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The turbomachine (Latin word turbo means circular
motion) consist of two main parts.
(1) The rotating element which is generally known as
the runner if it is part of turbine and the impeller if
it is part of pump.
(2) The casing which encloses the rotating element.
The runner or impeller is rigidly mounted on the
shaft. The rotating element (runner or impeller)
has number of vanes or curved blades are
mounted on it, and there takes place a transfer of
energy b/w the fluid and the rotating element.
 If the fluid does work on the rotating element, the
machine is turbine and when the rotating element
does work on the fluid the machine is called pump.
Turbines are thus turbomachine which extract energy
from the flowing fluid and convert it into useful
mechanical work. On the contrary a pump(centrifugal)
,compressor and blowers are turbomachine which
add energy to the flowing fluid.
The hydraulic( Greek word hydor+aulos)turbine is a
prime mover that uses the energy of flowing water
and convert it into mechanical energy in the form of
rotation of the runner.
It is also called a mover machine which use the raw
energy of conventional renewable fluid and convert it
into the mechanical energy. So fluid medium is water,
these turbines known as a water turbines.
Hydraulic turbines coupled with hydro-generators
form, so called hydrounits which are widely used
now-a-days for generating electric power.
Hydro power is a clean and renewable source of
energy that can contribute to fighting climate change.
The following advantages make Hydro power as much
preferred option to any fossil fuel power scheme.
 No fuel needed: The cheap advantage of hydro
system is elimination of the cost of fuel. Hydro electric
plants are immune to price increase for fossil fuels,
such as oil, natural gas or coal and don’t require
important fuel.
Pollution Free: Hydro electric plants generally have
small to negligible emission of CO2 and methane due
to reservoir, and emit no SO2 ,NO, dust or other
pollutants associated with combustion.
 Longevity: Hydroelectric plants tends to have
longer lives than fuel fired generation , with some
plants now in service having been built 50 to 100
year ago.
Quick Response: Since the generating units can be
started and stopped quickly, they can follow system
loads efficiently, and may be able to reshape water
flows to more closely match daily and seasonal
system energy demands.
Environment Friendly: Reservoirs created by hydro
electric schemes often provide excellent leisure
facilities for water sports and become tourist
attractions in themselves.
 Wildlife Preserve: Wildlife can be created around
the reservoirs which can provide stable habitats for
endangered and threatened species.
Flood Prevention: The surplus water can be stored
behind the Dam and hence reduce the risk of flood.
But following factors are major obstacles in the
utilization of hydro-power sources:
 large investment
 long gestation period
 increased cost of power transmission
Types of hydraulic turbine
1. According to head and quantity of water available:
i. Impulse turbine ……….requires high head and
small flow rate.
ii. Reaction turbine………requires low head and high
flow rate.
2. According to the name of the originator:
i. Pelton turbine…….named after Lester Allen pelton
of California (USA).
ii. Francis Turbine…..named after James Bichenas
Francis for medium head and medium flow rate.
iii. Kaplan Turbine……named after Dr. Victor Kaplan
for low head and high flow rate.
3. According to action of water on moving blades:
a) Impulse Turbine
b) Reaction Turbine
4. According to the direction of flow of water in the
i. Tangential flow(Pelton, cross and turgo turbine)
ii. Radial Flow (No more used)
iii. Axial Flow ( Kaplan,propeller,deraiz, tubular and
bulb turbine)
iv. Mixed ( Radial and axial )Flow turbine……Francis
5. According to the Disposition of Turbine shaft:
Turbine shaft may be vertical or Horizontal
Horizontal (small unit)
Vertical ( Large unit)
6. According to Specific Speed:
The specific speed is a family of similar turbines which
is non dimensional number proportional to the speed
at which a geometrically similar fluid turbine would
rotate when subjected to a unit head across it and
when a unit discharge or a unit power is being dealt
with at the optimum operating conditions
In the impulse turbines, the total flow energy is
converted into the kinetic energy of jet before the
water strikes the runner. The conversion of potential
energy into kinetic energy is made possible by passing
the flow through nozzle. A pressure around the jets of
water striking the runner is the same before and after
the impact. The impulse turbine are also called
constant pressure turbines. The pressure of flow at
the entrance and exit of the runner is thus equal and
is usually atmospheric i-e Patm:= Pi = Pii.
It is also called pelton(American engineer Lester Allen
pelton) wheel turbine.
The impulse turbine are used for very high heads
ranging b/w 600 to 2000 m and low flow rate. The
runner consist of circular disc with a number greater
than 15 and ranging from 18-22 of spoon shaped
buckets evenly equi-spaced around its periphery.
The nozzles are mounted so that each directs a jet
along a tangent to the circle through the center of the
bucket known as a pitch circle. The nozzle which is
attached to a penstock is a specially designed needle
valve which controls by means of governor, the
discharge to the runner in accordance with power
The center of each bucket is splitter ridge which
divide the oncoming jets into two equal portions for
dividing equal moment of momentum of water for
balancing rotations.
The buckets are cast from iron for low head and steel
or bronze for high head and have their surfaces
polished. They are generally fastened by two or more
bolts to the runner disc.
The transfer of energy from the water jet to the
buckets takes place according to the momentum
principle. The dynamic force exerted by water on the
buckets in the direction tangential to the pitch circle
which produces a torque and causes the rotation of
the runner. Schematic diagram of wheel bucket,
l/d=2 to 3, B/d = 3-4, D/d= 11-16, T/d=0.8-1.2 and
notch width= 1.1d+5mm.
Design aspects of Pelton wheel
The following points should be considered while
designing a pelton wheel:
 Velocity of jet: The velocity of jet it inlet is given
by, V1 = Cv 2gh
Cv= Co-efficient of velocity (0.98-0.99) and H= Net
head on turbine
 Velocity of wheel: The velocity of wheel u is given
by, U= Ku2gh, where Ku= speed ratio and value
varies from 0.43-0.48.
 Angle of deflection of jet: The angle of deflection of
the jet through the buckets is taken as 1650 if no
angle of deflection is given.
 Mean diameter of wheel(D): The mean or pitch
diameter of wheel is given by,
U= DN/60 or D= 60u/N
 Jet ratio(m): It is defined as the ratio of pitch
diameter D of pelton wheel to the diameter of jet d
and denoted by m,
m= D/d lies b/w 11-16 for maximum hydraulic
efficiency. Normally practical value 12.
 Bucket dimensions: B= 3-4 d , L= 2-3 d , T= 0.8 –
1.2 d.
so B is width and T is depth of blade.
 Number of jets : Normally a pelton wheel has one
nozzle or one jet. However a number of nozzles may
be employed when more power is to be produced
with same wheel. Theoretically six nozzles can be
used on pelton wheel, so two nozzles for vertical
turbine and four nozzles for horizontal turbine as a
practical consideration.
Number of jets is obtained by dividing the total rate of
flow through turbine by the rate of flow of single jet.
 Number of buckets: The number of buckets for
pelton wheel is decided from two consideration (1)
the numbers of buckets should be as few as possible
so as to reduce the frictional losses and (2) the jet
must be fully utilized and no portion of it should leave
the runner without doing work on it to maintain
volumetric efficiency.
Z= 15+D/2d or 15+0.5m
Gross Head: The gross or total head is the difference
b/w the water level at the reservoir known as head
race and the water level at the tail race . Hg

