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Matthew 6 - 10
1. “Beware of __________ before others in
order to be seen by them; for then you have no
reward from your Father in heaven.”

a. Preaching
b. Practicing your piety
c. Praying
d. Fasting

1. “Beware of __________ before others in
order to be seen by them; for then you have no
reward from your Father in heaven.”

a. Preaching
b. Practicing your piety
c. Praying
d. Fasting

2.“So whenever you __________, do
not sound a trumpet before you, as
the hypocrites do in the synagogues
and the streets, so that they may be
praised by others.
a. Preach
b. Pray
c. Give alms
d. Fast
2.“So whenever you __________, do
not sound a trumpet before you, as
the hypocrites do in the synagogues
and the streets, so that they may be
praised by others.
a. Preach
b. Pray
c. Give alms
d. Fast
3. “And when you ________; do not be
like the hypocrites; for they love to
stand and _____ in the synagogues
and at the street corners, so that they
may be seen by others.”
a. Preach
b. Pray
c. Give alms
d. Fast
3. “And when you ________; do not be
like the hypocrites; for they love to
stand and _____ in the synagogues
and at the street corners, so that they
may be seen by others.”
a. Preach
b. Pray
c. Give alms
d. Fast
4.“For where your ________ is, there
will your heart be also.”

a. Mind
b. Belonging
c. Treasure
d. Wealth

4.“For where your ________ is, there
will your heart be also.”

a. Mind
b. Belonging
c. Treasure
d. Wealth

5. “The _____ is the lamp of the body.
So, if your ___ is sound, your whole
body will be full of light.

a. Eye
b. Mind
c. Heart
d. tongue

5. “The _____ is the lamp of the body.
So, if your ___ is sound, your whole
body will be full of light.

a. Eye
b. Mind
c. Heart
d. tongue

6.“But seek first his _______ and his
_______, and all these things shall be
yours as well.”
a. Love, blessings
b. Kingdom, blessings
c. Heart, love
d. Kingdom, righteousness

6.“But seek first his _______ and his
_______, and all these things shall be
yours as well.”
a. Love, blessings
b. Kingdom, blessings
c. Heart, love
d. Kingdom, righteousness

7. “Do not give dogs what is _____;
and do not throw your pearls before
swine, lest they trample them under
foot and turn to attack you.”
a. Holy
b. Pure
c. Good
d. Bad

7. “Do not give dogs what is _____;
and do not throw your pearls before
swine, lest they trample them under
foot and turn to attack you.”
a. Holy
b. Pure
c. Good
d. Bad

8.“Enter by the narrow gate; for the
gate is wide and the way is ____ that
leads to destruction, and those who
enter by it are many.”
a. Hard
b. Narrow
c. Smooth
d. Easy

8.“Enter by the narrow gate; for the
gate is wide and the way is ____ that
leads to destruction, and those who
enter by it are many.”
a. Hard
b. Narrow
c. Smooth
d. Easy

9.“Beware of ______, who come to
you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly
are ravenous wolves.”
a. Hypocrites
b. Apostles
c. False prophets
d. disciples

9.“Beware of ______, who come to
you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly
are ravenous wolves.”
a. Hypocrites
b. Apostles
c. False prophets
d. disciples

10. “Not everyone who says to me,
‘Lord, Lord’ shall enter the kingdom of
heaven, but he who ________.”
a. Pray to the Father in heaven
b. Lives a righteous life on earth
c. Does the will of my Father in heaven
d. Suffers in this life

10. “Not everyone who says to me,
‘Lord, Lord’ shall enter the kingdom of
heaven, but he who ________.”
a. Pray to the Father in heaven
b. Lives a righteous life on earth
c. Does the will of my Father in heaven
d. Suffers in this life

11. When Jesus came down from the
mountainside, large crowd followed him. What
is the illness of the man who came and knelt
before him?
a. Deaf
b. Leprosy
c. Possessed by a demon
d. Paralysis

11. When Jesus came down from the
mountainside, large crowd followed him. What
is the illness of the man who came and knelt
before him?
a. Deaf
b. Leprosy
c. Possessed by a demon
d. Paralysis

12. Who said to Jesus – “Lord, I am not
worthy to have you come under my
roof; but only say the word and my
servant will be healed.”
a. A scribe
b. A centurion
c. A master
d. A tax-collector

12. Who said to Jesus – “Lord, I am not
worthy to have you come under my
roof; but only say the word and my
servant will be healed.”
a. A scribe
b. A centurion
c. A master
d. A tax-collector

13.To whom did Jesus say – “Truly, I
say to you, not even in Israel have I
found such faith.”
a. The centurion
b. The leper
c. The paralytic
d. The demoniac

13.To whom did Jesus say – “Truly, I
say to you, not even in Israel have I
found such faith.”
a. The centurion
b. The leper
c. The paralytic
d. The demoniac

