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Testing Implementasi Sistem

Pertemuan 2
Strategi dan
Teknik Testing

Oleh :Rifiana Arief, SKom, MMSI

• What Testing is
• Testing In Development Process
• Types Of Testing and Definitions
• Verification & Validation
• Purpose and Goal of Testing
• Who Tests Software
• Testing Technique
• Testing Step
• Testing Strategy

What’s Wrong?


A=A + 0 1 .
A=2 ?

Print A Print A

What testing is
1) Common definition
Testing is to execute a
testing program with the purpose
of finding defects

2) Wider definition
”Testing is a technical
investigation of a product,
done to expose quality-
related information.”

Testing in Development Process
• Testing activities take place in all parts of
software development
• From requirement eliciting to final shipment
• Testing is part of the development process
• Testing is part of the company business

Testing in Development Process
• Testing During implementation: test to verify
that software behaves as intended by the
• Testing After implementation: test for
conformance with requirements and
reliability, and other non functional

Most Common Software problems
 Incorrect calculation
 Incorrect data edits & ineffective data edits
 Incorrect matching and merging of data
 Data searches that yields incorrect results
 Incorrect processing of data relationship
 Incorrect coding / implementation of
business rules
 Inadequate software performance
 Confusing or misleading data
 Software usability by end users &
Obsolete Software
 Inconsistent processing
 Unreliable results or performance
 Inadequate support of business needs
 Incorrect or inadequate interfaces
with other systems
 Inadequate performance and security
 Incorrect file handling
Types of testing and definitions
• Validation and Verification
– Validate
• correctness or suitability
• vertical experts to confirm master results
– Verification
• confirm software operates as it is required to
• double check to ensure results match those previously
validated and if not then re-validate them
Rational Unified
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition
Process (RUP)


Testing can take place as part

of each phase of development .
Core Workflow




Rational Unified
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition
Process (RUP)

Testing can take place as part of each core


workflow involved in development

Core Workflow




Verification & Validation
• Software V & V defined as a systems
engineering methodology to ensure that
quality is built into the software during

• Software V & V is complementary to and

supportive of quality assurance, project
management, systems engineering, and
Verification & Validation versus Debugging

• Verification & Validation

– a process that establish the existence of
defects in a system

• Debugging
– a process that locates and corrects these

Verification versus Validation

• Software Verification Process

– is a process for determining whether the software
products of an activity fulfill the requirements or
conditions imposed on them in the previous activities.

• Software Validation Process

– is a process for determining whether the
requirements and the final, as-built system or
software product fulfills its specific intended

Verification versus Validation
• Verification:
– “Are we building the system in the right way?”
– The system should conform to the specification
– It does what you specified it should do

 Validation:
 “Are we building the right system? ”
 The system should do what the users really
Verification versus Validation

• Sometimes one of these word is used to

mean both verification and validation:

– Verification in the meaning:

–verification and validation, or

– Validation in the meaning:

–verification and validation

The V & V Objectives

• There are two principal objectives:

– To discover and rectify defects in a system

– To assess whether or not the system is

usable in an operational situation.
The V & V Objectives

• Software V & V determines that the software

performs its intended functions correctly.

• Ensure that the software performs no unintended


• Measure and assess the quality and reliability of


The V & V Objectives

• As a software engineering discipline, software V

& V also assesses, analyzes, and tests the
software on

– how it interfaces with systems elements

– Influences the performance, or reacts to

stimuli from system elements

The V & V process
• V & V Is a whole life-cycle process

• V & V should be applied at each stage in the

software process.

Static and Dynamic V&V
Check correspondence between Are we building
a program and its specification the system
Static In the right way?

Requirements High-level Formal Detailed Code/

specification design specification design Program


Are we building
the right system?
base testing
Static and Dynamic V&V

• Static Verification
Concerned with analysis of the static
system representation to discover
– Analysis of all documents produced
that represent the system
– Can be applied during all stages of the
software process

Static Dynamic = “testing”

Inspect artifacts Execute systems

to discover problems observing product behaviour
(static verification) (dynamic validation)
Static Dynamic = “testing”

Inspect artifacts Execute systems

Complements each other


Static Dynamic =

Integration Acceptance
Unit test System test
test test

Review Inspection Walkthrough

Static verification
• Review (desk checking)
– Code reading done by a single person,
– informal.
– Uneffective compared to walkthrough or inspection

• Walkthrough
– The programmer(s) ”walks through”/”executes” his
code while invited participants ask questions and
makes comments.
– Relatively informal

• Inspection
– Usually a checklist of common errors is used to
compare the code against.