Net/effective Head: The head available at inlet of the

turbine . Denoted by symbol H.

H= Hg - hf – h :- h is head of nozzle above

Hf = 4flv2/2gd i-e total head loss due to friction at
head race and entrance of turbine.
Conversion of hydraulic energy of flow into
mechanical energy of revolving turbine rotor is
inevitably associated with energy losses. The
performance of hydraulic turbine is characterized by
its overall efficiency.

o= shaft power/water power

= Ps / wQH
The magnitude of energy losses depends on the
types of turbine, its dimensions and regime of
operation. Modern powerful reaction turbine have
high value of overall efficiency at the design point
regime, say 92-95% and at the rated regime 86-90%
and impulse turbine have a smaller magnitude of
overall efficiency such as less than 91%.
So following efficiencies are related with hydraulic
turbine due to various kinds of losses such as
hydraulic , volumetric and mechanical.
Hydraulic efficiency: The ratio of the hydraulic power
developed by the runner to the power supplied by the
water at entrance to the turbine.
ηh = ρQa(Vw1  Vw2)U/wQaH
= w/g Qa (Vw1  Vw2)U/wQaH
= (Vw1 Vw2)U/gH
= Hr/H : Qa= actual Q
Hr= 1/g(Vw1  Vw2)U
energy transfer or w.d per unit weight of water also
called runner head or Euler head.
The hydraulic losses within the turbine take place
mostly on account of the blade friction , eddy
formation in draft tube. If these losses amount to ΔH
than hydraulic efficiency become

