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The Sermon on the Mount

 Matthew 5:3
 Dzpoor in spiritdz
 Is Christ speaking of monetary poverty?
 Aware of their sinfulness
 Deeply sensible of their spiritual poverty
 Christ is speaking of being humble
 Lowly in oneǯs own eyes
The Sermon on the Mount
 g aiah 66:1-2
 Dzcontrite of spiritdz
 Remorse for sins and craving of Godǯs
 g aiah 57:15
 P alm 51:10,12,17
The Sermon on the Mount
 The opposite of poor in spirit is proud in
 g John 2:16-18
 Yride seeks independence from God
 Yoverty of spirit is the root of all virtues.
 It is the state of the heart of how you view
yourself in the light of God.
 ½ 
The Sermon on the Mount
 The first beatitude is thus the foundation from
which the others grow
 The promise of the Kingdom of Heaven
 {aniel 2:44
 ÿhat is the Kingdom of Heaven and when is it
 It is already here
 © e 17:20-21
 It is yet to come
 {aniel 7:13-14,27

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