What Type of Resistance Training Program Can Help Increase Muscle Mass

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How is The correct intensity Monitored during the

aerobic exercise?
According to the Philippine National Guidelines
on Physical Activity, adolescents should engaged
in a total of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous
physical activities everyday. An exercise
performed at moderate to a vigorous intensity will
elevate the heart rate and breathing significantly. A
higher heart rate implies that the activity is more
intense. One of the best ways to set the correct
intensity of an exercise is by computing the target
heart rate (THR).
Finding the Heart Rate
Accurate measurement of exercise heart rate is
crucial in monitoring exercise intensity. Although
digital heart rate monitors are available and are
reasonably accurate, performing pulse rate measurement
is still encouraged.
Proper pulse rate measuring techniques are
done at the following:
• Apical site. This is taken at the apex of the heart and can
sometimes be felt very clearly by placing the heel of the hand
over the left side of the chest.
• Carotid pulse site. This pulse is taken from the carotid artery
just beside the larynx using light pressure from the tips of the
pointer and middle fingers. Remember, never check both
carotid artery at the same time.
• Radial pulse site. This pulse is taken from the radial
artery at the wrist, in line with the thumb, using the
tips of the pointer and middle fingers.
• Temporal pulse site. This pulse can sometimes be
obtained from the left or right temple with light
pressure from the tips of the pointer and middle
The target heart rate (THR) is computed based on the maximal
heart rate (MHR) and the resting heart rate. The MHR is the
highest number of heart beat per minute observed during a very
strenuous and exhaustive physical activity. It can also be
estimated by subtracting the age from 220. Meanwhile the
resting heart rate is the number of heart beat per minute
commonly measured lying down or right after waking up. It is
estimated by counting the pulse at the wrist, heart, head or neck
for 10 and 15 seconds and multiplying it by six (or four).
In monitoring Cardiorespiratory (Aerobic)
Exercise Intensity, fitness professionals must
educate the people on the proper and
recommended ways to monitor exercise intensity
for safe and effective programming. Several
methods are used to monitor exercise intensity.
The selection of methods depends on the fitness
professional’s expertise and access to testing data (stress
test work load and heart rate) and ability to perform
certain monitoring techniques. It is important that
fitness professionals understand the proper techniques,
precautions, and limitation of its method so they can
help individuals in adapting or modifying their exercise
There are two ways of determining the THR:
the maximum heart rate (MHR) method and the
heart rate reserve (HRR) method. MHR method is
a very common and easy way of determining
THR. To use this, determine first the MHR either
through maximal stress test or the age-adjusted
formula. (Age-estimated MHR =220-age). The
THR is more accurate when using a measured
MHR than the age-adjusted formula.
WHAT IS THE IDEAL Duration and frequency When designing an Aerobic exercise?

