Course Registration System Development: Online

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Online Course Registration

System Development
Online Course Registration System
The project aims to introduce Automated Student’s
Course Registration using computer .And we will
show how to use a process model to develop a
particular system .
 First meeting with Customer and Devoloper
 Customer Requirements
 Feasibility Anylysis
 Take dicidion whether we will take the job or not.
 Soft Team
 Required Resources
 User Interface
 Use a process Model
 System Design
 Testing & Quality Assurance

Conversation with Customer and Devoloper
Students of Stamford University, Bangladesh register for a
course in a manual process. An authority offers some courses
and notices the students. The processes are –
1. Authority offers courses
2. Notice the students
3. Student collect registration form
4. Students collect accounts clearance
5. Students submit registration from to the authority after
fill up
6. Authority checks pre-requisites
7. Authority registers students
Feasibility Anylysis
Feasibility study:
The feasibility study activity involves the analysis of the
problem and collection of the relevant information
relating to the product. The main aim of the feasibility
study is to determine whether it would be financially
and technically feasible to develop the product.

 Technical Feasibility
 Economic Feasibility
 Operational Feasibility
Feasibility study
Waterfall Model
Project initiation
Tracking Modeling
Design Construction
Test Deployment
Following Phases Occur In Waterfall Model
Communication is the first step before starting any software project. Before starting
any software project it is very important to understand what user wants what user wants
from software. Here in this phase we do requirement gathering. We must collect
requirement if we have requirements then we can proceed. For example user wants to
develop software for theatre management the developer does not know what to do and
how it should look like. Then user will provide necessary information to user.
Normally, planning means to draw out in detail what to do in future. Planning is very
crucial activity in software engineering. In this phase of development the manager plans
for future he decides what problems may occur in future, what are risks involved,
budged, cost, schedules etc.
In modelling the engineer designs the architecture of software which is similar to floor
plan of house.
The engineer makes detail design of software using requirements collected. You create a
“sketch” of the thing so that you’ll understand the big picture
This is also called as implementation here programmer implements the requirements
into programming language they code in particular programming languages.

Testing is very important phase basically testing is done to check weather software
meets customer requirement or not. In testing we find the problems in our system and
remove our problems.
There is lots of testing technique like black box testing, white box testing, top down
testing, bottom up testing.

The software (as a complete entity or as a partially completed increment) is delivered to
the customer who evaluates the delivered product and provides feedback based on the
Waterfall Model Advantages
 There are certain advantages of this model, which
makes it, one of the most widely used models as
yet. Some of them are:
 Being a linear model, it is very simple to implement.
 The amount of resources required to implement this model are
 Documentation is produced at every stage of the software's
development. This makes understanding the product designing
procedure, simpler.
 After every major stage of software coding, testing is done to check
the correct running of the code.
Waterfall Model with Feedback
Project initiation

Tracking Modeling
Design Construction
Test Deployment
Requirement analysis and specification
The goal of this phase is to understand the exact requirements of the
customer and to document them properly

Three interfaces to the system

Student Interface (web based)
Faculty Interface (web based)
Register Interface (windows based + web base )
Four types of users:
Project initiation
Requirements gathering
Answering the questions:
 What does the system need to do ?
 what are the functions, what business rules and logic
must be implemented?
 What information does the system need to contain?
 What are the constraints under which the system must
 What are major steps in student registration – they include:
 Remember, we need to determine: how should the process work
what should the steps be?
 What information is required to make the process work effectively
 what information is required to support each process step?
Project Requirement

 On line submission of application forms.

 There should be a proper login system for the user
where security is required.
 The web technologies to be used ; HTML, CSS,
JavaScript and php .
 The proper validation should be done.
Performance Requirements
 Each “click” should respond in no more than 3 seconds
 Longer search functions should not take more than 10 seconds
 Reasonable uptime is required.
 Quick recovery if system is ever down

Required Student Functions

 Registration
 Student Information
 Tuition Payment
 Information Search
 Schedule Function
 Courses
Functional Requirement
Requirement F1

Requirement Check Course Prerequisites


Requirement Describes the logic to be implemented to ensure that students have the proper prerequisites to take a given course.

Requirement Functional - Processing

Requirement The University has a set of rules that determine whether a student is eligible to take a given class. One rule is that in order to take a class,
details and students are sometimes required to take other classes that give them the required foundation for the class. These rules must be enforced
constraints: during the student enrollment process. The specific prerequisites to be implemented for each course can be found in the University calendar.

During the enrollment process, the system will:

•Retrieve the course the student wishes to enroll in
•Retrieve the students course completion history to determine the courses taken and completed successfully by the student
•Retrieve the prerequisites for the desired course
•Determine if the student has the appropriate prerequisites for the course
•If the student has the required prerequisites:
• Flag the course as OK, allow course to move to next step in the process (check enrollment)
•If the student does not have the appropriate prerequisite courses:
• Retrieve override information
• Determine if instructor has given student permission (through override) to enroll in the course
• If yes, allow course to move to check enrollment step
• If no, end message to student that enrollment not allowed.
Revision date 10/11/2013
and reversion
Criticality: Must
Functional Requirements
Requirement F2

Requirement Course data


Requirement Describes required system-maintained course data


Requirement Functional - Data


Requirement A course is an educational offering of the University. The system must maintain the following
details and information regarding courses:
•Course Title.
•Course description
•Program of study. Each course is assigned to a given program (e.g., Biology, Information Systems,
Business Administration)
•Prerequisites. A prerequisite is another course that a student must take to be eligible to for a given
course. Each course may have zero, one or many prerequisites

Revision date 10/15/2013

and reversion
Criticality: Must
Technical Requirement
Requirement T1

Requirement Enrollment service requirements


Requirement Describes the technical service requirements to be placed on the system in terms of number
text: on concurrent users and location of users.
Requirement Technical