h= H- ΔH/H

H-ΔH is energy lossed due to friction in pressure

energy or head.
Volumetric efficiency: when fluid passes through the
turbine , a certain fraction of its discharge escapes
through the gap b/w the guide apparatus and the runner
without doing work on the runner. This way some
hydraulic energy goes waste there by decreasing the
turbine efficiency so, ΔQ is escaped discharge and Q is
total discharge than

v= Q - ΔQ /Q or Qa/Qth :- Q is total discharge

:- Qa is actual due to

For pelton wheel volumetric efficiency is 0.97-0.99%

Mechanical efficiency: The power developed by the
runner is decreased by the mechanical losses caused
by friction b/w the rotating part like the shaft and the
runner and stationary part like guide and thrust
bearing and sealing. Due to that power at shaft is less
than power developed by runner ,
m = Power available at turbine shaft/power
delivered by runner to shaft.
m = Ps /wQaHr :- [1/g(Vw1  Vw2)U]

value of mechanical efficiency of pelton wheel is 97-

Overall efficiency: The ratio of power available at the
turbine shaft to the power input to the turbine,
o= h x m x v
= Hr/H x P/wQaHr x Qa/Q
= P/wQH
If g is the efficiency of generator than the power
output of hydraulic turbine (turbine + generator) is o
x g that is called plant efficiency p.
Spherical and butterfly valves
For regulating the flow into turbine , the main inlet
valve of either spherical or butterfly type are used
depending on the design head. The valves are custom
built and their sizes ranges from 500mm -5000mm
diameter. Main inlet valves and penstock valves of
butterfly types are used for low head applications.
And for high head applications, spherical valves are
Work done and efficiencies of pelton wheel turbine
Show the velocity triangles:
Let, N = speed of wheel in rpm
D = diameter of wheel
d = diameter of jet
u = peripheral or circumferential velocity of
wheel at both inlet and outlet U1 =U2= DN/60
So, V1 , Vr1 , Vw1 , Vf1 ,  and  are the velocities and
angles at inlet of blades and same for outlet triangles
are V2 , Vr2 , Vw2 , Vf2 ,  and  respectively.
Inlet: the velocity Δ at inlet will be straight line where
Vr1 = V1 - U1 = V1-U, and Vw1 = V1 :-  and  are 0.
Outlet : from velocity Δ at outlet we have,
Vr2 = kVr1 :- K = Vr2/Vr1
K is blade friction and value less than 1 due to friction
and, Vw2= Vr2 cos - U2 or Vr2 cos - U, [ U1 =U2 ]
Note: the value of  and Vw2 are varies when runner
in slow , medium and faster than,
  90 degree Vw2 = -ve , slow runner
 = 0 degree Vw2 = 0 , medium runner
 90 degree Vw2 = +ve , fast runner
So the force exerted by the jet in direction of motion
F = ρaV1(Vw1 + Vw2) and w.d / second on runner
w.d/s = ρaV1(Vw1 + Vw2)U
and w.d /s / N work done per second per unit weight
w.d = ρaV1( Vw1 + Vw2) U/w
= ρaV1( Vw1 + Vw2) U/mg
= ρaV1(Vw1 + Vw2) U/ρaV1xg
= 1/g(Vw1 + Vw2) U
The energy supplied to the jet at inlet is in the form of
K.E and is equal to 1/2mV12 so 1/2(ρaV1)xV12
Hydraulic efficiency = w.d per sec /K.E of jet per sec
= ρaV1(Vw1 + Vw2) U/ 1/2ρaV1)xV12
h = 2(Vw1 + Vw2 ) U/ V12 ……………..(1)
From this equation the value of Vw1 and Vw2 are
Vw1 = V1 , Vr1 = V1-U
Vw2 = Vr2cos - U2
Vw2 = Vr2cos - U
Vw2 =KVr1cos - U or Vw2 = K(V1- U)cos - U
Substituting the value of Vw1 and Vw2 in above equ: we

