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Houses From Waste Plastic Bottles

Presented by : M. Hassan Askari

Roll no : 161108
Presented to : Sir Omer
Date: 24/12/2018
Business Description

Harmful effects of plastic bottles

on Environment.
1) Plastic bottle takes at least 1000 years to decompose.
2) For every six bottles people buy, only one is recycled.
3) Burning of plastic bottles releases toxic gaseous
chemicals like nitrogen oxides, sulfur
dioxide, volatile.
4) Health issues, including reproductive problems,
breathing problems and cancer.
5) 5 million to 8 million tones of plastic bottles are leaked
into the oceans every year results in killing our oceans
and the marine life.
Business Description

Drawbacks of traditional Brick houses

• Cost very high to build a brick
• Everyone can not afford
• Environmental pollution
• Change in climate
• Consumption of non renewable
• Inconsistent quality
• Unpredictable cash flow
• Increased cost
• Poor shock absorber
Business Description

Houses from waste plastic bottles

Business Description

Nature of Demand
• Due to high cost of building houses not everyone can build a house.
• People spend their whole lives in rent houses because they can not afford
the heavy cost.
• A lot of people want their own houses at low cost
• According to survey demand of these houses are much more in less
developed areas, villages and at hilly areas
• In India there exist more than three to four thousand houses made by
plastic bottles.
• In Africa these houses are recommended at government level.
• After considering these points we concluded that there will be a great
number of people in Pakistan need this service.
Products or Services

Distinctive Characteristics
• Cost efficient
• Durability of 300 years
• Bottle filled with sand is 20 times stronger than a brick
• Non-brittle
• Bullet proof
• Absorb abrupt shock loads
• Less construction material required
• Easy to build
• Temperature constant ( cool in summer & vice versa)
• Green construction
• Reduce plastic bottle waste and environmental pollution

• Waste plastic bottles (of different sizes)

• Sand to fill the bottles
• Binding material (cement and sand)
• Steel sheets for the roof
• Waste plastic to insulate the roof

• Step 1: Filling Plastic bottles with Sand

• Step 2: fill the base with cement and start construction
• Step 3: making wall more strong by using plastic string

Market research and analysis

• All traditional house constructors

• Bricks factories

Market research and analysis

• Traditionally adopted
• More floors can be constructed
• Very costly
• Brittle fastly
• Labor cost
• More binding material required
• Cause environmental pollution
Methods of Distribution

Market plan

• The method of distribution is through the telephone which connects you to the
manager who will guide you about all the procedures and cost factors
• You can also visit the Office which will be in Islamabad
• Our service will be reachable throughout Pakistan
Targeted audience

Market plan

• According to census 2017 the total population of Pakistan is 197 million

• 70 % population is living in rural areas.
• And approximately 50 % are living in mud houses and huts.

• Those people who are living in rent houses

• People living in mud houses in villages
• People living at hilly areas
Pricing system

Market plan

• The price will depend upon the size of the house and the rate of binding material
and other supplements required for the construction.
• Also the labor cost and the instruments cost will be included.

• An small single story one bed room, kitchen, bath room and dining room house
will cost approx. 1 lack to 2 lack . Depending upon the size of the rooms.
• The cost of the land is excluded.

Market plan

• The promotion of this service will be done through different advertising platforms
• We will use television commercial adds on news channels to spread awareness
among people because there in rural areas the news channels and the news
papers will be easily available .
• Billboard banners will also be used for promotional purposes.
operational plan

facilities inventory

• Building for office • Instruments

• Location • Binding material
• Vehicle • Plastic bottles
• Furniture • Sand
• Fixtures
• Official phone

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