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Protractor - Automation Testing Tool

Parameshwar Ramanan (252624)

 What is Protractor
 Why Protractor
 Selenium-Java vs Protractor - JS
 Prerequisites & Protractor installation
 Javascript Concepts (relative to protractor)
 Element Locator Strategy
 Jasmine Framework
 Configuration File
 Specification File
 Demo

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What is Protractor

 Developed by Google and released to Opensource

 E2E Automation Testing Tool
 Specialized for AngularJS based Web Applications
 Javascript package in npm, Package Manager for NodeJs Run Time Environment
 Runs on Selenium WebdriverJs
 Uses Jasmine framework as default

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Why Protractor?

 Webpages are transitioning from traditional multipage approach to Angular based Single Page
 Provides Angular Specific Locator Strategies
 PageObject Model Implementation
 Faster Execution by reducing explicit waits
 Uses same language as the application development language
 Uses Test Framework which is most commonly used for AngularJs Unit Tests

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Selenium-Java vs Protractor-JS

Selenium Java Protractor JS

• Uses Webdriver • Uses WebDriverJS

• Synchronous Execution • Asynchronous Execution

• Ease to use control flow • Need to understand control flow

• Primarily for Non-Angular Web pages • Primarily for Angular Web pages

• Depends on non angular locator • Angular Exclusive Locator Strategies

strategies for Angular Pages for Angular Apps and can support Non
Angular Pages with traditional element
• Numerous Framework locators
• Limited Framework Implementations
• Easier Learning Curve with online
support • Comparatively steeper Learning Curve

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 Nodejs
– Run node --version in cmd prompt to verify installation
– Add node path to Environment variables
 Java
– Run java -version in cmd prompt to verify installation
– Add jdk bin path to Environment variables path and jdk JAVA_HOME variable

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Protractor Installation
 Ensure npm is installed once nodejs installation is complete
– Run npm –version in command prompt

 If you are behind a proxy server, Setup proxy:

– use "username:password" if your password contains @ character
– npm config set proxy http://username:password@proxyurl:portnumber
– npm config set https-proxy http://username:password@proxyurl:portnumber
– npm config set http-proxy http://username:password@proxyurl:portnumber
– npm set registry

 Protractor Global Installation

– npm install –g protractor in cmd prompt (Use npm install –g protractor@<<version>> to install any particular version)
– Installs the protractor package in node_modules folder in C:\Users\<<Username>>\AppData\Roaming\npm folder
 Protractor local Installation
– Navigate to directory via cmd prompt where protractor installation is needed
– npm install protractor in cmd prompt (Can use the same variant as above for installing specific version)

 Installing Webdrivers for browsers

– If behind a proxy, run webdriver-manager --proxy http://username:password@proxyurl:portnumber update
– If not, webdriver-manager update
– Installs selenium standalone driver, chromedriver & geckodriver for firefox
– webdriver-manager --proxy http://username:password@proxyurl:portnumber update –ie for installing internet explorer driver
– webdriver-manager update --ie if not behind a proxy
 Note: Any installation issues due to proxy, reach out to IDM to get the tools & drivers installed via CR
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Javascript Concepts (relative to Protractor)

 Variable declarations
– var is the generic datatype
– Eg: var text, var number
 Conditional Statements
– If-else, If-else If
 Loops
– Prefer forEach over traditional for loop
 Methods
– Write and invoke functions
 File Read/Write
– Utilize the fs npm package
 Promise
– Handling promises to control execution flow

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Element Locator Strategy
 by object for locators
– Eg:,, by.model, by.css, by.binding

 element function to invoke the webelement

– Eg: element(“idvalue”))

 To get multiple elements – element.all

– Eg: to get all buttons in the page – element.all(by.tagName(“button”))

 Can chain multiple element calls to reach a particular web element

– Eg: element(by.tagName(“button”)).element(by.tagName(“span”))


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Jasmine Framework

 Behavior driven framework for Javascript

 Test Suites & Test Cases are considered as functions
 Test cases are called as specs
 Test Suites defined by describe function
 Specs are defined by it function
 Assertions are done via expect statement with checks like toEqual, not.toEqual, toContain, toBeLessThan
 beforeLaunch & afterLaunch functions to run a block of code before/after the execution
 beforeEach & afterEach functions to run a block of code before/after every test spec

Reference: (for Jasmine 2) [Latest stable release Jasmine 3.4]

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Configuration file

If set to true, it runs on any port.

If commented, need to run
webdriver-manager start command
to start the selenium server

Browser capabilities

Framework Details

Address where the selenium

server runs
Test Suite to execute

Timeout value for each of the spec

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Specification file (Test Suite)

Test Suite
Test Spec 1

Test Spec 2

Test Spec 3

Test Spec 4

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Sample Automation Demo

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