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Basic Etiquette for

Effective Communication
Prepared by: Eleanor Mesina
Some Basic Rules To Follow When Talking
1. Maintain an appropriate amount
of eye contact to the person you
are talking to.
2. Do not interrupt someone
3. Avoid using an angry or
inappropriate tone.
4. Avoid cussing or using
offensive words.
5. Respond to adults with “Yes
ma'am” or “No sir”.
6. Respect other people's comments,
opinions, and ideas.
7. When talking to a person, avoid
doing something else irrelevant.
8. Do not show disrepect with
9. When you receive something, do
not insult the gift or the giver.
10. Avoid clearing your throat repeatedly, popping or snapping your gum,
fiddling with your hair, smacking your lips, rolling your eyes, playing with
your jewelry, whispering when others are talking, jiggling change or keys in
your pocket, and repeating phrases over and over again like “you know” or
“like” as someone talks to you.
11. Be punctual always.
12. Say “thank you”, “please”, or “excuse me” when necessary.
13. If it is the first time in the day that one meets another person, it
is customary to greet them “Good day” or “Good morning”,
depending on what time of the day it is. However, when one
crosses that person multiple times during the course of the day, it is
necessary to acknowledge him with a nod or smile.
14. If someone bumps into you, say “excuse me”, even if it was not
your fault.
15. Listen attentively to the person speaking in front, even if it
seems boring.
Oral Communication (Spoken Messages)
1. Speak clearly and courteously.
2. Avoid the overuse of “I”, for Filipinos--
avoid using the word “bale”, “ayun nga” in
formal conversations like class
3. Think before you speak.
4. Say the main thoughts or points first and
then elaborate.
5. Apologize if you err or
6. Consider your audience and
empathize with your listener.
7. Use positive language.
8. Use standard language and enunciate words properly.
9. Show interest in the listener's response.


1. Use “uhm” or “ah” as fillers between words.
2. Be sarcastic.
3. Make personal attacks.
4. Be rude or pushy.
5. Jump from topic to topic without a transition.
6. Expect others to always agree with you.
7. Use informal words or phrases known only to a select
8. Cut off feedback.
Written Communication (Information
Given or Received in Writing)
1. Ask yourself: “What am I trying to
achieve by this communication?”
2. Use correct grammar, spelling and
3. Organize your writing logically.
4. Get to your point quickly. Do not beat
around the bush.
5. Make sure your message is
clear, concise, courteous,
complete, and correct.
6. Present data to support your
requests, conclusions, etc.
7. Avoid using slang words
when writing a formal message.
8. Be clear about the feedback
you want.
9. Choose an appropriate written communication medium. An electronic
mail message may be the faster method, but a printed or handwritten
document may better fit the circumstances.
10. Proofread your text even if the spelling checker says there are no
errors. Misspelled words and punctuation errors detract from your
message and convey a negative impression.
11. Ask others to review your work. It is often difficult to spot errors in
your own writing.
Thank You!

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