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- Is defined as a sacrament, a ritual or a service performed by man.

In some traditions, the sacraments of confirmation is the ritual by
which a young person becomes a official member of the Church.

- It builds on what was begun in baptism and what was nourished in

holy Eucharist.

- It completes the process of initiation into the Christian Community,

and it matures the soul for the work ahead.

- Instituted by Christ.

- Baptism

- Confirmation

- Holy Communion

PENTECOST – Birthday of the Church

- During Last Supper, Christ promised to descend to the Apostles the

Holy Spirit.

- 10 days after Jesus Christ ascended into heaven, the Apostles with
Mary gathered and received the Holy spirit like a wind.

- After that day, the Rites of Initiation started.

ACTS 1:8

“ You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has

come upon you.”

ACTS 8:16

“… they had only been baptized.”


*Candidate: Who receive already the Sacrament of Baptism.

*Confirmants must find Sponsor.

- The Sponsor must serve as a guide and also a role model
- It can be godparents.

Olive Oil, Water, “ Be sealed with the - Usually BISHOP

Bread gift of the Holy

- Usual Minister
4 Symbols of Confirmation:

Anointing the Chrism

- The anointing of the holy oil during confirmation is one of the most distinguishable
symbols of the rite. Its use is present in the rite of confirmation among Catholic,
Orthodox Christians, Angelicans, Lutherans, and other denominations. The Chrism, or
perfumed oil, signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit. The word Chrism comes from
“Christ” which in return symbolizes the relationship of Christ as “The anointed”
Sign of the Cross
- With the Chrism, the Bishop or priest makes the sign of the cross on each individual’s
forehead during confirmation.
Laying on of Hands
- This symbol replicates the times in the Bible when Jesus Christ would bestow the
Holy Spirit on those He healed and Blessed.
Sign of Peace
- The sign of peace symbolizes the unity of the Church and its members. In addition,
it symbolizes the presence of the Holy Spirit as a unifying influence.
- Wisdom

- Understanding

- Counsel or Right Judgment

- Fortitude

- Knowledge

- Piety or Reverence

- Fear of the Lord

WISDOM - the ability to judge and direct human affairs according to the divine

UNDERSTANDING - deep seeking and insights for our enternal salvation

COUNSEL - allows human to be directed by God according to his salvation

FORTITUDE - firmness of mind from evil and goodness

KNOWLEDGE - ability to judge correctly about matters of actions

PIETY - open heart paying worship and duty to God

FEAR OF GOD - this gift gives us the desire not to offend God, as well as the
certainly that God will supply us the grace that we need in order to keep from
offending him.
It is not actually necessary. It helps us during our way to eternal
life. It strengthen our soul and provide us the grace. It is basically
perfect the grace that we received during our baptism. Confirmed
individual must spread the good news of God.

It is highly recommended to receive it!

Group 4

Dolorito, Don Chester Ver M.

Sison, Alexia Vea
Kong, Erwin
Oliveros, Ian Emmanuel
Bermillo, Jewelle Singh
Pimentel, Jomar

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