Howard Sherman - MSCI

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ESG investing


Presentation for the UK-India Sustainable Investing Forum

The Guildhall, November 7 2019

© 2019 MSCI Inc. All rights reserved.

Please refer to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
Introducing MSCI ESG Research

ESG analysts1 London
(~350 FTE) Toronto Portland
Chicago Boston
San Francisco New York Tokyo
Gaithersbur Beijing
clients g

1000+ Monterrey Hong Kong

ESG equity & Manila

fixed income
indices use MSCI
ESG Research
ratings and data

1 Source:MSCI ESG Research as of March 2019. Includes full time employees, employees of foreign affiliates
providing investment advisory services to MSCI ESG Research LLC, and global allocated staff performing non- Cape Town Sydney
investment advisory tasks.

Our goal: help align investment design with
investor objectives
Incorporating ESG into investment strategy or creating products typically starts with
understanding client objectives, which may combine elements of managing long-term risk,
reflecting values and positive impact.

Investment Objectives Individual Objectives

Values “Our investments

should reflect
Integration our clients’ values”
“Incorporating ESG Values & Financial
may improve our Preferences Returns
investment results”

Financial returns Align portfolio with investor’s

ethical or political values

ESG criteria

Values & Financial

Incorporate ESG criteria to Preferences Returns

enhance long-term return, “We want our

manage ESG financial risk investments to make
Generate measurable social a difference in the
or environmental benefits as world”
well as financial returns

MSCI: A Leader in ESG Solutions
MSCI ESG Research LLC: More than 40 years
providing ESG ratings, research & data

300+ ESG employees working with institutional

investors around the world2
MSCI & MSCI ESG Research: Voted Best
Firm for SRI Research, Corporate USD $21.5Bn in 165 ETFs linked to
Governance and Sustainability Indexes* for MSCI ESG Indexes1
the 4th consecutive year
24 200
Innovative equity & fixed income indexes for 20
various ESG approaches* 160

AUM in $ billions
Market Leader with ETP Providers: 105 120

# of ETFs
• #1 in NET FLOWS gathered YTD 2019 linked to 12
MSCI ESG Indexes - $6B 69 0.8 20.2 80
• #1 in ASSETS linked to MSCI ESG Indexes - 12.4
29 0.4
$21.5B 4 9.0 40
14 13
• #1 in NUMBER of ESG ETFs – 165 1.4 2.1
0 0.9 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Q2'19
*MSCI ESG Indexes utilize information from, but are not provided Equity Fixed Income # of ETFs
by, MSCI ESG Research LLC. MSCI Equity Indexes are products
of MSCI Inc. and are administered by MSCI UK Limited
1 As of Jun 30 from Refinitiv; defined as each share class of an exchange traded fund, as identified by a separate Lipper ID.
Only primary listings, and not cross-listings, are counted. MSCI does not guarantee the accuracy of third party data.
2 Source: MSCI ESG Research as of March 2019. Includes full time employees, employees of foreign affiliates providing investment advisory services to MSCI ESG Research LLC, and global allocated 4
staff performing non-investment advisory tasks.
3 As of March 31, 2019; defined as each share class of an exchange traded fund, as identified by a separate Bloomberg ticker. Only primary listings, and not cross-listings, are counted.
India is a Strategic Market for MSCI
• Our Mumbai office employs more than 1,200, making it the largest MSCI office

• With 364 constituents, the MSCI India Investable Market Index (IMI) covers
approximately 99% of the free float-adjusted market capitalization of the Indian
equity universe.

• MSCI ESG Ratings are currently available for 222 Indian companies. Ratings
range from A to CCC.

• MSCI ESG Fund Ratings are currently available for more than 800 equity and
fixed income funds domiciled in India. Ratings range from A to CCC.

• In addition to the Indian offices of global banks and asset managers, MSCI ESG
Research clients now include some purely domestic asset managers - a
welcome trend!

• We are also witnessing growing interest from issuers who want to understand
their ESG Rating in order to respond to queries from institutional investors and
lenders, another healthy development for the market.

MSCI ESG India Leaders Index

MSCI ESG Indexes utilize information from, but are not provided by, MSCI ESG Research LLC. MSCI
Equity Indexes are products of MSCI Inc. and are administered by MSCI UK Limited. 6
Corporate Governance in India

Source: Corporate Governance in India, MSCI ESG Research, July 2019 7

ESG investing is growing
dramatically - why now?

ESG investing is growing dramatically…why now?
UN PRI* Has Grown to Over 1,900 Signatories 99% CAGR in ETF AUM Tracking
with $81.7 Trillion In AUM MSCI ESG Indexes since 2013

90 2500 As of Mar. 31, 2019 163

20 180
Assets Under Management (US$

80 149
2000 1.7 160

AUM (US$ billion)


N° Signatories
60 15
1500 120

# of ETFs
50 89

40 100
1000 10 71
30 16.8 80
20 500 34 12.4 60
10 5 18
9.0 40
0 0 0.1 4.1 20
2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 1.7
0 0.5 1.0 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Mar'19
AO Assets under Management Total AUM
Number of Asset Owners Number of signatories Equity Fixed Income # of Funds


1. Investors have 3. Greater 4. Improved

2. Investors
become less tolerant understanding of
demonstrating ESG
of corporate potential financial
willingness to act ratings
ESG incidents benefit

*United Nations Principles for Responsible Investing 9

1. Investors have become less tolerant of
Corporate ESG incidents
30 years ago, Exxon’s stock price barely moved when Exxon Valdez spilled 11mm gallons of oil on the Alaskan shore.*
Today, with social media allowing for immediate, global communication of issues, investors are making companies
accountable for their actions.

