The End of The Cold War Socratic Seminar

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The End of the Cold War

Today’s Agenda

 1. Think-Pair-Share: The Cold War

in 1980
 2. Introduce Key Vocabulary
 3. Ground Rules for Socratic
 4. Socratic Seminar: Ronald
Reagan and the End of the Cold
 5. Exit Ticket: How much credit
does Reagan deserve?

 Upon Ronald Reagan’s

ascension to the
American presidency in
1980, what was the state
of the Cold War between
the United States and the
Soviet Union?
Key Vocabulary
 Ronald Reagan– Elected to the American presidency in 1980,
this Republican president served two terms until 1988.
 Mikhail Gorbachev– The last premier of the Soviet Union who
took office in 1985, he put in a series of reforms unheard of by
the country up until that point.
 Glasnost– One of Gorbachev’s major reforms, it was the
policy or practice of more open consultative government
and wider dissemination of information.
 Perestroika– Another one of Gorbachev’s major reforms, it
was the policy of restructuring or reforming the economic and
political system of the communist Soviet Union.
Ground Rules for
Socratic Seminar
 Students will be respectful when their peers
are speaking.
 Students will back up points they make with
evidence and analysis.
 Students will learn to work through the
discussion without raising their hands.
 Students will consider the viewpoints
presented by all students, even if it is not their
Please jot down
specific notes on points
you find important in
the following video.
“Berlin Wall
June 1987
Question #1

Who was
President Reagan
addressing in his
“Berlin Wall
Socratic Seminar
Question #2

Why did
focus on the
Berlin Wall in
his speech?
Socratic Seminar
Question #3

 How did
rhetoric towards
the Soviet Union
differ from his
Exit Ticket
 IsPresident
Reagan given too
much, just
enough, or not
enough credit for
bringing the Cold
War to an end?

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