Requirement •The student enrollment process must be able to allow 100 students to enroll concurrently.
details and •The system must support students enrolling locally (in university computer labs) as well as
remotely (e.g., from dorm rooms on campus or from homes)
•The system must support ‘locking down’ the enrollment process to specific locations during
peak registration periods. For example, the system must allow access only from specific
computer lab computers during the freshman registration period

Revision date 10/11/2013

and reversion

Criticality: Must
After analysis the requirement we decide that we need
to create following web pages

 Home Page  Page for advisor

 Login Page  Page for register
 My Page  Page for student
 Registration page  About subject
 Change Password  Student list
 Edit Profile  Student information
 FAQ  Notification
 Contact Us
Teem and Project manager
Time Schedules
Cost Schedules
Project Manager

Designer analyst Testers Programmers

Cost and budget
 Engineer Costs based Engineer Estimated Hours Estimated Cost

on $40/hr for Habib




Engineers and $80/hr Tondra 261 $10,440

for the Manager Gini 136 $10,880

Total Estimated Cost $41,840

 Testing Cost 40% .

 Other Cost including


Item Item Count Item price

Computers (laptop) HP Probook 4540 4 600$ for each one
Africom Internet provider - 50$ in month
Electricity Generator 2 300$ for each one
Office - 200$ in month
External Hard Drive 2 100$ for each one
Team salary 6 500$ per month (5500$)
MS project 5 100$
Office 2007 5 100$
ASP.NET 2 100$
Monitors program 1 100$
Upload services - 72$ in year
Anti-virus (avira) 5 30$
Foods and drinks for ( breakfast, lunch and dinner) 6 10$ for
each person in a day (3600$)
Total 13,302$
This model contains 6 phases
3. Design
 The goal of this phase is to transform the requirement specification into a
structure that is suitable for implementation in some programming language.

4.Implementation and unit testing

 During this phase the design is implemented. Initially small modules are
 tested in isolation from rest of the software product.

5. Integration and system testing

 In this all the modules are integrated and then tested altogether.

6.Operation and maintenance.

 Release of software inaugurates the operation and life cycle phase of the
 operation.
 The phases always occur in this order and do not overlap

• Analysis
• Design
• ERD Modeling
• DFD Modeling
• Diagram

Use Case Diagram
Activity diagram:
Enroll in Course: Current situation

Student Advisor Registrar

Reg. Form
Select Courses Reg. Form
Review request
Determine if prereqs.
Wait in line,
usually in rain.

Registration open yet? Determine if

space available in
sections) taught
Y Review forms
N Can student enroll?
Line up for professor
Y Reg. Form
Form OK? N
Enroll student,
update form
Y Reg. Form

Y Need another course?
data into
N computer

Bring Reg. Form

form to
registrar table
Design Project
 Testing Procedures

 The most practical test for our system will be to have a tester use all its
functions while trying to register for classes.
 Cases and stipulations to test for:

 Students registration is protected by a login and password.
 Student’s choice of classes have been accurately recorded/updated in the
system database.
 Students can’t register for classes not offered that semester.
 Students can’t register for two classes that meet at the same time.
 Students can’t go over 18 hours.
 Students can’t register for a class that’s full.
 Map correctly depicts the locations of the student’s classes.
 Weekly schedule accurately shows the student’s schedule.
 Hours-Remaining counter works accurately.

Construction :
 Coding
 Testing
Testing & QA
Using the following software testing process:

Unit Test Validation Test System Test

• Integration Test will be done from bottom to

up requiring drivers

Home About us

Previous Department: Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Next

Course Adviser will see the page

Batch List

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Student will see the page


Course has been adviced for CSE-45

Complete View

Complete View

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Previous Department: Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Next

Course Adviser will see the page

Batch List Student List

CSE-045 06197 Tanjima Tondra


CSE-045 061 Tawhid Hassan View

CSE-045 06186 Md.Habibur Rahman View

CSE-045 06201 Tahera Khatun Gini Complete View

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Course Adviser will see the page
ID: CSE-S-045 06186 Md.Habibur Rahman Account Statues : OK
Session : Spring 2011 Campus : Siddeswari Mobile:01672497730
Program: CSE

Course Code Course Title CR.HR Remark Pre-requisite

CSE 325 Microprocessor 3.00 45 None
CSI 413 Computer Graphics 3.00 45 CSI 211

CSI 411 Compiler 3.00 45 CSI 315

CSI 412 Compiler Sessional 1.5 45 None
Total Credit Hour : 10.5

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Course Resister will see the page

Batch List Student List

CSE-045 06197 Tanjima Tondra


CSE-045 06179 Tawhid Hassan View

CSE-045 06186 Md.Habibur Rahman View

CSE-045 06201 Tahera Khatun Gini Complete View

More Students Edit
Home About us sign in sign up

Previous Department: Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Next

Course Register will see the page
ID: CSE-S-045 06186 Md.Habibur Rahman Account Statues : OK
Session : Spring 2011 Campus : Siddeswari Mobile:01672497730
Program: CSE
Adviser : ok

Course Code Course Title CR.HR Remark Pre-requisite

CSE 325 Microprocessor 3.00 45 None
CSI 413 Computer Graphics 3.00 45 CSI 211

CSI 411 Compiler 3.00 45 CSI 315

CSI 412 Compiler Sessional 1.5 45 None
Total Credit Hour : 10.5
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Deployment Environment

Database Server
OS – Win 2003 Enterprise Server
MS Access
HDD – Min 10 GB, Recommended 25 GB
RAM – Min 1 GB, Recommended 2 GB
Processor - Pentium Dual Xenon Processor
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