2. Greater understanding of potential financial
benefit of ESG strategies, and longer track records
A MSCI ESG Research study1 found that MSCI has a broad range of ESG Indexes with
companies with high ESG Ratings had higher significant live history. More than 120 have five or
profitability, lower tail risk and lower systematic more years of live history, with MSCI KLD 400
risk on average based on 10 years of data having the longest track record (28+ years).

Companies with higher MSCI ESG scores had MSCI KLD 400: 28+ years of live history
higher profitability and were more competitive
1000 1000
0.3 900 900
800 800
700 700
Gross Profitability – Z-Score

0.2 600 600

500 500
0.1 400 400

0 300 300

-0.1 200 200


100 100
-0.3 90 90
01 02 03 04 05 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16
Mean Current MSCI KLD 400 Social MSCI USA

1. “Foundations of ESG Investing, Part 1: How ESG affects Equity Valuation, Risk and Performance,” MSCI, November 2017.
Giese, Lee, Melas, Nagy, Nishikawa. 11
3. Investors demonstrating willingness to act
More than $250bn allocated to investments tracking / benchmarked to MSCI ESG equity & fixed income indexes since
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

MSCI CalSTRS Migros Ontario
Committed Commenced with $4.5bn Teachers
ACWI ESG 3% of domestic
Leaders $2.5bn to MSCI ACWI Pension Fund
MSCI ACWI equity ex China MSCI ACWI Ex
policy MSCI Japan
benchmar Low Carbon ESG Canada Ex
ESG Select Tobacco The State of
k Target Index Universal Connecticut
Leaders Index + policy
MSCI Japan benchmark Retirement
Empowering Plans & Trust
Taiwan Women Funds to track
$400m $2.4bn Willis Towers ESG index
World Low Swiss Re $750M United Nations
ACWI Pension Fund
Carbon ESG $130bn MSCI ACWI ex
Target Active listed equity Thermal Coal MSCI ACWI Ex
Factor Mix Tobacco Ex
Index Index and credit Adaptive
MSCI ESG Capped ESG Controversial
Leaders + Universal Index Weapons
AP4 Bloomberg policy
Targeting Barclays MSCI benchmark
100% of equity Corporate
portfolio Sustainability
allocation by Illamarinen
2020 ESG
MSCI Low benchmark
Carbon New Zealand indices based
indexes Super on MSCI’s
40% of sustainability
passive ratings
MSCI custom
Low Carbon

1 12
Based on publicly available information or press releases published from 2014 to date.
4. Improved ESG ratings now make it possible to
measure what was once unmeasurable
Over the last eight years, MSCI has made significant investments in our ESG Ratings.

Our approach focuses on (1) identifying most relevant risks by sector; (2) recording
forward-looking management data; and (3) incorporating unique alternative data
sources beyond company disclosed (or reported) data

More alternative data beyond company

More asset classes and securities covered
self-reported data (~45% in our model)
Historical ESG Data Coverage in Terms of Market
100% Capitalization within a commonly used Global High Yield
Mandatory Company 80% Index (USD)
20% Disclosures
Scores by Data Source,
% Contribution to ESG

80% 70%

Alternative Data 60%



20% Voluntary Company 30%

35% ESG Disclosure
0% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Historical ESG Coverage Ratio

2,434 constituents of the MSCI ACWI Index as of November 30, 2017 Source: JP Morgan. Blog: Systematic investing in ESG themes within the
Source: MSCI ESG Research USD high yield corporate bond market. August 23, 2018 Link

5. The Equifax example illustrates how a proper
ESG approach helped identify a material risk
ESG Ratings for Equifax highlighted key data breach risks more than one year before the breach.


MSCI ESG Research
AUG downgraded Equifax to “CCC”
2016 (lowest possible rating) because High weight on Data Privacy and Security
of cyber security concerns 1 key issue. The methodology-driven issue
selection triggers deeper analysis on what

DEC Excluded from MSCI ESG 2 Systematic review of forward-looking

2016 Leaders Index information (strategy, policies and targets)
across sector. EFX was weakest by far

Equifax confirms cybersecurity

3 Special focus on performance analysis.
EFX was already subject to major hack and
SEP breach, did not adapt. Use of alternative data
2017 compromising personal information sources (in this case, databases of hacks)
allows for more effective assessment
of up to 143 million customers compared to company reported data
CEO, Richard Smith resigns

Sources: MSCI ESG Research, NY Times 2017 14

Powering better investment decisions
MSCI can help you integrate ESG into your investment process and communicate with your
stakeholders using the common language of ESG Ratings:

1 Leading ESG Ratings & Research 2 Innovative equity & fixed income indexes for
various ESG approaches

Broad coverage with More than 900 indexes

more than 13,000 covering integration,
entities, >90% of equity values and impact
and FI MV

MSCI Emerging Markets

ESG Leaders Index

3 Market-leading risk analytics platform & 4 ESG expertise & network

ESG reporting

350+ ESG experts

Sophisticated ESG Analytics and over 600
and scalable reporting across individuals working
700,000 multi-asset class with investors
securities around the world

About MSCI

MSCI is a leading provider of critical decision support tools and

services for the global investment community. With over 45 years of
expertise in research, data and technology, we power better investment
decisions by enabling clients to understand and analyze key drivers of
risk and return and confidently build more effective portfolios. We
create industry-leading research-enhanced solutions that clients use to
gain insight into and improve transparency across the investment
process. To learn more, please visit

Contact us
+1 212 804 5299 +44 20 7618 2510 +612 9033 9339

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MIFID2/MIFIR notice: MSCI ESG Research LLC does not distribute or act as an intermediary for financial instruments or structured deposits, nor does it deal on its own account, provide execution services for others or manage client
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