Analog Modulation (AM) : Teguh Firmansyah., S.T, M.T

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Chapter 3 :

Analog Modulation (AM)

Teguh Firmansyah., S.T, M.T.

11/11/2019 Basic Telecommunication


 Introduction to Modulations
1. Amplitude Modulation (AM)

2. Frequency Modulation (FM)

3. Angle Modulation (AM)

Basic Telecommunication
What is modulation?

 What is modulation?
 a process of changing one or more properties of
the analog carrier in proportion to the information
 One of the characteristics of the carrier signal is
changed according to the variations of the
modulating signal.
 AM – amplitude, E
 FM – frequency , ω
 PM - phase , θ

Basic Telecommunication
Why modulation is needed ?

 Why modulation is needed?

 To generate a modulated signal suited and
compatible to the characteristics of the
transmission channel.
 For ease radiation and reduction of antenna size
 Reduction of noise and interference
 Channel assignment
 Increase transmission speed

Basic Telecommunication

 Denote m(t) as the analog signal to be transmitted.

 The signal m(t) is assumed to be a lowpass signal of
bandwidth W and is a power-type signal with

T /2
Pm  lim
m(t ) dt
T  T T / 2

 The message signal m(t) is transmitted through the

communication channel by putting it on a carrier
signal of the form
c(t )  Ac cos(2f ct  c )

carrier amplitude carrier amplitude carrier phase

Basic Telecommunication

• The signal m(t) modulates the carrier signal c(t) in three

– Amplitude Modulation (AM)
– Frequency Modulation (FM)
– Phase Modulation (PM)
• Objectives of modulation
– Translate the low pass signal m(t) to bandpass signal to match
the passband characteristics of the channel.
– Accommodate for simultaneous transmission - frequency-
division multiplexing (FDM).
– Increase the noise immunity in transmission by expanding the
bandwidth of the transmitted signal.

Basic Telecommunication

 The message signal m(t) is impressed on the

amplitude of the carrier signal c(t).

 Types of amplitude modulation

 Double-sideband, suppressed carruer AM (DSB-SC AM)
 Conventional double-sideband AM
 Single-sideband AM (SSB AM)
 Vestigial-sideband AM (VSB AM)

Basic Telecommunication
3.2.1 Double-Sideband Suppressed Carrier AM

 A double-sideband, suppressed carrier (DSB-SC) AM

signal is obtained by multiplying the message signal
m(t) with the carrier signal c(t).
 Amplitude modulated signal (DSB-SC)
u (t )  m(t )c (t )
 Ac m(t ) cos( 2f ct  c )
 The spectrum of the modulated signal can be
obtained by taking the Fourier transform of u(t).
U ( f )  F m(t ) F Ac cos( 2f ct  c )

 M( f )
Ac jc

e  ( f  f c )  e  jc  ( f  f c ) 

 
M ( f  f c )e jc  M ( f  f c )e  jc
Basic Telecommunication

Basic Telecommunication
Ac ka Ac
S ( f )  [ ( f  f c )   ( f  f c )]  [ M ( f  f c )  M ( f  f c )]
2 2

Spectrum of baseband signal. Spectrum of AM wave.

Basic Telecommunication
 The magnitude of the spectrum of the message signal m(t) has been
translated or shifted in frequency by an amount f c
 The phase of the message signal has been translated in frequency
and offset by the carrier phase
 The bandwidth of the AM signal is 2W, where W is the bandwidth of
 The upper sideband of U(f) contains all the frequency contain of the
message signal M(f).
 u(t) does not contain carrier components - u(t) is called a
suppressed-carrier signal (DSB-SC AM signal)

Basic Telecommunication
• To compute power content of DSB-SC signal, we first
evaluate the time-average autocorrelation function of the
signal u(t)
1 T /2
Ru ( )  lim 
T  T T / 2
u(t )u(t   )dt

1 T /2 2
 lim 
T  T T / 2
Ac m(t )m(t   ) cos( 2f ct ) cos( 2f c (t   )) dt

m(t )m(t   )cos( 4f ct  2f c )  cos( 2f c )dt
1 T /2

T   T T / 2

Basic Telecommunication
1. The power spectral density of the DSB-SC signal is the
power spectral density of the message shifted upward and
downward by f c and scaled by Ac2 / 2

