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Strangeness of Beauty

Excerpt by Lydia Minatoya

Strangeness of Beauty

• The excerpt “Strangeness of Beauty was about the

history of the Fuji samurais who belong to the
category of the so called elite shi families.
• By the year 1500 Japan was divided among 250
warring regional warlords.
• Boys who are born in a samurai family might see
battle by the age of 13.
Strangeness of Beauty

• In preparation the mother whispers war strategies to

the child that slept in her womb.
• At the age of seven samurai children trains for war.
• Genbuku ceremony is where they receive their adult
name, shaves hair, wear topknot, and a suit armor.
Strangeness of Beauty

• After the war Fuji name of honor endured yet they

do not have male offspring to continue their family
• Chie, their eldest daughter in the story, an elegant
and beautiful woman meets a young man, Kan, who is
willing to change his family name to Fuji after
Strangeness of Beauty

1.Samurai - A member of Japanese military class in the past
2.Obsolete - no longer used because something newer
3.Suppress - to end by force
4.Figurehead - a person who is called the head or chief of
something but who has no real power
5.Shrewd - having or showing an ability to understand
things and to make good judgments
6.Bankrupt - a person, business that is unable to pay debts
7.Calligraphy - art of making beautiful handwriting
8.Literati - the educated class
9.Egalitarianism - a belief of human equality especially with
respect to social, political,and economic affairs
10.Perquisite - a privilege, gain, or profit incidental to
regular salary
11.Ostentation - unnecessary display of wealth, knowledge,
etc., that is done to attract attention, admiration, or envy.
12.Rickshaw - a small light vehicle with two wheels that is
pulled by one person on foot or on a bicycle
13.Boisterous - very noisy and active in a lively way
14.Refinement - the act or process of removing unwanted
substances from something
15.Allure - to entice by charm or attraction
16.Eaves - lower border of a roof that overhangs the wall
17.Innocuous - not likely to bother or offend anyone
18.Deference - a way of behaving that shows respect for
someone or something
19.Haughty - having or showing the insulting attitude of
people who think that they are better than other
20.Bumpkins - an awkward and unsophisticated rustic

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