The Physical Activity of Pyramid for Filipinos

recommends aerobic exercise between three to five
times every week for 30 to 45 minutes. However, this
recommendation was made for adults, not for
The Philippines National Guidelines on
Physical Activity recommends a 40 minute
moderate-intensity structured activity plus a 20-
minute vigorous high-impact play. This means
that Filipino adolescents should spent at least one
hour of moderate to vigorous exercise or physical
activity everyday. These recommendations serves
as guidelines or designing an aerobic exercise
Aside from these recommendations, it is also
important to consider the current fitness level and the
intensity of the aerobic exercise to be performed. It is
not wise for a beginner to spend one hour everyday
performing vigorous intensity aerobic exercise. A better
option would be to engage in aerobic exercise on
alternate days to allow recovery and prevent overuse
injuries. On the other hand, a trained athlete can
exercise from 5 to 6 times every week because his/her
body can tolerate the workload without getting injured.
Aside from considering the fitness level and
training experience, the intensity of the activity
should be taken into consideration. Some forms of
aerobic training are too intense that they cannot be
performed for prolonged periods. For example,
sprint interval training is more intense than a
normal jogging routine. Furthermore, some types
of activities increase the risk of muscle soreness
that an individual should be allowed more time to
What is the best aerobic
exercise in increasing aerobic
There’s is no single aerobic exercise that can be
considered the best because it depends on the goals of an
individual. The adaptation of the body to aerobic exercise
is specific to the activity performed. If the goal of an
individual is to be able to finish a marathon race, the
exercise in his/her should primarily focus on running.
Aside from the adaptations that occur in cardiorespiratory
system, the muscles involved in the activity also develop
localized endurance which will not happen if the
individual chose a different form of exercise.
Personal preference is also another key factor
when deciding what type of exercise should be
incorporated in the program. The individual
should also take into consideration the activities
familiar with him/her. An individual can choose
various types of training programs depending on
his/her capacity and performance.
Long and slow training
- type of aerobic training program which utilize a low
to moderate intensity exercise that should maintained
for at least 45 minutes.
High intensity continuous training
- program involves continuous vigorous intensity
activities performed for 20 to 30 minutes.
High intensity interval training
- protocol involves repeated maximal work combined
with active recovery in between. The “all – out” work is
usually between 20 to 30 seconds and the active rest is
between 30 to 45 seconds.
Fartlek training
- program is an unstructured combination of maximal
and sub-maximal work that lasts for 30 to 45 minutes.
What is the best
indicator for an
enhanced aerobic
- the best indicator for an enhanced
cardiorespiratory function is the maximal
amount of oxygen that the body can consume
during exhaustive exercise – the VO2 max.
VO2 max, usually expressed a millimeters of
oxygen consumed per kilograms of weight/
minute. It shows how much oxygen is being
used and how effective the body is in
utilizing it.
As the body adopts to the aerobic training
programs, the muscles becomes better at
extracting oxygen from the blood and using it to
generate energy through the aerobic system.
- the average VO2 max for females is around 35
mL/kg/min. In males, is around 45 mL/kg/min. On
the other hand, endurance athletes exhibit high
scores ranging from 60 mL/kg/min to 80
The higher VO2 max observed among
endurance athletes is primarily show to
the increased ability of the heart to pump
more blood in every beat. The adaptation
is crucial to them because they get more
blood into the working muscles with less
obtain on the heart.
As a result, the heart of an endurance
athlete does not have to beat as frequent
because it can achieve the same work with
less action. The resting heart rate of
endurance athletes are usually below 60
beats/ minute while a sedentary person is
above 60 beats/minute.
How is workload
increased in order to
improve one’s aerobic
It is recommended that an individual with no
exercise background should start on low intensity
exercises and gradually increase the intensity at
the same time. The body starts to adapt several
days after the start of the training program. An
individual would usually feel an improved aerobic
capacity after two weeks of regular training.
The increase in the workload should not be
more than 10% of the previous load. It is
recommended that an individual should focus
on increasing intensity. A gradual increase in
workload every two weeks is recommended
to prevent burn-out ang injuries.
Is it safe for people with
asthma and heart disease
to engage in aerobic
People with asthma ang heart disease have a
limited capacity to perform physical activities.
A well – designed exercise program can help
increase their functional capability, it is
important that precautionary measure should be
performed prior to implementing an aerobic
exercise program.
First, people with these conditions should
seek a medical clearance before performing
an exercise program.
Second, they should also consult a
clinical exercise physiologist to help them
plan an exercise program as well as modify
the exercise according to what hey can
An individual should learn and listen to
his/her body and adjust the exercise or
program accordingly. If a sharp pain is felt
while doing an exercise, the activity should
be stopped immediately and consult the
trainer or the doctor as soon as possible.
Is there a gender
difference for aerobic
capacity and muscular
In generally, men have higher absolute aerobic
capacity and strength than women. Their higher
aerobic capacity is primarily attributed to a
larger heart and higher blood volume. As for
strength, men have higher muscle mass than
women. However, there is no difference in force
output if individual muscle fibers are compared.