2. The power of the modulated signal

Ac2 Ac2
P u  Ru (0)  Rm (0)  Pm
2 2

where Pm  Rm (0) is the power of the message signal

Basic Telecommunication
Demodulation of DSB-SC AM Signal

• In the absence of noise, and with the assumption of an

ideal channel, the received signal can be expressed as
r(t )  u(t )  Acm(t ) cos(2f ct  c )
• Demodulation of DSB-SC AM signal
– Multiply r(t) by a locally generated sinusoid cos( 2f ct   )
– Pass the product signal through an ideal lowpass filter having a
bandwidth W.
• Multiplication
r (t ) cos( 2f ct   )  Ac m(t ) cos( 2f ct  c ) cos( 2f ct   )
1 1
 Ac m(t ) cos(c   )  Ac m(t ) cos( 4f ct    c )
2 
   2 
low frequency component high frequency component

Basic Telecommunication
Conventional Amplitude Modulation

A conventional AM signal consists of a large carrier

component in addition to the double sideband AM
modulated signal. The transmitted signal can be expressed
u(t )  Ac [1  m(t )] cos(2f ct  c )
with condition m(t )  1

• Advantage: easy to demodulate

Ac m(t ) cos( 2f ct  c ) : DSB AM signal

Ac cos( 2f ct  c ) : carrier component

Basic Telecommunication
• It is convenient to express m(t) as
m(t )  amn (t )
where mn (t ) is normalized such that
max mn (t )  1

The above equation can be done by using

m(t )
mn (t ) 
max m(t )

• The scale factor a is called the modulation index. The

modulated signal can be expressed as
u(t )  Ac [1  amn (t )] cos( 2f ct )

Basic Telecommunication
Overmodulated (a > 1)
Basic Telecommunication
• The spectrum of the amplitude modulated signal u(t) is
U ( f )  F [amn (t )]  F [ Ac cos( 2f ct  c )]  F [ Ac cos( 2f ct  c )]

 aM n ( f ) 

Ac jc
e  ( f  f c )  e  jc  ( f  f c ) 


Ac jc

e  ( f  f c )  e  jc  ( f  f c )


Ac jc
e aM n ( f  f c )  e jc  ( f  f c )

 e  jc aM n ( f  f c )  e  jc  ( f  f c )

• The spectrum of a conventional AM signal occupies

bandwidth twice the bandwidth of the message signal.
Basic Telecommunication
Basic Telecommunication
Example: Suppose that the modulating signal mn (t ) is a
sinusoid of the form
mn (t )  cos( 2f mt ) f m  f c
Determine the Con-AM signal, its upper and lower
sidebands, and its spectrum, assuming a modulation
index of a.
Solution: The Conv-AM signal
u(t )  Ac [1  a cos( 2f mt )] cos( 2f ct  c )
Ac a
 Ac cos( 2f c t  c )  cos( 2 ( f c  f m )t  c )
lower sideband component

Ac a
 cos( 2 ( f c  f m )t  c )
upper sideband component

Basic Telecommunication
• The spectrum of the DSB AM signal
U ( f )  e  ( f  f c )  e  j  ( f  f c )
Ac j c c


e  ( f  f c  f m )  e  j  ( f  f c  f m )
Ac a j c c

 c e j  ( f  f c  f m )  e  j  ( f  f c  f m )
Aa c c

Basic Telecommunication
• We have already proved in the DSB-SC case, the power in the
modulated signal is

Ac2 Pm : power in the message signal

Pu  Pm

1 T /2
• For the conventional AM
m (t ) contains no DC component
Pm  lim 
T  T T / 2
(1  amn (t )) 2 dt
1 T /2
 lim 
T  T T / 2
(1  a 2mn2 (t )) dt

 1  a 2 Pmn
• Finally, we have Ac2 Ac2 2
Pu   a Pmn
2 2
Carrier power Message power
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