h = 2[V1+ K (V1 – U)cos - U ] / V12

h = 2[(V1 – U) (1 + Kcos)] / V12

For maximum efficiency d/du h = 0 than v=2u or u = v/2

Modified form of
Pelton wheel and
Work on medium
Heads upto
It was developed in 1919 by Gikes as a modification
of the pelton wheel.
 it works under a medium head at 15-300m
 Its efficiency 87%.
Some Advantages over a pelton and Francis turbine.
 Runner is less expensive to pelton wheel.
It doesn't need an airtight housing like the Francis.
 It has higher specific speed and can handle a
greater flow than the same diameter pelton wheel.
Generating capacity less 2000kw
It was developed by Anthony Michel, in 1903 and is
used for low head 10-70m
 As with a water wheel, the water is admitted at the
turbines edge. After passing the runner twice
provides additional efficiency.
 The cross flow turbine is a low speed machine that
is well suited for location with a low head but high
flow rate.
 No cause of cavitations at high speed.
 Transversely flow direction / across the turbine
A reaction(Francis) turbine developed by an English
born American Engineer, Sir J.B. Francis.
The water enters the turbine through the outer
periphery of the runner in the radial direction and
leaves the runner in the axial direction, and hence it is
called ‘mixed flow turbine’.
It is a reaction turbine and therefore only a part of the
available head is converted into the velocity head
before water enters the runner.

The pressure head goes on decreasing as the water

flows over the runner blades.
The change in pressure while water is gliding over
the blades is called ‘reaction pressure’ and is partly
responsible for the rotation of the runner.

A Francis turbine is suitable for medium heads (45 to

400 m) and requires a relatively large quantity of
In reaction turbine, the runner utilizes both potential
and kinetic energies. As the water flows through the
stationary parts of the runner ,whole of its pressure
energy is not transformed to kinetic energy and when
the water flows through the moving parts, there is
change both in pressure and velocity of flow of water.
As the water gives up its energy to the runner , both
its pressure and absolute velocity get reduced.
The water which acts on the runner blades is
under a pressure above atmospheric and the
runner passages are always completely filled
with water.

Francis Kaplan Propeller

Inward $ outward (Adjustable) (Fixed)
Flow blade blade

The main parts of Francis turbine are:

 Penstock
Spiral / scroll casing
Guide vane /wicket gates/Stay vanes
Governing mechanism
Runner and Runner blades
Draft tube
 Penstock: It is a large size conduit which
convey water from the upstream of the
dam / reservoir to the turbine runner.
 Spiral/Scroll casing: It constitutes a closed
passages whose cross-sectional area
gradually decreases along the flow
direction, area is maximum at inlet and
nearly zero at exit.
 Guide vanes/Wicket gates/ stay vanes:
These vanes direct the water on to the
runner at angle appropriate to the design.
The motion to them is given by means of a
hand wheel or automatically by a governor.
 Governing mechanism: It changes the
position of the guide blades/vanes to affect a
variation in water flow rate, when the load
conditions on the turbine change.
Runner and Runner blades: The driving
force on the runner is both due to impulse
and reaction effects. The no: of runner blades
usually varied b/w 16-24.
 Draft tube: It is a gradually expanding tube
which discharges water , passing through the
runner , to the tail race.

The modern Francis Turbine is an inward mixed

flow reaction turbine (in the earlier stages of
development, Francis turbine had a purely
radial flow runner), i-e water under pressure ,
enters the runner from the guide vanes
towards the centre in radial direction and
discharges out of the runner axially.
The Francis turbine operates under medium
heads and also requires medium quantity of
water. It is employed in the medium head
power plants. This type of turbine covers a
wide range of heads. Water is brought down to
the turbine through a penstock and directed to
a number of stationary orifices fixed all around
the circumference of the runner. These
stationary orifices are commonly called as
guide vanes or wicket gates.
The head acting on the turbine is partly
transformed into kinetic energy and the rest
remains as pressure head.
There is a difference of pressure b/w the guide
vanes and the runners which is called the
reaction pressure and is responsible for the
motion of runner. That is why a Francis turbine
is also known as reaction turbine.
In Francis turbine the pressure at inlet is more
than that at the outlet . This means that the
water in the turbine must flow in a closed
conduit. Unlike the pelton type , where the
water strikes only a few of the runner buckets at
a time , in the Francis turbine the runner is
always full of water.
The moment of runner is affected by the
change of both the potential and kinetic
energies of water. After doing the work the
water is discharged to the tailrace through a
closed tube of gradually enlarging section. This
is known as draft tube. It does not allow water
to fall freely to tailrace level as in the pelton
turbine. The free end of the draft tube is
submerged deep in tail water making, thus , the
entire water passages , right from the head
race up to the tailrace , totally enclosed.
Guide vane at Design Guide vane at closed position
Position = 12.21°

