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How do we mobilise finance faster?

Deep Demonstrations of Radical Climate Action

September 13, 2019 (v3)
Many efficiency improvements
have been achieved. What lies
ahead now is unprecedented We need innovation
to change whole systems;
and far more difficult. new ideas and approaches
acting simultaneously on
multiple levers of change to
trigger transformation to a
net-zero emissions,
resilient future.
What are ‘Deep Demonstrations’?
Showcases of the rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented change we now need

Challenge-owners Clear intent Identify main Design deliberate Learn what helps
e.g. city authorities, for example an systems portfolios of to unlock change
government agencies, ambitious target for that must change and innovations from real world
regional bodies, carbon neutrality or the barriers to doing so to tackle these barriers experiments and
companies, and citizen net-zero emissions simultaneously, helping them scale
groups committed to drawing on the best of
radical climate action human ingenuity
Brian Kilkelly
+44 7714 051 216


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