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1. Erika Ayu S W 2017.

2. Desy Susana 2017.051
3. Roossita Mega 2017.068
4. Yohanna Lucky 2017.125

Definition : asthma is cronic lung disease due to

inflamation the airways resulted into airway
obstruction. the obstruction is reversible.
• Symptom :
1. wheezing
2. tightiness in the cest
3. shortness of breath
4. sometimes nocturnal symptoms
• Etiologi

triggers factor tend to participate

and/or aggravate asthma
1. alergens
2. irritants
3. Exercise
4. Temperature and weather
Diet for people asthma, namely
vegetables,fruits, and food that are
rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Regular
exercise will stengthen the lungs an
improve the quality of health so that it
can reduce asthma symptoms
ways to prevent asthma problems
1. maintain the environment potential
2. avoid cigarettes
3. Exercise

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