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Introduction to Probability

Combination with Repetitions

Combination with Repetitions

Combination with repetition of size r of n objects is taking

selection of size r from a collection of n objects in the order
of not being noticed and repetition or replacement is
There are 3 balls with the colours Red, Green, Blue. How many ways to
select 4 balls from the 3 balls ?
Given n = 3 , r = 4 , so r ≥ n
Red = R , Green = G , Blue = B
We need 2 bars to separate the 3 differents object
R R || B B
We need 6 positions to put the 4 balls and 2 bars

6 6
The ways 4
or 2
Let S be a set with n different elements. The number of ways to
select r-elements from S (r ≥ n) are

𝐶𝑟r +n − 1 = 𝐶𝑛−1
r +n − 1

The formula represents r-combinations from a set with n elements,

when repetition is allowed.
Since there are n different objects, we need n-1 position to put the sign “ | “ to
separate the different objects.
It means that there are r + n – 1 positions, hence the number of ways to select r
objects are 𝐶𝑟r +n − 1 = 𝐶𝑛−1
r +n − 1

How many ways are there to select four pieces of fruit from a bowl
containing apples (A), oranges (O), and pears (P) if the order does not
matter and there are at least four pieces of each type of fruit in the
We need 2 bars to separate the 3 different fruits
And we will select 4 pieces of fruits
So we have 6 boxes (to put 2 bars and 4 fruits we will select)

A A | O | P

A | O O | P

A | O | P P


n (the number of different objects) = 3

r (the number of objects we will select) = 4
The ways to select is:
𝑟+𝑛−1 𝑟+𝑛−1
or 𝑛−1
4 + 3 −1 4 +3−1
  4
or 3−1
6 6
  4
or 2
6! 6!
  or
2!.4! 4!.2!
 

  15 ways
List of all the ways possible to select the fruit. There are 15 ways:
4 apples 4 oranges 4 pears
3 apples, 1 orange 3 pears, 1 orange 3 oranges, 1 apple
3 oranges, 1 pear 3 pears, 1 apple 3 pears, 1 orange
2 apples, 2 oranges 2 apples, 2 pears 2 oranges, 2 pears
2 apples, 1 orange, 1 pear 2 oranges, 1 apple, 1 pear 2 pears, 1 apple, 1 orange

The solution is the number of 4-combinations with repetition allowed from a three-element
set. (apple, orange, pear)
Exercise 1: Exercise 2
There are balls with 4 Suppose that a cookie shop
different colors Red, Green, has four different kinds of
Blue, Yellow. How many cookies. How many different
ways to select 5 balls from ways can six cookies be
the 4 different balls? chosen? Assume that only
the type of cookie, and not
the individual cookies or the
order in which they are
chosen, matters.
Exercise 3
How many solutions does the equations x1 + x2 + x3 = 11
have, where x1, x2, and x3 are nonnegative integers?

Exercise 4
From an equation x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 12, which xi is positive
integers. How many the possible solution?

Exercise 5
20 pieces of apples and 15 pieces of oranges will be
divided for 5 children, each of children is not allowed to
get more than 1 apple or orange, or not at all . How many
ways of dividing that can be done?
Solutions (Exercise 1):
So, we have:
We need 3 bars to separate the
n (the number of different objects) = 4
different 4 colors.
r (the number of objects we will select) = 5
And we will select 5 balls
So we have 8 boxes (to put 3 bars
The ways to select is:
and 5 balls we will select)
𝑟+𝑛−1 𝑟+𝑛−1
or 𝑛−1
R | G | B | Y Y
5+4−1 5+4−1
 5
or 4−1
R | G | B B | Y
8 8
R | G G | B | Y  5
or 3
R R | G | B | Y 8! 8!
 5!.3! or 3!.5!
R R | | G G | B
R | G G | B | Y
 3𝑥2

R R | | Y Y | G  56 ways

Solution (Exercise 2):
The number of ways to choose six cookies is the number of 6-combinations of a set
with four elements.
From the Theorem, this IS equal to
𝐶64 + 6 − 1 = 𝐶4−3
 𝐶69 = 𝐶39


 84
There are 84 different ways to choose the six cookies.
Solution (Exercise 3):
To count the number of solutions, we note that a solution corresponds to a way of
selecting 11 items from a set with three elements so that x1 items of type one, x2
items of type two, and x3 items of type three are chosen.
Hence, the number of solutions is equal to the number of 11-combinations with
repetition allowed from a set with three elements. From Theorem it follows that
there are
3 + 11 − 1
𝐶11 = 𝐶3−1
3 + 11 − 1 13
 𝐶11 = 𝐶213

13 ⋅ 12


 78 solutions
Solutions (Exercise 4):
To count the number of solutions, we note that a solution corresponds to a way of
selecting 12 items from a set with four elements so that x1 items of type one, x2 items
of type two, x3 items of type three, and 𝑥4 items of type four are chosen.
Hence, the number of solutions is equal to the number of 12-combinations with
repetition allowed from a set with four elements. From Theorem it follows that there
4 + 12 − 1
𝐶12 = 𝐶4−1
4 + 12 − 1
= 455 solutions.
Solutions (Exercise 5):
n = 5, r1 = 20 (apples) and r2 = 15 (oranges)
Divide 20 apples for 5 children: 𝐶20
5 + 20 − 1
5 + 20 − 1
Divide 15 oranges for 5 children: 𝐶15
5 + 15 − 1
5 + 15 − 1

The number of ways to divide is:

5 + 20 − 1 5 + 15 − 1
= 𝐶20 𝑥 𝐶15
= 𝐶20
24 19
𝑥 𝐶15

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