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Self Directed REPORTER:


Subject: GC226
Placement and Career
Holland’s Theory &

People of certain personalities drift to

certain types of careers. Career
satisfaction is greater when the
personality type and chosen career are
matched appropriately.
The Self-Directed

combines a questionnaire asking the client

about interests and their abilities (skills) in
order to arrive at a personality profile.
Potential careers are then listed by the
possible combination of personality codes
Personality Types

Realistic Social
Investigative Enterprising
Artistic Conventional
Personality Types
Interests and Likes
Realistic types usually have
mechanical abilities, preferring to
These are typically con- work with things rather than
forming, frank, genuine, people. They may enjoy working
honest, humble, materialistic, out- doors, with tools, often prefer
hardheaded, modest, to be able to physically move
persistent, practical, shy, and around. Other interest are hands
thrifty. on work such as tinkering with
computers and other equipment.
Personality Types

Investigative Interests and Likes

They enjoy academic pursuits

This type is analytical, cautious, and like to understand things.
complex, critical, curious, Interests include the scientific,
independent, and introverted. analytic, ideas, theories, and
They are intellectual and curious facts. They prefer this over trying
by nature. They are often seen as to persuade others.
modest, methodical, pessimistic,
re- served, and rational.
Personality Types
Interests and Likes
Artistic people enjoy creating
original work and using their
Creative, disorderly, idealistic, imaginations. Their orientation is
original, and imaginative are more toward intellectual and
words describing the artistic cultural areas.
type. They tend towards the
impulsive, impractical,
independent, introspective,
intuitive, and nonconforming.
Personality Types
Interests and Likes
Social types usually like to be
around people, help others solve
This type is generally perceived problems, and are interested in
as empathic, friendly, helpful, how people interact. These are
caring, patient, and kind. the ones who teach, counsel,
Social types tend to be guide, and care for others.
idealistic, generous, Mechanical aptitude is not their
understanding, and warm. strength or of interest to them.
They are service oriented and
often excellent listeners
Personality Types
Interests and Likes
Enterprising types like to
influence, persuade, lead, and
Enterprising personalities are avarice,
ambitious, attention seeking, can be
direct. They will often have
domineering, energetic, and optimistic. leadership and speaking abilities.
They are adventurous, impulsive, They can also have an interest in
extroverted, self-confident, and politics and money
sociable. These people have the ability
to persuade others. Think of those traits
one would stereotypically associate
with business success or acumen.
Personality Types
Interests and Likes
Conventional types prefer orderly
routines and clear expectations
The conventional personality is a highly
structured type of person in their
and standards. They enjoy work
thinking and lifestyle. They are careful, that is indoors and involves
thrifty, efficient, orderly, persistent, and organization of things and
practical. Be- cause of their need for systems.
or- der and detail they can be
unimaginative. Other traits include
being shy, conscientious, obedient, and
Business Oriented: Conventional and Enterprising
Ideas: Investigative and Artistic
People Orientated: Social and Enterprising

Introverted: Realistic, Conventional, Investigative,
and some Artistic personalities.
Extraverts: Enterprising, Social, and some Artistic

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