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Bible Quiz

Acts 11 - 15
1. Who contended with Peter in Jerusalem
after the Apostles and brethren in Judea
heard that the Gentiles had received the
word of God?

a.Those of the Law.

b.Those of the circumcision.
c. Those of Moses.
d.None of the above.
2. Fill in the blank. “When they heard these
things they became silent; and they
glorified God, saying, ‘Then God has also
granted to the Gentiles
a.“The gift of the Holy Spirit.”
b.”Repentance to life”
c. “Salvation in Christ Jesus”
3. Which King harassed the Church in Judea?

c. Pilate
d.None of the above
4. Fill in the blank in this passage. “Peter was
therefore kept in prison, but ____________
was offered to God for him by the church.”

a.A holy sacrifice

c. Constant prayer
d.All of the above
5. What happened to the guards who were on
duty when Peter was freed from prison?

a.Herod ordered them put to death.

b.Herod ordered them put into the same
c. Herod dismissed them from his service.
d.None of the above.
6. Who did Barnabas and Saul take with them
when they returned from Jerusalem?

b.John, surnamed Mark
c. Simon
7. Where was the first place Barnabas and
Saul sailed to?

a.Antioch in Pisidia
b.Antioch in Syria
c. Cyprus
e.None of the above
8. Who at Paphos desired to hear the word of

b.Sergius Paulus
c. Simeon who was called Niger
9. Who was the sorcerer upon whom Paul
pronounced blindness?

b.Sergius Paulus
c. Simeon who was called Niger
10.According to Paul’s statement in Acts 13,
how long did God give the nation of Israel

a.100 years
b.250 years
c. 150 years
d.50 years
11. According to Acts, how did the people in
Jerusalem fulfill the writings of the

a.By building the Temple.

b.By killing James.
c. By condemning Christ.
d.All of the above
12.What caused Paul and Barnabas to travel
to Lystra and Derbe?

a.They fled the efforts of Jews and

Gentiles to abuse and stone them.
b.They left for Lystra after converting
much of the city of Iconium.
c. They were invited by the people of
Lystra and Derbe.
13. What prompted Paul to heal the man in
Lystra who was crippled from birth?

a.Paul saw that the man sincerely needed

b.Paul saw the the man had faith to be
c. Paul healed him to refute doubters who
were watching.
14.What happened to Paul in Acts 14 after the
Jews from Antioch and Iconium convinced
the people of Lystra that he was not a god?

a.The people of Lystra stoned him and left

him for dead.
b.The people of Lystra drove him from the
c. The people of Lystra tried to convince
him to become a priest to Zeus.
15.According to Acts 14, God had opened
what door to the Gentiles?

a.The door of the Gospel.

b.The door of faith.
c. The door of salvation.
16.Who did the Church in Antioch decide
should speak to the Apostles and elders in

a.Paul and Barnabas

b.Peter and John
c. Barnabas and John Mark
17. “Believing members of which sect rose up
and said, “It is necessary to circumcise
them, and to command them to keep the
law of Moses?”

a.The Sadducees
b.The Synagogue of the Freemen
c. The Pharisees
d.None of the above
18.Peter’s speech in Acts 15: “So God, who
knows the heart, acknowledged them by
giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did
to us, and made no distinction between us
and them, purifying their hearts by
b.His power
c. Faith
19.Who spoke these words during the Council
in Jerusalem: “Therefore I judge that we
should not trouble those from among the
Gentiles who are turning to God, but that
we write to them to abstain from things
polluted by idols, from sexual immorality,
from things strangled, and from blood.”

c. Peter
20.The council in Jerusalem sent two leading
men along with Paul and Barnabas back to
Antioch with their decision on
circumcision. Name one of the two.

c. Bartholomew
21.Which of these is one of the regulations
placed upon Christians by the Council in

a.To undergo circumcision.

b.To abstain from eating animals that
were strangled.
c. To reject all artwork as idolatry.
22.What happened to Herod?

a.Eaten by worms and died.

b.Turned into a pillar of salt
c. Smitten with blindness
d.Removed from his position.
e.Smitten with leprosy.
23.What did Agabus prophesy?

c. Persecution
e.None of the above
24.What was NOT mentioned as a miracle
that occurred when Peter was released
from prison?

a.An earthquake shook the prison

b.An angel came
c. A light shone
d.His chains fell off
e.The iron gate that led to the city opened
of its own accord
25.When was Peter taken prisoner by the evil

a.Feast of Tabernacles
b.Passover feast
c. Feast of Unleavened Bread
d.Day of the Atonement
e.Feast of Weeks/ Pentecost

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