The greater muscle mass in men is due to the
testosterone level which is 10 times higher compared
to women. The difference in absolute strength is more
obvious when upper body strength is compared to
women. Studies show that the difference in lower
body strength between males and females is negligible
because the broad hip in women is capable of
supporting more muscle tissue.
How does anabolic
steroids increase
muscle mass?
Anabolic steroids mimic the action of
testosterone in the body. Testosterone is a
hormone that interacts with other hormones
and instructs the body to build tissues. The
hormone enters the nucleus of the cell and
interacts with the DNA.
The cell start to synthesize proteins that
promotes growth. Its effect in the muscle
tissue in hypertrophy. In addition,
testosterone has a masculinizing effect such
as decrease in fat stories, increase in facial
hair, and a deeper voice.
• Anabolic steroids are used for hormone replacement therapy in
men with low levels of naturally-produced testosterone. These
drugs are commonly abused by body builders and other
athletes to enhance appearance and improve performance. The
use of these drugs outside the medical field is greatly studied.
• Research shows that abuse of these drugs may do more harm
than good because of several side effects including liver
damage, decrease in natural testosterone level, decrease In
sperm production, increase in bad cholesterol, irritability, and
-Is resistance training safe for children and adolescent?
The musculoskeletal structures of children and
adolescent are susceptible to injuries if the
workload is more than what their bodies can
tolerate. As they mature, the growth plates of the
bones starts to calcify and fuse then completely
hardens between ages 18 to 25. While the bone is
still young, these regions of the bone cannot
tolerate large amounts of stress and can fracture
Once the plates are injured, it can stunt the
growth of the child. It is important that the
adolescent trains within the allowable limits
in order to stimulate bone growth without
causing injury.
The resistance training program for
children and adolescents should be properly
planned and taught.
It is necessary that the fitness expert
supervise the exercise session and ensure that
the child performs the correct technique.
Aside from focusing on proper form, the
child should avoid exercises wherein the load
is lifted above the head. The child should
start with alight load and perform one to three
sets of 10 to 15 repetitions per set.
The intensity should be increased gradually at less
than 10% of the previous load. The exercise sessions
should be scheduled twice a week with rest days in
between. The program should also include single joint
and multi-joint exercises but exclude Olympic lifts. In
addition, a series of stabilization exercises for the lower
back and shoulder should be included in the program.
Aside from these safety precautions, the exercise
program for adolescents is similar with that of the
What exercises should
beginners start with and how
heavy should they lift?
A novice lifter should start with a low load while
emphasizing on technique. Resistance training puts
an excessive load on the musculoskeletal structures
which can lead to injury if not properly performed.
Some fitness trainers advocate the use of machines
over free weights for novice lifters because it is safer
and easy to teach. The limitation of using machines
is that movement usually occurs in a single plane and
does not imitate the normal human movement that
occurs at different planes.
On the other hand, some trainers would
emphasize on using free weights like dumbbells
are barbells because it emphasize on learning the
proper technique, balance, and coordination.
Learning the technique takes more time but the
exercise is more functional compared to exercises
performed using a machine.
The recommended intensity or load for a novice
lifter is around 50% to 60% of his One Repetition
Maximum (1RM) for 8 to 12 repetitions. The 1Rm
is the heaviest load that the individual can lift with
just one repetition for that exercise; hence, the
load is usually expressed as a percentage of an
individual’s 1Rm. The 1Rm can be assessed
through a trial-and-error method with supervision
or it can be estimated using a conversion table.
What type of resistance
training program can help
increase muscle mass?
Hypertrophy is dependent on several
factors such as muscle fiber type,nutrition,
homeone level, and type of resistance
program. The muscle is comprised of
different types of muscle fibers and each type
has a different characteristics.
Muscle fibers are commonly subdivided into
fast twitch and slow twitch. These fibers differ
significantly in thier ability to generate force as
well resist fatigue. On the other hand, fast twitch
fibers are bigger in diameter, generate high force
output, and have lower resistance to fatigue. Fast
twitch fibers increase in size as a result of
resistance training while slow twitch muscle fibers
tend to remain the same.
An individual's ability to bulk up is dependent
on which fiber type is predominant in his/her
body. The distribution and proportion of a fiber
type is genetically predetermined.
An important factor that influences hypertrophy
is recovery. The muscles should be given ample
time to replenish the stored energy and adequate
resources to repair the muscle fiber.
Recovery and adaptation is coordinated by the
endocrine system. Proper nutrition and adequate
hormonal levels would considerably improve the
ability of the muscles to increase in size.
There are several forms of resistance training
programs and each one creates a unique
adaptation on the individual muscle fiber.
Resistance training program are commonly
classified based on the goal of the individual.
A strength program emphasize in increasing the force
production capability of the muscle.
An endurance program is characterized by high
repetitions because it emphasizes on the ability of the
muscle to resist fatigue.
A hypertrophy program emphasizes on increasing
muscles size without being concerned with increasing
A power program trains the muscles to increase speed
and explosiveness of movement.
Variable Strength Endurance Hypertrophy Power

