Jeel Mistry

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Name : Jeel Mistry

Roll No : 080216

Class : 8-B
Subject : English
Topic : Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking
Math 305 Tom Kreitinger 11/18/2009
Stephen Hawking

Commercial Overview:
 Part I – The shoulders of giants: Newton,
Einstein, Schwarzschild, Friedman, Lemaitre
and Oppenheimer.
 Part II – Two of Stephen Hawking's major
1. Big Bang Theory
2. Black Hole Radiation
What about Stephen Hawking?

 Several solutions to the

field equations were
fundamental to Stephen
Hawking's work
 It is currently 1915 and
Hawking will not even be
born for another 27
 On the right we see (or
don't see?) a black hole.
Stephen Hawking 1942-

 In 1962 Hawking found it

difficult to tie his shoelace: he
had contracted ALS - Lou
Gehrig's Disease.
 Doctors gave him only 2
years to live.
 Yet he came to Cambridge
University from Oxford to
study cosmology, and
 married Jane Wilde at
Cambridge in July 1965.
Stephen Hawking

 Hawking called his doctoral

thesis ”Properties of Expanding
 The steady state model
proposed that matter is
continuously being created as
the universe expands in utter
disagreement with the big bang
notion of an infinitely dense
initial state
 In the 60's steady state was
more accepted than big bang
Stephen Hawking
Big Bang

 Roger Penrose determined that a

singularity exists when a giant
star collapses to form a black
 Hawking adapted Penrose’s
results to the expanding universe,
as a giant collapsing star in
 Hawking showed that if general
relativity is correct there must
have been a singularity in the
past which was the beginning of
Stephen Hawking
Big Bang

 Today everyone assumes the

Universe started with a Big
Bang (background micro).
 This is Hawkings major world
wide contribution to Big Bang
 Thus by 1970, five years after
receving his PhD. Hawkings
was an internationally known
Stephen Hawking
A new way of thinking

 By the early 1970s Hawking's hands

were largely paralyzed: he could not
draw pictures or write down equations.
 His research has to be done in his
head. Because the loss of his faculties
was so gradual, he has trained his mind
to think in new types of intuitive mental
pictures and equations which replaced
written work – an astounding
Stephen Hawking
Black hole - Eureka Moment

 Hawking has used his mental pictures

to gain insight into the study of the
surface areas of black holes.
 He was getting ready for bed one night
and he saw in a flash that the surface
area of a black hole can never
 He concluded that the combined area of
two black holes must always be greater
than or equal to the sum of the two
Stephen Hawking
Black Holes

 Hawking explores the

boundary between the
black hole and the
vacuum of inter-stellar
space, and envisions
how the intense
gravity at the surface
might affect any
particles that might
appear there, whether
real or virtual.
Uncertainty Principle & Virtual

 The uncertainty principle states that there are

limits on how accurately we can observe
certain physical quantities (e.g. position,
energy and time).
 The limit is not related to our instruments, but
an inherent characteristic of the Universe,
which does not reveal any quantity with
absolute precision.
Black Holes Emit Radiation

 Hawking has in effect

combined quantum
mechanics and
general relativity in a
single calculation to
show that Black Holes
have temperature,
entropy, and produce
radiation just like any
other thermodynamic
Hawking Recognition

 He has received Britain's highest

academic honour: Fellow of The Royal
 He received the Pope Pius XI Medal –
Why? Because the Big Bang model
appeals to the church as a creation
event! We’ve come a long way since
Hawking Summary

 Using general relativity (and standing on the

shoulders of other giants) Hawking showed that
the classical concept of time must have begun
with a singularity at the Big Bang, and thus the
Universe existed at one time in a hot dense state.
 Hawking discovered that Black Holes radiate like
thermodynamic bodies (now called Hawking
Radiation) and possess a temperature and an
 He has written books that make these complex
subjects easier to understand.
The End

“We are just an advanced

breed of monkeys on a
minor planet of a very
average star. But we
can understand the
Universe. That makes
us something very
- Stephen Hawking

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