Foundation Course 1

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 Overview of indian society

 Concept of disparity – I

 Concept of disparity – II

 The Indian Constitution

 Significant Aspects of Political Processes

 Cultureof India : languages, religions, dance,
music, food differ from place to place

 Often labelled as an amalgamation of several

cultures and has been influenced by history
 An ancient land beginning with the Indus
valley civilization - 5000 years ago

 Aryansspreas vedic civilization followed by

dravidian culture
 10th
century, islamic empires were

 India
gained independence in the late 1940s.
– 1947 through non violence movement led
by Gandhiji
 Theexistence or acceptance of multiple
cultural traditions within a single jurisdiction

 There are 22 major languages in India,

written in 13 different scripts, The official
Indian languages are Hindi (with
approximately 420 million speakers) and
English, which is also widely spoken
 Religiously, hindus form the majority,
followed by muslims
 Statistically
 Hindu : 80%
 Muslim : 13.4%
 Christians : 2.3 %
 Sikh : 2.1%

 Northeast people speak sino-tibetian

languages such as - Manipuri
 According to United Nations, Sex ratio is
defined as the number of males per 100

 SexRatio of India is 107.48, i.e., 107.48

males per 100 females in 2019.

 Itmeans that India has 930 females per 1000

males. In absolute terms, India has 48.20%
female population compare to 51.80% male
 India is the second most populated country
of the world after China.
 Population of India is projected close to 1.37
billion or 1,369 millions in 2019, compare to
1.354 billion in 2018.
 Population growth rate for 2019 is projected
at 1.08%. India will add 1.49 cr in 2019
 The rural–urban distribution
is 68.84% and 31.16% respectively
A substantial list of
Scheduled Tribes in India are recognised
astribal under the Constitution of India.

 Tribal people constitute 8.6% of the nation's

total population, over 104 million people
according to the 2011 census.
 Write a note on Indus Valley Civilization
 - what was it named after?
 - what were the major achievements of Indus
Valley civilization?
 - what did they invent?
 - what is indus valley civilization known for?
 Caste system in India is a symbol of social
 Consists of two different concepts – varna &
 Varna – translated as class- refers to 4 social
classes which existed in the vedic society
(period after Indus valley civilization)
 Varna refers to – Brahmins (priests),
kshatriyas (warriors), Vaishyas (traders) =
(Upper Caste) & Shudras (artisans) – (Lower
 Dalits were excluded from the varna system
and considered as untouchables (still are)
 Jati – translated as caste – refers to birth

 Castebased differences have been practised

like Buddhism, Christianity, Islam & Sikhism

 Post independence, caste based reservation

of jobs was formalised with lists if SC (Dalit)
& ST (Adivasi)
 Our country enacted many laws to protect &
improve the socio economic conditions of its
lower caste population
 Write a note on Culture of India
 What is multiculturism?
 Write a note on Languages in India
 Write a note on Caste in India
 Social Stratification : process by which
individuals & groups are ranked in a
hierarchy of status

 Divisionof society into permanent grouos of


 Itis the horizontal division of society into

higher & lower social units
1) It is social

2) It is ancient

3) It is universal

4) It is in diverse forms

5) It consequential
Income Race &
& wealth ethnicity

Gender Age
 Generally used to refer to situations in which
men are seen more important than women
 Men have greater access to prestige, wealth
& power in a society
 Gender inequality also exists globally.
 Measures to curb gender equality :
 - access to basic education
 - equality of economic opportunity
 - political empowerment
 Gender voilence against women – as per
national crime records bureau of India ,
24,923 case of rape were reported in 2012
amounting to a rape every 22 minutes

 Amendments made to criminal law are not

comprehensive – rape by armed personnel
are excluded if it occurs in several states of
India – jammu, northeastern states,
Communities Legislative
response response
• Nari adalat & • Comprehensive
sahara sangh in laws &
UP & Gujarat awareness of
these laws
Domestic legal
remedies in India
• UN world • Difference in
conferences to gender is strictly
address women prohibited
• National
• Stresses commission for
elimination of women Act was
voilence against set up in 1990
women for redressal
 The dowry prohibition Act 1961 : applies to
all people – of all castes
 The Indecent Representation of Women
(Prohibition) Act: indecent representation of
women through advertisement or any other
 The commission of Sati Act, 1987 :
prevention & glorification of Sati

 Protectionof Women from Domestic Voilence

Act, 2005: to protect the rights of women
 Disability : an impairment that may be physical,
cognitive, intellectual, mental that results in
restrictions on an individuals ability to
participate in their normal everyday society.

 It may be present by birth or occur during a

persons lifetime
 It’s a common perception to view disability as
retribution for past karma from which there can
be no reprieve

 Rights of the disabled have been recognized only

 Over650 million people around the world live
with disabilities

 United Nations human rights office raises

awareness, understands and recognizes
disability as a human rights issue

 AccessibleIndia is a govt. initiative that seeks

to make the country disabled friendly by
proposing to convert buildings with specialised
lifts, wheelchair ramps & other facilities
 MentalHealth Act 1987: is an act to
consolidate & amend the law relating to
treatment & care of mentally ill persons

 TheRehabilitation Council Act of India 1992:

was created to train Rehab Professionals

 The National Trust (for Autism, Cerebral

Palsy, Mental Retardation & Multiple
Disabilities) Act 1999: aims to provide total
care to persons with mental retardation etc.
the trust also provides grants and donations,
 Answer in 2 to 3 sentences:
 Define Multiculturalism
 What do you understand by Varna & Jati?
 What percentage of population constitutes
urban & rural in India ?
 Mention the names of Union Territories of our
 What do you understand by Social
 State any two Characteristics of Social
 What is honour killing?
 Mention any two response to violence against
 State the features of Dowry Prohibition Act
 What do you understand by Disability?
 Write short notes on:
 Crimes against Women in India
 Gender Stratification
 Tribal Population in India
 Caste in India
 Languages in India
 Caste system: heirarchially divides the society.
Sense of highness or lowness, superiority &
inferiority is associated with cast system

