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Name : Padma Vaghela

Course : PGDSHRM (Sem.-I)

Subject : Organisational Behaviour
Topic : Nature of OB
Date : 14/09/2019 (Saturday)
Organisational Behaviour
• Organizational Behavior (OB) is the
study of
human behavior in organizational
settings, the interface between
human behavior and
the organization, and
the organization itself.
 Nature of Organisational Behaviour
• It is the academic study of the ways
people act within groups. Its
principles are applied primarily in
attempts to make businesses
operate more effectively.
• It is very important to study OB
because it provides the
understanding of why people
behave as they do in organisation.
• It helps us to study the complex
nature of human beings in the
Nature of Organisational Behaviour
OB is directly concerned with the understanding, predicting &
controlling of human behaviour in organizations.

The present nature of OB can be identified as follows:

A Field of Inter- Normative Humanistic A Total

Science Goal
Study not disciplinary and Value & Systems
and Art Oriented
Discipline Approach Centred Optimistic Approach
A Field of Study not Discipline

OB is field of study
backed by a body of It includes creative
Its study helps in
theory, research & thinking among the
understanding the
application associated managers to solve
human behaviour in
with a growing concern human problems in an
work organizations.
for people at the organization.
Inter-disciplinary Approach
 The field of OB is heavily influenced by several other behavioural
sciences & social sciences.
 Some popular disciplines are:
o Psychology - It is a scientific discipline that studies mental
states and processes and behavior in humans and other
o Sociology - It is the discipline that attempts to understand
the forces outside us that shape our lives, interests, and
o Anthropology - It is the study of human societies, cultures and
their development. It is an intellectually
exciting discipline dealing with all aspects of human behavior
— social and biological, past and present — a broad focus
well suited to today's globally integrated world.
This includes the ways we use language to build and
share meaning, to form or change identities, and to make or
change relations of power.
Science and Art

OB is not an exact science like

physics or chemistry. It cannot
provide specific answers to all
OB is both science as well as an art.
organizational problems. The exact
The systemic knowledge about
prediction of behavior of people in
human behavior is a science. The
organizations also not possible to
application of behavioral knowledge
predict relationships between
and skills clearly towards being an art.
variables on a broad scale. But it is
difficult to apply predicate models in
all situations.
Normative and Value Centred

OB is normative science. A normative science, unlike the positive

science which suggests only cause-effect relationships, prescribes how
the various findings of the researches can be applied to get
organisational results which are accepted to the society.

Thus, what is acceptable by the society or individuals engaged in an

organisation is a matter of values of the society and people
concerned. This aspect cannot be explained by positive science.
Humanistic & Optimistic
OB focuses the attention of people
from humanistic point of view. It is
based on the belief that needs and
motivation of people are of high
There is an acceptance of the value of
the individual as a thinking, feeling of
human being and without these OB focuses It is based on It deals with
consideration the organization may not the attention the belief the thinking &
be fully operational as a social entity. that needs & feeling of
of people
Further, there is optimism about the from motivation of human
innate potential of individual to be humanistic people are of beings.
independent, creative, productive, point of high
and capable of contributing positively view. concern.
to the objectives of the organizations.
The individual will actualize these
potentials if given proper conditions
and environments.
 OB is an action oriented & goal-oriented discipline. Goal orientation is the
Goal degree to which a person or organization focuses on tasks and the end results
of those tasks.
Oriented  The major goals of OB are:
1. To describe: The first objective is to describe how people behave under
various conditions. For example, as a manager, I have information about a
particular junior officer that he comes office in late and leaves the office
2. To understand: The second goal of organizational behavior is to understand
why people behave as they do. Managers have to understand the reasons
behind a particular action. For example, as a manager, I must find out the
reason why the junior officer is coming late and going earlier.
3. To predict: Predicting future behavior of employee is another goal of
organizational behavior. Usually, managers would have the capacity to
predict why the employees are committed to the organization or not. For
instance, I have to realize why he wants to leave my organization, how I can
hold the officer in my organization, what should be done by me in this
situation or what my role is etc.
4. To control: The final goal of organizational behavior is to control and develop
a friendly atmosphere for the organization. Since managers are responsible
for the overall performance of an organization, they must develop workers’
teamwork, skill and commitment. Managers should take necessary action for
themselves. In the above case, I can increase the financial benefits of the
officer if it is not satisfactory for him or I can help him to solve his personal
problem, or I can negotiate him to solve any organizational problem.
A Total Systems Approach

 OB is a total systems approach wherein

the living system of an organisation is
viewed as an enlargement of a Human
 The behaviour can be analysed keeping
in view of psychological framework,
interpersonal orientation, group
influence, and social & cultural factors.
 Thus, individual’s nature is quite complex
and OB by applying systems approach
tries to find the solution of this complexity.
 Organisational behaviour is the application of knowledge about
how peoples, individuals and groups act and react in an
organisation, in order to reach and accomplish the highest quality
of performance and dominant results.
 One way for an organisation to become more innovative is to
capitalize on its own employee’s innovate.
 All organisations and groups experience the direct relationship
between job satisfaction and performance. In order to maximize
the performance of those within a system, it is significant important
to develop an optimal interpersonal chemistry.

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