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Naomita Salsavilla Nova Regiana (112190045)

Gede Gupta Rastika (112190046)
Nico Louis Hasiholan Nainggolan (112190047)
Maurizka Khairulasa Istijaba Rania Salsabila (112190048)
Definiton of Translation
Translation is a rendering process of something into another language or into one’s own
language from another.
Process of Translation
Step 1: Scope out the text to be translated

◦ The first step is to get a feel for the text you’re going to translate.
◦ The translator will typically read or skim read parts of the text to get an overview of the
◦ They may note key concepts or terminology they’ll need to research, and will decide if
any preliminary background reading is needed.
◦ Sometimes they’ll research and resolve how they’ll translate key terms before
beginning the translation.
Step 2: Initial translation

◦ Now they systematically translate the document, typically in chunks of 5 – 10 words at a

◦ Choosing the appropriate length of individual text chunks to deal with is important. Ideally
each chunk will be a discrete and complete unit of meaning.

Step 3: Review the accuracy of the translation

◦ After the first draft is completed, the translator will then methodically work through the
translation comparing each chunk of text with the original (source) text.
◦ The primary goal here is to confirm they haven’t missed any content or misinterpreted any
◦ Most translators will also identify and improve any slightly unnatural or inelegant wording in
this step.
Step 4: Take a break

◦ The next step is very simple – put the translation aside and take a break.
◦ Ideally this should be for a few hours or overnight.
◦ The idea is purely to clear the mind to ensure a more effective fifth and final step.

Step 5: Refine translation wording

◦ In the final step the translator re-reads the translation, this time without reference to the
source document, looking solely at quality of expression.
◦ They’ll make final edits to further refine and “polish” the translated text.
Direct Translation
Direct translation are used when structural and conceptual elements of the source
language can be transposed into the target language
Kind of Direct Translation
Borrowing is the taking of words directly from one language into another language
without translation.
There are three kinds of borrowing technique :
a. Pure : in this technique the word is taken over purely in target language without
any changes. Example: Hard disk in English to Hard disk in Indonesian
b. Natural : in this technique the translation of the word is made to fit the spelling rules
in the target language. Example: Goal in English to gol in Indonesian
Kind of Direct Translation
c. Cultural: in this translation the word of source language are translated by using the
words in target language indicating things or event, which is not exactly the same
but occurs in the target language because of lexical equivalent in the target
language. Example: Water in English to menyiram or perairan in Indonesia.
Mining worker need to waters the road the flower or some minerals can be found in
deep water
Kind of Direct Translation
Loan or calque
This translation is borrowed a word from another language and translated literally word-
for-word. Example:
English : Look at that mining worker, he shouldn’t be doing that for the safety.
Indonesian : Lihat ke tambang pekerja itu, dia harus tidak melakukan itu untuk
Kind of Direct Translation
This translation is in middle between wor-for-word translation and free-translation, so the
words are translated according to the structure of target language or fit it with the
structure of the target language.
English : Look at that mining worker, he shouldn’t be doing that for the safety.
Indonesian : Lihatlah ke pekerja tambang itu, dia seharusnya tidak melakukan itu demi
Oblique Translation Techniques
Oblique Translation Techniques are used when the structural or conceptual elements of
the source language cannot be directly translated without altering meaning or upsetting
the grammatical and stylistics elements of the target language.
Kind of Oblique Translation Techniques

◦ This is the process where parts of speech change their sequence when they are
translated (blue ball becomes boule bleue in French). It is in a sense a shift of word
class. Grammatical structures are often different in different languages.
◦ Transposition is often used between English and Spanish because of the preferred
position of the verb in the sentence: English often has the verb near the beginning of a
sentence; Spanish can have it closer to the end.

◦ Modulation consists of using a phrase that is different in the source and target languages to
convey the same idea: Te lo dejo means literally I leave it to you but translates better as
You can have it. It changes the semantics and shifts the point of view of the source
◦ Through modulation, the translator generates a change in the point of view of the message
without altering meaning and without generating a sense of awkwardness in the reader of
the target text.
◦ It is often used within the same language. The expressions es fácil de entender (it is easy to
understand) and no es complicado de entender (it is not complicated to understand) are
examples of modulation.
Reformulation or Equivalence
◦ We have to express something in a completely different way, for example when
translating idioms or advertising slogans.

◦ Adaptation occurs when something specific to one language culture is expressed
in a totally different way that is familiar or appropriate to another language
culture. It is a shift in cultural environment.

◦ In general terms compensation can be used when something cannot be
translated, and the meaning that is lost is expressed somewhere else in the
translated text.
The Difficulties of Make a Good
◦ Idiom
Idiom is a word that usually used in daily activities , and sometimes these words are
◦ Social Culture
Social culture is one thing that make you to translate the sentences hardly. Because when you
translating a language , the social culture of another country could make a different meaning.
◦ Ambiguity
Ambiguity is a case when one word have two meanings , so that can make the process of
translating is harder
◦ Terms
Terms is a word that usually used contextually ,such as , economic terms , engineering terms ,
medicine terms an so on .
Good Translator
◦ Always translate into your native language.
◦ Search for a new idiom of language that you want to translate.
◦ If you unsure with rhe meaning a word or phrase , always check your dictionary.

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