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 He was developed by Soviet Psychologist and

Social constructivist Lev Vygotsky.

 He believes that social interaction plays a very

important role in cognitive development.

 He also believed that individual development

could not be understood without looking into the
social and cultural context within which
development happens.
Social interaction Social interaction
• More individual in focus • More social in focus

Cultural factor Cultural factor

• Believed that there are universal • Did not propose stages but
stages of cognitive emphasized on cultural factors
in cognitive development.
• Did not give emphasis on Language
language • Stress the role of language in
cognitive development

When a child attempts to perform skill alone, she

may not be immediately proficient at it. So, alone
she may perform at a certain level of competency.
However, with the guidance of More
Knowledgeable Other (MKO), competent adult or
a more advanced peer, the child can perform at a
higher level of competency.
 It is a support or assistance that lets the child
accomplish a task he cannot accomplish

 Should involved the judicious assistance given by the

adult or peer so that the child can move from the zone
of actual to the zone of proximal development

 As learners become more proficient, able to complete

tasks on their own that they could not initially do
without assistance, the guidance can be withdrawn.
This is called scaffold and fade-away technique.

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