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 created by the merger of four other federal

organizations in 1998 and 1999 in order to better co-

ordinate the fight against the growing threat of drug
 agency merged the Federal Highway Police, the Fiscal
Police, an Interior Ministry intelligence unit called the
Investigation and National Security Center
 military personnel transferred en masse from
the Mexican Army's 3rd Military Police Brigade.
 It is under the authority of the Department of
Security and Civil Protection.
 Law enforcement in Mexico is divided between
federal, state, and municipal entities. There are two
federal police forces, 31 state police forces (and two for
the federal district) and one estimate suggests over
1,600 municipal police forces.There are 366 officers per
100,000 people.
 Mexico maintains two primary Federal Police
agencies; the Policia Federal, the uniformed force, and
an Investigative force called the Policía Federal
Ministerial :
Federal Police
Ministerial Federal Police
Mexico City Police
 As of 2012, Mexico has a police force of over 544,000
people, making it the country with the fourth largest
police force in the world, just behind China, India, and
the United States.
 The average wage of a police officer is $350 per month,
To become an academy cadet, the requirements are as
 Mexican citizenship.
 High school diploma or equivalent
 To be between 18 and 30 years of age (police can be older
but this is the age range for the academy).
 160cm mínimum height for men and 150cm for women.
 No prior criminal record
 Good physical and mental health (you are tested on
 To pass an initial screening
 To be completely clean of any drugs, and not an
alcoholic (you are tested)
 To be free of tattoos (except for permanent facial
makeup in women’s eyes, mouth and eyebrows)
The Mexico City police academy
 Policeman/woman – Policía – One bar
 Corporal – Cabo – One chevron
 2nd Sergeant – Sargento Segundo – Two chevrons
 1st Sergeant – Sargento Primero – Three chevrons
 Sub-officer – Suboficial – One triangle
 Officer – Oficial – Two triangles
 Sub-inspector – Subinspector – Three triangles
 Inspector – Inspector – One star (eight-pointed)
 Chief Inspector – Inspector Jefe – Two stars (eight-pointed)
 Inspector General – Inspector General – Three stars (eight-
 Commissioner – Comisario
 Chief Commissioner – Comisario Jefe
 Commissioner General – Comisario General
The ranks from Commissioner to Commissioner General wear
more complex rank insignia involving the seven-pointed star of
the Federal Police badge above one to four five-pointed stars
placed between two stripes.

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