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Evolution of Algebra

I. Emergence of Formal
A. Problem Solving in Egypt and Babylon
Method of calculating a quantity, multiplied by 1
1/2 added 4 it has come to 10. What is the
quantity that says it?
Then you calculate the difference of this 10 to
this 4. Then 6 results. Then you divide 1 by 1 1/2.
Then 2/3 result. Then you calculate 2/3 of this 6.
Then 4 results. Behold, it is 4, the quantity that
said it. What has been found by you is correct.
A. Problem Solving in Egypt and Babylon

>evidenced by cuneiforms in clay tablets

>no use of symbols; problems solved verbally
>specific example, rather than by abstractly
describing its successive steps
>questions are phrased in terms of “concrete”
I. Emergence of Formal
B. Greek Mathematics: Proportion Theory,
Elementary Arithmetic
B. Greek Mathematics: Proportion Theory,
Elementary Arithmetic

> main feature of Greek mathematics is that

comparisons or simultaneous manipulations can only
be made among magnitudes of the same kind
> Diophantus developed original methods for solving
problems that may be seen as linear or quadratic
B. Greek Mathematics: Proportion Theory,
Elementary Arithmetic

> Diophantus first to introduce some kind of

systematic symbolism:
>did not provide general methods suitable for some
“standard” cases; studied specific examples only
I. Emergence of Formal
C. India and China
C. India and China

> main contribution of Hindu mathematics to algebra

concerns the elaboration of the decimal, positional
numeral system, which closely accompanied the
development of symbolic algebra in renaissance
C. India and China

> Chinese mathematicians during the period parallel

to the European middle ages developed their own
methods for solving quadratic equations by “radicals”
> calculational advantages afforded by their expertise
with the abacus helped solve higher degree
I. Emergence of Formal
D. Islamic Contributions
D. Islamic Contributions

> A systematic study of methods for solving quadratic

equations constitutes a central concern of Islamic
>unrestricted combination of commensurable and
incommensurable magnitudes within the same
framework contributing to more abstract algebra
I. Emergence of Formal
E. Early Europe – Leonardo Pisano, Chuquet,
E. Early Europe – Leonardo Pisano, Chuquet,
> abbacists and Chuquet attempt to introduce
abbreviations for unknowns, e.g. c for cossa (thing),
ce for censo (square) cu for cubo (cube), and R for
Radice (root)
>for instance,

E. Early Europe – Leonardo Pisano, Chuquet,

> Leonardo Pisano, an early abacist, wrote his Liber

Abbaci in 1202
>contained no particular innovation yet
instrumental to the Latin world
> Cossists - German version of the abbacists
I. Emergence of Formal
F. Cardano and contemporaries: Third and fourth
degree equations
F. Cardano and contemporaries

> Gerolamo Cardano’s (1501-1576) widely read Ars

Magna (1545) contains the most systematic and
comprehensive account of XVIth century knowledge
on solving third and fourth degree equations.
I. Emergence of Formal
G. Viète
G. Viète

> Françoise Viète(1540-1603) - the first consistent,

coherent and systematic conception of an algebraic
equation in the modern sense of the word
> use of well chosen symbols of one kind for the
unknowns (vowels), and of another kind for the known
quantities (consonants)
G. Viète

> leads to flexibility and generality in solving linear

and quadratic equations
>clear analysis of the relationships between the forms
of the solutions and the values of the coefficients of
the original equation
CLOSE of the 16th and 17th century

> debates on irrationals as magnitudes,

>negative solutions considered as “absurd” or devoid
of interest
>complex numbers are ignored and even rejected
II. The classical discipline of
A. Fermat and Descartes: Analytic geometry, theory
of polynomials
A. Fermat and Descartes on analytic geometry

> used the algebraic techniques developed by

Cardano and Viète and applied them to tackle
classical geometrical problems that had remained
>established equivalences between algebraic
operations and geometrical constructions
A. Polynomials

>Descartes: first to discuss separately and

systematically the algebraic properties of polynomials
>e.g. correspondence between the degree and the
number of roots, the factorization of a polynomial, the
rule for counting the number of positive and negative
II. The classical discipline of
B. Gauss: the fundamental theorem of algebra
B. The fundamental theorem of algebra

>Every polynomial in real coefficients can be

expressed as the product of linear and quadratic (real)
factors, or, alternatively, that every polynomial
equation of degree n in complex coefficients has n
complex roots
B. The fundamental theorem of algebra

>first complete proof of the FTA is usually attributed to

Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777- 1855) in his doctoral
> in the attempts to prove the theorem, both Argand
and Gauss were led to elaborate in detail their
interpretations of the complex numbers as oriented
segments on the plane
II. The classical discipline of
C. Radical methods: Lagrange, Ruffini, Gauss, Abel
C. Radical methods: Lagrange, Ruffini, Gauss, Abel

>Rather than trying to directly find a possible solution

for an equation of degree five, Lagrange attempted to
clarify first why all attempts to do so had failed so far
C. Radical methods: Lagrange, Ruffini, Gauss, Abel

>Italian Paolo Ruffini (1765-1822) was the first

mathematician ever to assert the impossibility of an
algebraic solution for the general polynomial equation
of degree greater than four
>worked on permutations and its properties
C. Radical methods: Lagrange, Ruffini, Gauss, Abel

>Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829), provided in 1824 the

first clear and accepted proof of the impossibility of
solving by radicals equations of degree five or above

>Gauss developed new methods for solving particular

cases of higher-order polynomial equations
D. Galois Ideas and gradual spread

> Evariste Galois (1811-1832) pursued the somewhat

more general problem of defining necessary and
sufficient conditions for the solvability of any given
>groups of permutations related to polynomials
>Rise of groups, fields, vectors, matrices
III. Algebra of Structures
A. George Boole
> Boolean algebra - algebra of logic

B. Emmy Noerther
>German mathematician whose innovations
in higher algebra gained her recognition
as the most creative abstract algebraist of
modern times.

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