 Cast systems impose certain restrictions on

food habits of members and it differs from cast
to caste
 The idea of pollution as per cast system means
the touch of a lower caste man
 Casteism : a blind group loyalty towards ones
own cast or sub caste, not caring for interests
of other casts
Hereditary Endogamous Hierarchial

Fixed Restricted
occupations food habits

Absence of Reinforcement
vertical by religious
mobility beliefs
Prolongs the practice of untouchability
making it an obstacle

Proves to be a threat to peace &


Divides the society

Results in political disunity

Can be causing corruption indirectly

Leads to religious conversions

Providing value based education to
children from childhood

Various social agents to develop a

proper outlook among children

Awareness programs in rural areas

by social education

Encouraging inter caste marriages

Provision for equality to reduce

jealousy & competition
 Conflict : deliberate attempt to oppose or
resist the will of others
 Opposite of cooperation

 It’s a conscious action

 Lacks continuity & is universal

Individual differences

Cultural differences

Clash of interest

Social change
 Partition of British India (1947)
 Gujarat communal riots (1969)
 Anti-Sikh Riots (1984)
 Exodus of Kashmiri Hindus
 Religious involvement in North-East India
 1990 Hyderabad riots
 1991 Anti-Tamil violence of Karnataka
 1992 Bombay riots
 Graham Stuart Staines
 2002 Gujarat riots
 When the riot occurred?
 What was the reason behind it?
 What action did government take?
 How many people were affected?
 How did the issue get resolved?
 What is the current status of that issue?
 Diversity
of languages , cultures,
communities, religions & so on

 Regionalism has remained the basis for many

regional political parties
Low rate of economic growth

Socio economic & political organisation of


Low infrastructure in bacward states

Low level of social expenditure on

education, health & sanitation

Political & Administration failure

Son of the soil doctrine

Positive Negative

• Builds nation • Threat to

• Self development
determination • Politics of vote
towards state bank based on
• Balanced regional language
development • Demand for
• Helps people separate state
practice their • Law & order is
own culture disturbed
 Promote even development of neglected
 Central govt. must not interfere in affairs of
state unless unavoidable
 States should be given freedom to run their
own affairs
 Regular public investment by central govt
like – Midday meal, Pradhan Mantri Gram
Sadka Yojana, etc.
 Constitution of India has approved 22

 Language problem can pose a major threat to

national integration

 Although Hindi has been recognized as a

national language, it has promoted bitter
hostilities in South
Love of Literature

Geographical causes

Historic causes

Political causes

Psychological causes
Increasing regionalism

Formation of regional political parties

Persecution of linguistic minorities

Demand for separate states

Erosion of national feeling

Interstate border disputes

Development Of
national language

Development of script

Ban on political parties

& other organization
 Preamble to constitution of India : set of
guiding principles of the constitution

 Considered as the heart & soul of


 Itis referred to as the preface which

highlights the entire constitution
 WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly
resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN
to secure to all its citizens JUSTICE, social,
economic and political; LIBERTY of thought,
expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY
of status and of opportunity; and to promote
among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity
of the individual and the unity and integrity of
this 26th day of November, 1949, do HEREBY


1. To abide by the constitution & respect its ideal &
2. To cherish and follow the noble ideals which
inspired our national struggle for freedom.
3. To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and
integrity of India.
4. To defend the country and render national service
when called upon to do so.
5. To promote harmony and the spirit of common
brotherhood amongst all the people of India
transcending religious, linguistic and regional or
sectional diversities; to renounce practices
derogatory to the dignity of women.
6. To value and preserve the rich heritage of our
composite culture.
7. To protect and improve the natural
environment including forests, lakes, rivers and
wildlife, and to have compassion for living
8. To develop the scientific temper, humanism
and the spirit of inquiry and reform.
9. To safeguard public property and to abjure
10. To strive towards excellence in all spheres of
individual and collective activity so that the
nation constantly rises to higher levels of
endeavour and achievement.
11. To provide opportunities for education by the
parent the guardian, to his child, or ward
between the age of 6-14 years as the case may
Reminder to citizens

Warning against anti national activities

Source of inspiration

Promote integrity & cultural harmony

Develop respect for freedom fighters

Protection of environment

Educational opportunities

Safeguard human rights

 Willingness
to accept opinions or behavior one
may not agree with

 Showing respect for race, gender, opinions &

idealogies of other people

 Admiring the good qualities & works of others

 Toexpress ones viewpoint in a respectful way

while being considerate towards others
Acceptance of religious difference

Brings community together

Respect others ideas & thoughts

Essential for a peaceful world

Good relationship

Team work & coordination

 Improves economic performance of the
 Helps bring cooperation among communities
 Enables people to be more tolerant
 Brings success in life
 Reduces crime in society
 Encourages new ideas &views
1. Lengthiest constitution in the world

2. Written constitution

3. Lawyers paradise

4. Universal franchise

5. Secularism

6. Single Citizenship

7. Fundamental duties
8. Welfare state

9. Democratic system

10. Independent & integrated judiciary

11. Parliamentary form of govt.

12. Principles of state policy

13. Partly rigid partly flexible

14. Federal govt. with unitary bias

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