Purpose and goal of testing
are situation dependent

1. Find defects
2. Maximize bug count
3. Block premature product releases
4. Help managers make ship/no-ship
5. Assess quality
6. Minimize technical support costs
Purpose and goal of testing
are situation dependent

7. Conform to regulations
8. Minimize safety-related lawsuit risk
9. Assess conformance to specification
10. Find safe scenarios for use of the
product (find ways to get it to work, in
spite of the bugs)
11. Verify correctness of the product
12. Assure quality
Purpose and goal of testing
are situation dependent

13. Testing cannot show the absence of

errors, only their presence
14. We test a program to find the
existence of an error
15. If we find no errors then we have
been unsuccessful
16. If an error is found debugging should
Unsuitable objectives with testing

Show that a system does

what it is supposed to do

Showing that a system is without errors

Testing Levels

• Unit testing
• Integration testing
• System testing
• Acceptance testing
Unit testing

• The most ‘micro’ scale of testing.

• Tests done on particular functions or code
• Requires knowledge of the internal program
design and code.
• Done by Programmers (not by testers).
Unit testing
Objectives  To test the function of a program or unit of
code such as a program or module
 To test internal logic
 To verify internal design
 To test path & conditions coverage
 To test exception conditions & error
When  After modules are coded
Input  Internal Application Design
 Master Test Plan
 Unit Test Plan
Output  Unit Test Report
Srihari Techsoft
Who Developer

Methods White Box testing techniques

Test Coverage techniques

Tools Debug
Code Analyzers
Path/statement coverage tools
Education Testing Methodology
Effective use of tools

Srihari Techsoft
Incremental integration testing

Continuous testing of an application as and

when a new functionality is added.

Application’s functionality aspects are required

to be independent enough to work separately
before completion of development.

Done by programmers or testers.

Integration Testing

– Testing of combined parts of an application to

determine their functional correctness.

– ‘Parts’ can be
• code modules
• individual applications
• client/server applications on a network.
Srihari Techsoft
Types of Integration Testing

»Big Bang testing

»Top Down Integration testing

»Bottom Up Integration testing

Integration testing
Objectives  To technically verify proper
interfacing between modules, and
within sub-systems
When  After modules are unit tested
Input  Internal & External Application
 Master Test Plan
 Integration Test Plan
Output  Integration Test report
Srihari Techsoft
Who Developers

Methods White and Black Box

Problem /
Tools Debug
Code Analyzers
Education Testing Methodology
Effective use of tools
Srihari Techsoft
System Testing

Objectives  To verify that the system components perform

control functions
 To perform inter-system test
 To demonstrate that the system performs both
functionally and operationally as specified
 To perform appropriate types of tests relating
to Transaction Flow, Installation, Reliability,
Regression etc.
When  After Integration Testing
Input  Detailed Requirements & External Application
 Master Test Plan
 System Test Plan

Output  System Test Report

Who Development Team and Users

Methods Problem
/ Configuration

Tools Recommended set of tools

Education Testing Methodology

Effective use of tools
Systems Integration Testing
Objectives  To test the co-existence of products and
applications that are required to perform
together in the production-like operational
environment (hardware, software, network)
 To ensure that the system functions together
with all the components of its environment as a
total system
 To ensure that the system releases can be
deployed in the current environment
When  After system testing
 Often performed outside of project life-cycle
Input  Test Strategy
 Master Test Plan
 Systems Integration Test Plan

Output  Systems Integration Test report

Who System Testers

Methods White and Black Box techniques

Problem / Configuration
Tools Recommended set of tools

Education Testing Methodology

Effective use of tools
Acceptance Testing

Objectives  To verify that the system meets

the user requirements
When  After System Testing
Input  Business Needs & Detailed
 Master Test Plan
 User Acceptance Test Plan
Output  User Acceptance Test report
Who Users / End Users

Methods Black Box techniques

Problem / Configuration

Tools Compare, keystroke capture & playback,

regression testing

Education Testing Methodology

Effective use of tools
Product knowledge
Business Release Strategy
Testing Technique
• Two views on Software testing:

White Box

Black Box Black box

Testing Technique

 White box testing - tests what the program does.