14. When
Jesus entered Peter’s house,
whom did he see lying sick with a
a. Peter’s servant
b. Peter’s wife
c. Peter’s brother
d. Peter’s mother-in-law

14. When
Jesus entered Peter’s house,
whom did he see lying sick with a
a. Peter’s servant
b. Peter’s wife
c. Peter’s brother
d. Peter’s mother-in-law

15. Who said to Jesus – “Teacher I will
follow you wherever you go.”?
a. A disciple
b. A Pharisee
c. A scribe
d. A sinner

15. Who said to Jesus – “Teacher I will
follow you wherever you go.”?
a. A disciple
b. A Pharisee
c. A scribe
d. A sinner

16.To whom did Jesus say – “Take
heart, my son; your sins are forgiven.”?
a. A paralytic
b. A blind man
c. A demoniac
d. A mute man

16.To whom did Jesus say – “Take
heart, my son; your sins are forgiven.”?
a. A paralytic
b. A blind man
c. A demoniac
d. A mute man

17. Jesus saw a man called _____
sitting at the tax office and he said to
him, “Follow me.”
a. Thomas
b. Philip
c. Matthew
d. John

17. Jesus saw a man called _____
sitting at the tax office and he said to
him, “Follow me.”
a. Thomas
b. Philip
c. Matthew
d. John

18. According to Matthew 10:34, Jesus
came to earth to bring ____.
a. Peace
b. Mercy
c. Healing
d. Sword

18. According to Matthew 10:34, Jesus
came to earth to bring ____.
a. Peace
b. Mercy
c. Fire
d. Sword

19. Jesus said “I desire ______ and not
sacrifice. For I came not to call the
righteous but sinners.”
a. Love
b. Kindness
c. Humility
d. Mercy

19. Jesus said “I desire ______ and not
sacrifice. For I came not to call the
righteous but sinners.”
a. Love
b. Kindness
c. Humility
d. Mercy

20. Who said to Jesus - “my daughter
has just died; but come and lay your
hand on her and she will live.”?
a. A ruler
b. A scribe
c. A Pharisee
d. A Canaanite

20. Who said to Jesus - “my daughter
has just died; but come and lay your
hand on her and she will live.”?
a. A ruler
b. A scribe
c. A Pharisee
d. A Canaanite

21.Who touched the fringe of Jesus’
garment and said to herself “If I only
touch his garment, I shall be made
a. A woman who was tormented by seven
b. A woman who suffered from hemorrhages
for 12 years
c. An adulteress
d. A Canaanite woman
21.Who touched the fringe of Jesus’
garment and said to herself “If I only
touch his garment, I shall be made
a. A woman who was tormented by seven
b. A woman who suffered from hemorrhages
for 12 years
c. An adulteress
d. A Canaanite woman
22. Jesus arrived in this region and was met by
two demon-possessed men coming from the
tombs. What is the name of the region?
a. Gethsemane
b. Gadarenes
c. Galilee
d. Samaria

22. Jesus arrived in this region and was met by
two demon-possessed men coming from the
tombs. What is the name of the region?
a. Gethsemane
b. Gadarenes
c. Galilee
d. Samaria

23.“So everyone who ________ me
before men, I also will ________
before my Father who is in heaven.”
a. Love/s
b. Respect/s
c. Acknowledge/s
d. Prays to, pray

23.“So everyone who ________ me
before men, I also will ________
before my Father who is in heaven.”
a. Love/s
b. Respect/s
c. Acknowledge/s
d. Prays to, pray

24. “He who does not ________ and
follow me is not worthy of me.”
a. take his cross
b. Pray
c. Suffer
d. Leave everything

24. “He who does not ________ and
follow me is not worthy of me.”
a. take his cross
b. Pray
c. Suffer
d. Leave everything

25. The names of the twelve disciples
of Jesus were Simon (Peter), Andrew,
James, John, Thomas, Matthew, Judas
Iscariot, ___________
a. Philip, Bartholomew, Thaddeus, Simon the Cananaean;
James, the son of Alphaeus.
b. Philip, Luke, Thaddeus, John the Baptist; James, the son
of Alphaeus.
c. Philip, Paul, Mark, Jude; James, the son of Alphaeus.
d. Paul, Bartholomew, Joseph, Timothy; John, the son of
25. The names of the twelve disciples
of Jesus were Simon (Peter), Andrew,
James, John, Thomas, Matthew, Judas
Iscariot, ___________
a. Philip, Bartholomew, Thaddeus, Simon the Cananaean;
James, the son of Alphaeus.
b. Philip, Luke, Thaddeus, John the Baptist; James, the son
of Alphaeus.
c. Philip, Paul, Mark, Jude; James, the son of Alphaeus.
d. Paul, Bartholomew, Joseph, Timothy; John, the son of
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