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Acts 16 - 20
1. He was a disciple whose mother is a
Jewess and a believer while his father was
a Greek.

a. Silas
b. Timothy
c. Luke
d. Paul
e. Jason
2. He was the unnamed disciple in Acts
16 who was always going with Paul and
Silas in preaching the gospel starting in

a. Matthew
b. Timothy
c. Luke
d. Jason
e. Peter
3. True or False: Timothy was circumcised.

a. True
b. False
c. Not mentioned
4. She was a bearer of purple cloth who
was a worshipper of God. She responded
to Paul’s message and all of her
household were baptized.

a. Priscilla
b. Lydia
c. Artemis
d. Damaris
e. Tabitha
5. A Roman colony & the leading city of a
district in Macedonia where Paul & Silas
were stripped & flogged severely & went
to prison.

a. Macedonia
b. Athens
c. Ephesus
d. Greece
e. Philippi
6. Which of these did NOT happen when
Paul and Silas were on prison?

a. An angel of the Lord appeared

b. Prison doors flew open
c. Everybody’s chains came loose
d. A violent earthquake came
e. The foundations of the prison were shaken
7. After Paul & Silas came out of prison,
they traveled and came to the city where
there was a Jewish synagogue. As Paul’s
custom was, he went to the synagogue &
on three Sabbath days he reasoned with
them from the scriptures. What city is
a. Thessalonica
b. Macedonia
c. Athens
d. Ephesus
e. Greece
8. These people are always jealous
wherever Paul goes. Who are they?

a. Bereans
b. Thessalonians
c. The Gentiles
d. The Jews
e. Ephesians
9. They were of more noble character
than the Thessalonians for they received
the message with great eagerness &
examined the scriptures every day to see
if what Paul said was true. Who are they?
a. Bereans
b. Romans
c. The Gentiles
d. The Jews
e. Ephesians
10. Whowere alarmed when they
heard that Paul & Silas were
Roman Citizens?

a. The Jews
b. The Council
c. The Magistrates
d. The Elders
e. The Jailers
11. In what city was Paul greatly
distressed because he saw that the city
was full of idols?

a. Macedonia
b. Philippi
c. Thessalonica
d. Berea
e. Athens
12. Paul introduced God in Athens by
saying that they have an altar with a
certain inscription. What was the

13. Which part of Paul’s message in the
meeting of the Areopagus caught the
attention of the council and urged them
to say: “We want to hear you again on
this subject”?
a. The Resurrection
b. The Creation
c. The Ascension
d. The Salvation
e. The Baptism
14. What were Aquila and Priscilla’s

a. Silversmiths
b. Tentmakers
c. Farmers
d. Tax collectors
e. Preachers
15. What caused Paul’s decision to go to
the gentiles?

a. The Jews despised him

b. The Jews did not accept the gospel
c. The Jews are not worthy of the gospel
d. The Jews opposed him and became abusive
e. The Jews threatened to imprison him
16. How long did Paul stay in Corinth?

a. A year
b. A year and a half
c. Half a year
d. Three years
e. Three months
17. Who invited Apollo to their home and
explained to him the way of God more

a. Paul and Silas

b. Ananias and Sapphira
c. Aquila and Priscilla
d. Jason and his brothers
e. Ephesian Elders
18. Paul said: John’s baptism was a
baptism of?

a. Holy Spirit
b. Water
c. Repentance
d. Flesh
e. Man
19. How many men were baptized by Paul
in Ephesus?

a. 12
b. 7
c. 6
d. 3
e. 14
20. Some Jews went around driving out
evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the
Lord Jesus. Included with them are the
sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief high priest.
How many were the sons of Sceva?
a. 12
b. 7
c. 6
d. 3
e. 14
21. Demetrius built shrines of Artemis.
What was his occupation?

a. Goldsmith
b. Blacksmith
c. Coppersmith
d. Silversmith
e. Tinsmith
22. Who quieted the crowds of Ephesus?

a. Alexander
b. Gaius
c. Aristarchus
d. Demetrius
e. The city clerk
23. Eutychus was raised from the dead at
the city of Troas. On what day of the
week did the people gathered to break
bread in this city?

a. The first day

b. The seventh day
c. The second day
d. The third day
e. The sixth day
24. Paul delivered a farewell to the
Ephesian Elders. In his farewell, Paul said
that he was compelled by the Spirit to go

a. Asia
b. Rome
c. Greece
d. Malta
e. Jerusalem
25. After Paul’s farewell, the elders wept,
embraced him and kissed him. What
grieved them most was his statement

a. They would be dispersed

b. They would lose a leader
c. They would never see his face again
d. They would never hear from him again
e. They would never receive his letters

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