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 Is a Java program that runs with the help of a web

 All applets are sub-classes of the class ‘Applet’
 To create an applet, you need to import the following
two packages:
 java.applet
 java.awt

BY: MAHMOUD Java Applets 2

 An applet defines its structure from four events that take
place during the execution
 For each event, a method is automatically called
 Methods
 init( )
 start( )
 stop( )
 destroy( )

BY: MAHMOUD Java Applets 3

 Other related methods
 paint( )
 repaint( )
 showStatus( )
 getAppletInfo( )
 Applet methods init(), start(), stop(), destroy(), and
paint() are inherited by an applet
 Each of these methods is empty by default. Hence, these
methods are overridden
BY: MAHMOUD Java Applets 4
 An applet is compiled using the syntax
 To execute an applet, create an HTML file
which uses the applet tag
 The applet tag has two attributes
▪ Width
▪ Height
 To pass parameters to the applet, use the
‘param’ tag, followed by the ‘value’ tag
 Applet can be executed using an applet
viewer BY: MAHMOUD Java Applets 5
Import java.applet.Applet;
Import java.awt.Graphics;
Public class HelloWorldApplet extends Applet{
public void paint(Graphics g){
g.drawString(“Hello World”,50,35);

BY: MAHMOUD Java Applets 6

<title>Hello World</title>
This is an applet<p>
<applet codebase=“classes” code=“HelloWorldApplet.class”
width=200 height=300></applet>

BY: MAHMOUD Java Applets 7

 Applications run using the Java interpreter, while
applets run on any browser that supports Java, or use an
‘AppletViewer’ that is included in the JDK
 The execution of applications begins with the ‘main()’
method. This is not the case with applets
 Applications use the ‘System.out.println()’ to display the
output, while applets use the ‘drawstring()’ method to
display the output

BY: MAHMOUD Java Applets 8

 Cannot read or write files on the user’s file system
 Cannot communicate with an Internet site, but only with
one that serves the web page, including the applet
 Cannot run any programs on the reader’s system
 Cannot load any programs stored on the user’s system

BY: MAHMOUD Java Applets 9

BY: MAHMOUD Java Applets 10
 To pass parameter, the PARAM parameter is to be
included in HTML tag
 Example
<applet code = "Mybutton1" width = “100” height = “100”>
<PARAM NAME = “Mybutton” value = “Display Dialog”>

BY: MAHMOUD Java Applets 11

 Provided by AWT package
 Provides a collection of methods to draw the following
graphical figures
 Oval
 Rectangle
 Square
 Circle
 Lines
 Text in different fonts
BY: MAHMOUD Java Applets 12
 Methods to draw and fill polygons
 drawPolygon(int x[ ], int y[ ], int numPoints);

 fillPolygon(int x[ ], int y[ ], int numPoints);

BY: MAHMOUD Java Applets 13

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