Load 85% - 100% of 1RM 40& - 6-& of 1RM 65% - 85% of 1 RM 30% - 455 or 75% -
95% of 1RM

Pepetitions 1–5 12 – 20 6 – 12 1 – 5 or 6 – 12

Sets 4–6 1–3 3–5 3–6

Rest Interval 3 – 5 minutes Less than 60 Less than 60 3 – 5 minutes

seconds seconds

Exercise Multi-joint Single oint Single joint at

various angles Olympic lifts
Are women going to bulk up if they lift
The chance of women bulking up is low
because their average terestosterone level is lower
than men. The lower concentration of
terestosterone reduces the capacity of the muscle
cells to increase in muscle size. Before puberty,
the testosterone levels of males and females are
almost similar.
At the start of puberty, the testosterone level of
males increases tenfold while the level in females
remains the same. Women who artificially
increase their testosterone level will spark the
same masculinizing changes observed in men and
this includes muscle mass increase.
Aside from the genetic tendencies,
testosterone level alsoincreases with
resistance training. Studies show that in men,
a resistance training program that
incorporates large muscle groups multi-joint
exercise, high work load, and short rest
intervals is able to increase the testosterone
level in the blood.
Studies among female lifters show a
minimal rise in testosterone as a result of
resistance training. The chance of a female
lifter to increase her muscle mass is low
because testosterone does not significantly
increase after performing resistance
How can the risk of injury be minimized when
performing resistance exercises?
There is an increased risk for injuries when
lifting weights because the stress can be too
high than what the individual can tolerate.
Furthermore, accidents can happen when the
individual is not focused.
It is important for an individual to get a
medical clearance first before lifting weights
especially if he/she has been sedentary for a
long time. Another way of reducing injury
risk is by following the training program and
increasing the workload gradually.
An adequate warm-up is also recommended
before the actual workout to prepare the muscles
for a more strenuous activity. The lifter should
focus on learning the technique before increasing
the load especially for multi-joint exercises (i.e
squat) or Olympic lifts (i.e., snatch). It is advised
to perform sufficient warm-up before lifting loads
close to an individual's TRM,
When lifting loads close to 1RM, an individual
should also ask for a spotter who will assist in
case he/she is unable to continue the repetition.
Lastly, an individual should inhale during the easy
part of the movement and exhale during the
"sticking point" or difficult part of the movement.
Exhaling at the sticking point ensures that blood
flow in the chest remains normal.
Flexibility is the available range of motion
for each joint.It varies from joint to joint and
from person to person.Flexibility can be
classified as active which implies that the
limb is moved through muscle action or
passive when the limb is moved by an
external force.
Some joints have limited range of motion(ex.
vertebal joints) while some joints have ability to
move along different planes(ex. shoulder
joints).Furthermore,the joint structure and the
tissues surrounding the joints determine its range
of motion.
Will individuals with poor
flexibility suffer injuries?
Poor flexibility changes normal movement
patterns and posture.Aside from increasing
range of motion flexibility exercises corrects
muscle imbalance and helps improve
neuromuscular efficiency.For example ,a low
back pain is commonly due to tight
hamstrings and trunk muscle imbalance.
A stretching exercise program for the
hamstring muscles and other muscles
surrounding the hip joint will improve
flexibility around the joint and reduce the
occurence of low back pain.
What type of stretching exercise
can be included in one's
comprehensive training
There are four types of flexibility training
programs: static, dynamic, ballistic, and
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
(PNF).Static stretching is a slow and sustained
muscle-tendon lengthening exercise usually held
at the end of ROM(range of motion)for 30
seconds. Dynamic stretches lenghten the muscle-
tendon unit by slowly moving the limb throughout
the entire range of motion but the position is not
held or sustained.
The exercise is performed repeatedly to
improve the range of motion.Ballastic stretching
incorporates rapid movements(ex. bouncing) to
lengthen the muscle-tendon unit.The momentum
lengthens the muscle beyond the normal
range.PNF is usually an assisted stretching routine
wherein in the muscle-tendon unit is made to
contract a resistance followed by a passive
lengthening similar to the static stretch.
What is the best type of
stretching for beginners?
Experts recommend that beginners should
incorporate a static stretching program
because it is safer and easier.It is further
recommended to do stretching exercise at
least twice a week after the resistance training
session while the muscles are still warm.
Static stretching is also effective in
reducing muscle spasm or muscle
cramps.Cramps are uncontrolled contraction
of muscles which is usually a result of
dehydration,fatigue,or electrolyte imbalance.

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