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The Fungi Kingdom

Mycology - the study of fungi

fungi - singular
fungus - plural
4 Main Characteristics of Fungi
1) fungi are eukaryotic
•they have a nuclei & mitochondria
2) they are heterotrophs
•they depend on other organisms for food
3) they are multicellular
4) they cannot move on their own
The Fungi Kingdom
4 Reasons Fungi Are Different From Plants
1) fungi lack chlorophyll
2) fungi are not photosynthetic Saprophyte-
•cannot produce their own food feeds on
•most are saprophytes dead/decaying
•some are parasites organisms
3) they never reproduce by seeds
4) most fungi have cell walls made
of chitin…
•Plant cell walls are made of what?
The Fungi Kingdom
Parts of fungi:
Hyphae - network of thin thread-like structures
that form the “body” of a fungus

hypha - singular
hyphae - plural

• hyphae contain cytoplasm

• hyphae grow and branch until they cover and
digest the food source (upon which the fungi
is growing)
The Fungi Kingdom
Parts of fungi:
Mycelium - a mass of hyphae
mycelia - plural

•The mycelium is usually hidden in the soil, in

wood, or another food source

•A mycelium may fill

a single ant, or cover
many acres
The Fungi Kingdom
Main Types of Fungi:
1.Zygomycota/Common molds
Sporangium fungi reproduces by spores in the
•Sporangia- structures found on the tips of
hyphae that make spores Spraying with blue
•Eg: Bread Mold,Peronospore
•Bread mold
produces spores in
sporangia that stick
up above the bread
The Fungi Kingdom

Types of Fungi

2. Sac Fungi - produce spores in sac-like structures

Eg: yeasts,cup fungi,powdery mildews,Penicillinum

2. Sac fungi
reproduces by budding (Ascomycotes)



Sir Alexander Flemming-penicillin

3. Phylum Basidiomycota – Club Fungi
• Gets name from specialized reproduction structure resembling a
club, called basidium – found on the underside of mushroom cap in
the gills
• One mushroom may produce 1 billion spores
• Some are edible, some are toxic
• Examples: Mushrooms, toadstools
• Most elaborate life cycle of all the fungi

/or cup

The Fungi Kingdom
What are we looking at when we see a…

The part of the

fungus that we see is
only the “fruit” of the

The ‘living’ body of

the fungus is a
The Fungi Kingdom
Fungi Reproduction:
•the structure of the fungi that you can see, is
the part that carries out reproduction
•most fungi reproduce by using spores
•fungi spores are microscopic
EX: Mushrooms & puffballs release large clouds
of spores. Each cloud contains millions of spores

Reproduction is classified according to:

1) the way they form the spores
2) the shape of the structure in which spores
are made
3. Club fungi (Basidiomycetes)
Earth stars Brackets

3. Club fungi (Basidiomycetes)

Champignon Eg: Death cap

Importance of fungi

-many of them live in mutualism with the roots of trees.

They can substitute root hairs as in the case of pine trees.
-they can be decomposers

-they can cause diseases to plants, to animals or even humans

-they can be edible or poisonous
-they can be useful for alimentary,distilling and pharmaceutical
Where do lichens belong in the
classification of living organisms?
* Lichens are dual organisms, so they are
difficult to place in a classification
* They represent symbiotic (mutualistic)
relationships between fungi and green algae,
fungi and cyanobacteria, or fungi and both
* The fungus is the dominant physical
component of the lichen thallus, and lichens
are usually classified with the fungi
* Nevertheless, the association appears to
have originated through fungi parasitizing
algae and/or cyanobacteria
Human Uses of Lichens
•Brown, purple and red fabric dyes (e.g. Scottish tweeds and tartans)
* Part of the daily diet, e.g. Lecanora esculenta (“manna”?) in Iran, flour
from Cetraria islandica (Iceland moss) in Scandinavian ship’s biscuits, Inuit
“nirukkaq” - partly digested lichens from caribou & muskox stomachs in
* Commercial production of sugar in Russia, WWII
* ‘Iwatake (Umbilicaria esculanta) as delicacy in Japan
•More uses of lichens - medicine, embalming and perfumery
Many lichen extracts are inhibitory to the growth of Gram-positive
* Some are also effective against Mycobacterium tuberculosus
* Oakmoss (Evernia prunastri) and Treemoss (Pseudoevernia furfuracea)
are used in Europe to make fixatives for perfumes and soaps.
* The antibiotic properties of lichens were exploited by the ancient
Egyptians in their embalming procedures
Special characteristics of lichens

-they are pioneers

-they produce acid to dissolve rocks
-they don’t tolerate sulphur-dioxide in the air
-as they die massively in case of air pollution,
they are indicators of it.

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