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Unsteady State Heat Conduction

Use of Heisler & Grover Charts

Typical problem
Geometry: slab/cylinder/sphere – 2L/ro/ro
Initial temperature (same everywhere) = Ti
Outside temp = Tα

Temp at centre after certain time (t)?
Temperature elsewhere (may be at wall or at any x) at the same
time (t)?
How much fraction of heat has got transferred in time (t)?
Solution steps
• Know the geometry – slab/cylinder/sphere
• Corresponding characteristic dimension – L/ro/ro
• Find Biot number (Bi)
• Decide if lumped parameter analysis is applicable, IF NOT:
• Use corresponding charts – slab/cylinder/sphere
• Calculate 1/Bi and Fo number (for time ‘t’)
• Intersection of above: gives T at centre at time ‘t’
• Calculate x/L
• Intersection of 1/Bi and x/L gives T at that x (at same time ‘t’)
• Multiply Bi2 to Fo
• Intersection of Bi and Bi2Fo gives fraction of heat loss at same
time ‘t’.

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