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Parasympathetic &

Sympathetic system
Classification of Sympathomimetics:-
1. On the basis of their chemical structure-
a) Catecholamines -Adr, NA, DA, Isoprenaline & dobutamine.
b) Non-catecholamine's -Tyramine, Ephedrine, Amphetamine, Phenylepherine & salbutamol.
2. On the basis of Therapeutic/clinical use

8. Mydriatics: Adrenaline, Phenyl epinephrine.

9. Local vasoconstrictor: Adrenaline.
Therapeutic uses of Adrenaline
Alpha blockers

Selective alpha blockers (Irreversible) HTN in pheochromocytoma

Selective alpha blockers HTN in pheochromocytoma
Phentolamine HTN Emergencies/crisis
Tissue necrosis
Male sexual dysfunction

Selective alpha blockers Mild-moderate essential hypertension.

Prazosin, Terazosin
Tamsulosin,Alfuzosin Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Beta blockers HTN

Angina & MI
Cardiac arrhythmias

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