Guide vane at Max. open

Position = 18°
Parts of A Francis Turbine
Francis turbines
Work done and efficiencies of Francis turbine
Net head at turbine runner :
Hg = Gross head
hf = loss of head in penstock
Net Head = Hg-Hf
H = [total energy available at exit from the penstock] –
[total energy available at exit from the draft tube]
= [p1/w+V12/2g+Z1] penstock – [p2/w +V22/2g+Z2]
draft tube.
if the draft tube exit at tail race level, and the datum
is also taken at the level , than
H = [p1/w + v12/2g + Z1] – v22/2g
Where V2 = Vd = velocity at exit of the draft tube.
Neglecting the velocity at the draft tube exit , we
H = [p/w + V12/2g + Z1] also called working head.
Work done by the runner:
From inlet triangle ,
Work done = ρQ(Vw1U1 Vw2U2)
= wQ/g (Vw1U1 Vw2U2)
the max: output under given condition is when
w.d = wQ/g(Vw1U1) when  = 90 degree and V2 in
radial form.
So hydraulic efficiency:
If H is the net head , then input to turbine = wQH
h = power developed by runner/power supplied to
= wQ/g(Vw1U1)/wQH

= Vw1U1/gH and if Vw2 not zero then

h = (Vw1U1  Vw2U2 )/gH
efficiencies of Francis turbine 95% and rating 90%.
Working proportion of a Francis turbine runner
1. Ratio of width to diameter: The ratio of width to
dia: of wheel at inlet is represented by n.
n = B1/D1
n = 0.10 – 0.45.

2. Flow ratio kf: Flow ratio is the ratio of the velocity

of flow at the inlet to the theoretical jet velocity,
thus flow ratio,
Kf = Vf1/2gh
Kf = 0.15 – 0.30
3. Speed ratio (Ku): The ratio of peripheral speed of
runner to the theoretical jet velocity , thus
Ku = u1/2gh
Ku = 0.6 – 0.9

Design of Francis turbine runner

The runner of Francis turbine is required to be design
to generate a known power, when running at a known
speed N rpm under a known head H. The design of
the runner involve the determination of its size and
the vane angles.
1. Determine the discharge from the relation for shaft
power, P = o x wQH
2. Determine the velocity of flow from the known
discharge and the flow area,
A = (D1 – Z)B1 , or A = KtD1B1
B1, D1 are width and diameter of runner vane and Kt
is thickness factor / co-efficient of vane having
value less than unity 0.95
so discharge = area of flow x velocity of flow
Q = KtD1B1 x Vf1
Vf1 = Q/ KtD1B1 n = B/D so B1 = nD1
Vf1 = Q/ KtnD12
Kf 2gh = Q/ KtnD12

