includes things like
Public Schools
One of the most popular and
biggest Unions in the US.
Manufacturing Unions
such as werehouse workers,
transportation and food service
D This includes careers such as Steel
Workers and Auto Workers.
Employees Stay Committed

Involved Paid Well

Appreciated Empowered

Challanged Valued
What is Collective
Definition of Collective Bargaining

The Collective Bargaining

Is a process of negotiation between

employers and a group of employees
aimed at agreements to regulate
working salaries, working conditions,
benefits, and other aspects of
worker's compensation and rights for
Labor Unions
and Collective

A key means through which

employers and their
organizations and labor unions
can establish fair wages and
working conditions.
The Collective Bargaining Process

How Much The

collective bargaining
5 Collective Bargaining Process

1. Preparation
:Choosing a negotiation team and representatives of both the union and
employer. Both parties should be skilled in negotiation and labor laws, and
both examine available information to determine whether they have a
strong standing for negotiation.

2. Discussion
:Both parties meet to set ground rules for the
collective bargaining negotiation process.
5 Collective Bargaining Process

3. Proposal
:Both representatives make opening statements, outlining
options and possible solutions to the issue at hand

4. Bargaining
:Following proposals, the parties discuss potential
compromises, bargaining to create an agreement that is
acceptable to both parties. This becomes a “draft” agreement,
which is not legally binding, but a stepping stone to coming to a
final collective bargaining agreement.
5 Collective Bargaining Process

5. Final Agreement
:Once an agreement is made between the parties, it must be put
in writing, signed by the parties, and put into effect.
What is
Employee Relations

The definition of employee relations refers to an organizations efforts

to create and maintain a positive relationship with its employees.
4 Pillars of Employee Relaltions

01 Open Communication
: In any relationship, communication is
the key. Employees spend the majority
of their days at work so it’s important
that they feel comfortable with their
manager and fulfilled in their tasks

02 Show Recognation
: Simple gestures of thanks and kind
words go a long way. Longer than you
might think
4 Pillars of Employee Relaltions

03 Constant Feedback
: Offering frequent feedback to your
employees on their great work and
constructive criticism on where they
can improve is essential in nurturing a
positive relationship with your team

04 Invest In Your Employees

: The truth is, if an employee is happy
in their personal life, they’ll be much
more productive at work, so investing
in their lives at large and not just at
work will be beneficial but for
How To Improve Employee Relations

Stop Micromanaging

Dont Play Favourites

There are several ways to

improve it Be As Clear As Possible

Collect Ideas From The Team


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