Name:het Kishorbhai Bhalala Std:12th Div:A Roll No.:11 Subject:chemistry

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Gajera international school


Name :het kishorbhai bhalala

Std :12th
Roll no. :11
Subject :chemistry
10. USES
Acknowledgement In the accomplishment of this project
successfully, many people have best owned upon me their blessings
and the heart pledged support, this time I am utilizing to thank all
the people who have been concerned with the project. Primarily, I
would thank God for being able to complete this project with
success. Then I would like to thank my Chemistry teacher Mr.
Rajesh Kumar, whose valuable guidance has been the ones that
helped me patch this project and make it full proof success. His
suggestions and his instructions have served as the major
contributor towards the completion of the project. Then I would
like to thank my parents and friends who have helped me with their
valuable suggestions and guidance that has been helpful in various
phase of the completion of the project.
study the quantity of Casein Present in
Various samples of Milk.
→The caseins in the micelle are held together by calcium ions and hydrophobic Casein
contains a fairly high number of pro-line residues which do not interact. There are also
no disulphide bridge. As a result hydrophobic making it poorly soluble in water. It is
found in milk as a suspension of particles called casein miselles which slow only limited
resemblance with surfactant- type-micelle in a sense that the hydrophilic parts reside at
the surface and they are spherical. However in sharp contrast to surfactant micelles the
interior of a casein micelle is highly hydrated. The caseins in the micelle are held together
by calcium ions and hydrophobic interactions.

→Several models account for the special conformation of casein in the micelle. One of
them proposes the micellar nucleus is formed by several sub micelles the periphery
consisting of microvellosites of K-casein. Another model suggests the nucleus is formed
by casein-interlinked fibrils. Finally the most recent model proposes a double link among
the casein for selling to take place. All three models consider micelles as colloidal
particles formed by casein aggregate wrapped up in soluble K- casein molecules.
interactions. Several models account for the special conformation of casein in the
micelle. Another model suggests the nucleus is formed by casein-interlinked fibrils.
Finally the most recent model proposes a double link among the casein for selling to take
place. All three models consider micelles as colloidal particles formed by casein aggregate
wrapped up in soluble K- casein molecules

COW 87.1 0.7 3.4 3.9 4.9

HUMAN 87.4 0.2 1.4 4.0 4.9
GOAT 87.0 0.7 3.3 4.2 4.8
SHEEP 82.6 0.9 5.5 6.5 4.5

Composition Of Casein Casein contains a fairly high number of pro-line

residues which do not interact. There are also no disulphide bridge. As a result
hydrophobic making it poorly soluble in water. It is found in milk as a
suspension of particles called casein miselles which slow only limited
resemblance with surfactant- type-micelle in a sense that the hydrophilic parts
reside at the surface and they are spherical.
Natural milk is an opaque white fluid secreted by the mammary glands of
female mammal. The main constituent of natural milk are protein carbohydrate
mineral vitamins fats and water are a complete balanced diet .Fresh milk is
sweet in taste. However when it is kept for long Time at a temperature of 5
degree it become sour because of bacteria in air. These bacteria convert lactose
of milk into lactic acid which is sour in taste. Natural milk is an opaque white
fluid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammal. The main
constituent of natural milk are protein carbohydrate mineral vitamins fats and
water are a complete balanced diet .Fresh milk is sweet in taste. However when
it is kept for long Time at a temperature of 5 degree it become sour because of
bacteria in air. These bacteria convert lactose of milk into lactic acid which is
sour in taste.In acidic condition casein of milk starts separating as a precipitate.
When the acidity in milk is sufficient and temperature is around 36 degree it
forms semi – solid mass called curd.
→ 250ml. Beaker
→ dropper
→ filtrations flask,
→ spatula
→ measuring cylinder,
→ glass rod
→ china dish
→ weight bore
→ different samples of milk, 10% acetic acid
1. A clean dry beaker has been taken, followed by putting 20 ml of cow’s milk
into it and adding 20 ml of saturated ammonium sulphate solution slowly and
with stirring. Fat along with Casein was precipitate out

2. The solution was filtered and transferred the precipitates in another beaker.
Added about 30 ml of water to the precipitate. Only Casein dissolves in water
forming milky solution leaving fat undissolved.

3. The milky solution was heated to about 40o C and add 10% acetic acid
solution drop-wise, when casein got precipitated.

4. Filtered the precipitate, washed with water and the precipitate was allowed to

5. Weighed the dry solid mass in a previously weighed watch glass.

6. The experiment was repeated with other samples of milk.

Sample no. source Content of protein % of casein

1. Saras(cow milk) 0.60 3.00%

2. Panchamrat(goat 0.65 3.25%


3. Rath(buffalo milk) 0.75 3.70%

4. Amul(buffalo milk) 0.25 4.20%

Different samples of milk contain different
percent of Casein and the Casein contents in
AMUL brand are appreciable.

At present AMUL is the best brand of milk

available in the market.
Paint:- Casein paint is a fast drying water soluble medium used by artists. Casein
paint has been used since ancient Egyptians times as a form of tempera paint and was
widely used by commercial illustrators as the material of choice until the late 1960s
when with the advent of acrylic paint casein became less popular. O

Glue:- Casein based glues very popular for woodworking including for aircraft as late
as the de Hacilland Mosquito casein glue is also used in transformer manufacturing due
to its oil permeability. While largely replaced by synthetic resins casein based glues still
have a use in certain niche applications such as laminating fireproof doors and the
labeling of bottles. oCheese making:- Cheese consists of proteins and fat from milk
usually the milk of cows buffaloes goats or sheep. It is produced by coagulation
ofCasein. Typically the milk is acidified and then coagulated by the addition of rennet
containing a protrolytic enzyme typically obtained from the stomach of calves.

Cheese making:- Cheese consists of proteins and fat from milk usually the milk
of cows buffaloes goats or sheep .It is produced by coagulation of Casein. Typically the
milk is acidified and then coagulated by the addition of rennet containing a protrolytic
enzyme typically obtained from the stomach of calves.

Plastics and fiber:-Some of the earliest plastics were based on casein. In particular
galalith was well known for use in buttons. Fiber can be made from extruded casein. Lanital
a fabric made from casein fiber was particularly popular in italy during the 1930s . Recent
innovations such as Qmilch are offering a more refined use of the fiber for modern fabrics.

Protein supplements:-An attractive property of the casein molecule is its ability to

form a gel or clot in the stomach which makes it very efficient in nutrient supply. The clot
is able to provide a sustained slow releases amino acids into the blood stream sometimes
lasting for several hours

Medical and dental uses:-Casein derived compounds are used in tooth

remineralization products to instabilize amorphous calcium phosphate ACPand release the
ACP on to tooth surfaces where it can facilitate remineralization Casein. Typically the milk
is acidified and then coagulated by the addition of rennet containing a protrolytic enzyme
typically obtained from the stomach of calves

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