D1 =[ Q/Kf 2gh Ktn ]1/2

3. Determine the rim or peripheral velocity U1

U1 = D1N/60
4. Determine the whirl velocity Vw1
h = Vw1U1/gH or Vw1 = h gH/U1
5. Assume runner diameter D2 at outlet to be
approximately ½ of diameter at inlet, D2 = D1/2 and U2
= U1/2
6. The velocity of flow at the exit Vf2 is obtained as
Q = Kt1D1B1Vf1 = Kt2D2B2Vf2
equation of continuity
Vf1/Vf2 = Kt2D2B2/ Kt1D1B1
usually it is presumed that vf1 = vf2 and kt1 =kt2 but B2
= 2B1
7. The number of vanes varies from 16 – 24 . In order
to periodic impulse , the number of vanes should be
either one more or one less than the number of guide
It is used for low heads where large volume of
water is available makes it essential to provide a
large flow area and to run the machine at very
high speeds. The propeller turbine is a reaction
turbine used for heads b/w 4m to 80m. It is
purely axial-flow device providing the largest
possible flow area that will utilize a large volume
of water and still obtain flow velocities which are
not too large.
The propeller turbine consist of an axial flow
runner with four to six or at the most ten blades
of air- foil shape. The runner is generally kept
horizontal , i-e the shaft is vertical. The blades
resemble the propeller of a ship. In the propeller
turbine , as in Francis turbine ,the runner blades
are fixed and non adjustable. The spiral casing
and guide blades are similar to those in Francis
turbine. The guide mechanism is similar to that
in Francis turbine.
A propeller turbine is quite suitable when the
load on the turbine remains constant. At part
load its efficiency is very low; since the blades
are fixed , the water enters with shock (at part
load) and eddies are formed which reduces the
efficiency. This defects of the propeller turbine is
removed in Kaplan turbine.
In a Kaplan turbine the runner blades are
adjustable and can be rotated about pivots fixed
to the boss of the runner.
The blades are adjusted automatically by servo
mechanism so that at all loads the flow enters
them without shock. Thus , a high efficiency is
maintained even at part load. The servo motor
cylinder is usually accommodated in the hub.
the Kaplan turbine has purely axial flow. Usually it
has four to six blades having no outside rim.
It is also known as a variable pitch propeller
turbine since the pitch of the turbine can be
changed b/c of adjustable vane. The Kaplan
turbine behave like a propeller turbine at full load
The scroll casing, guide mechanism and draft
tube are similar to that in the Francis turbine.
The shape of runner blades is different from that
of Francis turbine. The blades of Kaplan turbine
are made of stainless steel. The Kaplan turbine ,
like every propeller turbine, is a high speed
turbine and is used for smaller heads; as the
speed is high , the number of runner vanes is
Working proportions of Kaplan and propeller turbine:
The expression for work done , efficiency and power
developed by the axial flow machine are identical to
those of a Francis turbine.
1. In case of propeller / Kaplan turbine , the ratio n is
taken as Db/Do ( not B/D).
Where ,
D0 = Outside diameter of runner
Db = Diameter of boss or Hub
So, Discharge = area of flow x velocity of flow
Q = /4 (D2o – D2b) x Vf
Q = /4 (D2o – D2b) x Kf2gH
Kf is called flow ratio equal to 0.70
Q = /4 D2o (1 – n2) x Kf2gH
n = Db/Do and value for n = 0.35 – 0.60
2. The peripheral velocity u of the runner vanes
depends upon the radius of the point under
consideration and thus the blade angles vary from
the rim to the boss and the vanes are warped, this
is necessary to ensure shock free entry and exit.
3. Velocity of flow remain constant throughout.

1 Types Of Turbine Radially inward or Partially axial flow

mixed flow
2 Disposition of shaft Horizontal or vertical Only Vertical

3 Adjustability of runner Runner vanes are not Runner vanes are

vanes adjustable adjustable
4 Number of vanes Large, 16 to 20 blades Small 3 to 8 blades

5 Resistance to be Large, (owing to large Less (owing to fewer

overcome number of vanes and number of vanes and
greater area of less wetted area)
contact with water)
6 Head Medium (45mm to Low (up to 30m)
7 Flow rate Medium Large

8 Specific speed 50-250 250-850

In power turbines like reaction turbines, Kaplan turbines,
or Francis turbines, a diffuser tube is installed at the exit
of the runner, known as draft tube. In an impulse turbine
the available head is high and there is no significant effect
on the efficiency if the turbine is placed a couple of
meters above the tail race. But in the case of reaction
turbines, if the net head is low and if the turbine is
installed above the tail race, there can be appreciable loss
in available pressure head.
If the pressure at the exit of the turbine is lower than the
pressure of fluid in the tail race, a back flow of liquid into
the turbine can result in significant damage. By placing a
diffusing pipe at the exit of the runner, the pressure head
is increased by decreasing the exit velocity, and both the
overall efficiency and the output of the turbine can be
A draft tube at the end of the turbine increases the
pressure of the exiting fluid at the expense of its velocity.
This means that the turbine can reduce pressure to a
higher extent without fear of back flow from tail race.
The Draft tube gives an advantage of placing the
turbine above the tail race so that any required
inspections can be made easily. Moreover, it also
converts the wasteful kinetic energy at the exit of the
runner into the useful pressure energy.
Specific speed of turbomachine
 The ratio of turbomachine against a reference
turbomachine which provide the actual performance
figure to provide unit less quantity.
 Reference is ideal turbomachine specification.
 To predict desired turbomachine characteristics.
 Require for design flow rate and head parameters.
Ns = Np/H5/4
Ns = NQ/H3/4
Specific speed
The specific speed value for a turbine is the speed of a
geometrically similar turbine which would produce
unit power (one kilowatt) under unit head (one
meter). The specific speed of a turbine is given by the
manufacturer (along with other ratings) and will
always refer to the point of maximum efficiency.
Well-designed efficient machines typically use the
following values: Impulse turbines have the
lowest ns values, typically ranging from 1 to 10,
a Pelton wheel is typically around 4, and Francis
turbines fall in the range of 10 to 100, while Kaplan
turbines are at least 100 or more, all in imperial units.
Some specific parameters for specific speed
 It play an important role in selection of the type of
turbine, by knowing the specific speed of turbine the
performance of turbine can be predicted.
 If a runner of high specific speed is used for a given
head and power output, the overall cost of
installation is lower. The selection of too high specific
speed reaction runner would reduce the size of
runner to such an extent that the discharge velocity of
the water into throat of draft tube would be
excessive. This is objectionable because a vacuum
may be created in the extreme case.
 The runner of too high specific speed with high
available head increase the cost of turbine on account
of high mechanical strength required. The runner of
too low specific speed with low available head
increase the cost of generator due to low turbine
 An increase in specific speed of turbine is
accompanied by lower max: efficiency and greater
depth of excavation of the draft tube. In choosing the
high specific speed turbine, an increase in cost of
excavation of foundation and draft tube should be
considered in addition to the efficiency.
Cavitation is formation of vapor bubbles in the liquid
flowing through hydraulic turbine. Cavitation occur
when the static pressure of the liquid falls below its
vapor pressure and it occur at the fast moving blades
at exit region of turbine. And when these cavities
collapse on the surface of the body which creates
erosion of material and called pitting.
Detrimental effects of Cavitation
 Roughness occurring at surface of the blades and
casing due to pitting (corrosion)
 Vibration of part is caused due to irregular collapse
of cavities.
 The actual volume of liquid flowing through the
machine is reduced (since the volume of cavities is many
times more than the volume of water from which they
are formed) causing sudden drop in output and efficiency.

Cavitation factor
For Francis turbine: c = 0.625 (Ns / 380.78)2

For propeller turbine: c = 0.28 + [1/7.5 (Ns / 380.78)3]

And for Kaplan turbine 10% value increased in propeller

turbine value.
Avoiding Cavitation
To set the parameters(pressure head, flow rate and
exit pressure) in such away that the static pressure
may not fall below the vapor pressure for avoiding the
Cavitation in turbines. For that conduct the test on
the model of turbine and check when efficiency start
to drop than note the specific speed and stop the
Surge Tanks
It is small reservoir tank in which water level rises or
falls to reduce the pressure swings. It also control the
pressure when flow rate suddenly changed according
to demand of runner for safety of penstock by
controlling excessive pressure which stored in surge
tank and provided to runner when load is increased
on turbine for maximum rotation.
Runaway speed
To find the centrifugal stresses on turbine parts when
runs on available discharge and head but having no
load on generator, that’s speed is called runaway

• It is a diagonal type turbine.

• Its named in the honor of its inventor P. Deriaz.
• This turbine is intermediate b/w the mixed flow
and axial flow machines, b/c the flow of water
passes through the runner is at an angle of 450 .
• It works on heads varying from 30-150m.
• The blades of runner are pivoted on to the hub
and unlike in the Kaplan turbine , the axis of the
blades are inclined of the shaft.
• Guide vanes are pivoted ahead of the blades to
regulate and direct the flow.
• The runner has no outer rim.

The runner of this turbine is so shaped that it can be

used both as a turbine as well as pump and hence it
may be classified as a reversible type turbine. It is
suitably used for pumped storage hydropower

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