Test sets are developed by using knowledge of the
algorithms, data structures, and control statements.
Testing Technique

Black box
 Black box testing - tests what the program is
supposed to do.
Test sets are developed and evaluated solely on the
specification. There is no knowledge of the
algorithms, data structures, or control statements.
White-box testing

 Also known as:

 Structure based (Structural) testing
 Code based testing
 Glass box testing
 Clear box testing
 Logic driven testing
White-box testing

• White-box (or Structural) testing:

– Use knowledge of the program to derive
test cases to provide more complete
– Problem: What criteria to use?
White-box testing

... our goal is to ensure that all

Statements, decisions, conditions, and paths have
been executed at least once ...
White-box testing

 The system is looked upon as an open box.

 The test cases is based on the internal structure of
the system (code)
 Theoretically desirable but impossible and
insufficient goal: all paths of the code exercise
Black-box testing

Black box

• Also known as:

– Functional Testing
• because it test all the functions
– Behavioral Testing
• because the program is tested against the
expected behavior (described by
requirements and/or design)
Black-box testing




– The software is viewed as a black box which

transforms input to output based on the
specifications of what the software is
supposed to do.
Black-box testing

– Check The Conformity of the tested S/W

against established behaviour, and

– Detect errors generated by fault

• Software fault is a software part which is not
according to its definition provided in the
development document
Black-box testing

– Functional tests examine the observable

behavior of software as evidenced by its
outputs without reference to internal

– If the program consistently provides the

desired features with acceptable
performance, then specific source code
features are irrelevant.
Black-box testing
– Should consider only from the standpoint of
• Input data
• Output data
– Knowledge of its internal structured should not
– It is very often impossible to test all the input
– It is hence necessary to select a subset of
possible input
Testing Steps
Unit code

Unit Design System Other Customer User

specifications functional software requirements environment
requirements requirements specification
Unit code


. Integration Function Performance Acceptance Installation
test test test test test

Unit code

test Integrated Functioning Verified, Accepted SYSTEM

modules system validated system IN USE!
Testing Steps
Acceptance Test

software customer

developer site

 type of acceptance testing performed by customer at the

developer’s site is usually called alpha testing
Testing Steps
Acceptance Test

customer software
customer site
 beta testing is a type of acceptance testing involving a software product to
be marketed for use by many users

 selected users receive the system first and report problems back to the

 users enjoy it - usually receive large discounts and feel important

 developers like it - exposes their product to real use and often reveals
unanticipated errors
Testing Strategy


Big Sandwich


non-incremental incremental
Testing Strategy

Big bang integration

(all components together)

Bottom up integration
(from lower levels No test stubs necessary)

Top down integration

(from higher levels  no test drivers are needed)

Sandwich testing
(combination of bottom-up and top-down  no
test stubs and drivers needed)
2.What you should test?

•Kualitas dan Resiko Kualitas

Kualitas Perangkat Lunak
 Seperti yang telah dijelaskan pada Pertemuan
Pertama, tujuan dari pengujian perangkat
lunak adalah untuk mendapatkan perangkat
lunak dengan kualitas yang sesuai dengan
rancangan yang telah dibuat (quality of
 Dengan kata lain, pengujian perangkat lunak
merupakan cara untuk menentukan kualitas
suatu produk perangkat lunak.
Defining Quality
 "features [that] are decisive as to product
performance and as to 'product satisfaction'

 freedom from deficiencies... [that] result in

complaints, claims, returns, rework and other
Defining Quality (cont.)
 the users and customers become the arbiters
of quality when they experience product
dissatisfaction - and then make complaints,
return merchandise, or call technical support.
 Testing looks for situation in which a product
fails to meet customers' or users' reasonable
expectations in specific areas.
Standar Kualitas Perangkat Lunak
 Standar internasional yang digunakan untuk
mengevaluasi kualitas perangkat lunak adalah
ISO 9126 yang mendefinisikan karakteristik
perangkat lunak yang berkualitas.
Karakteristik Kualitas Perangkat Lunak
 The standard is divided into four parts which address, respectively, the following
subjects: quality model; external metrics; internal metrics; and quality in use metrics.
 The quality model established in the first part of the standard, ISO 9126-1, classifies
software quality in a structured set of characteristics and sub-characteristics as
 Functionality - A set of attributes that bear on the existence of a set of functions and
their specified properties. The functions are those that satisfy stated or implied needs.



• Reliability - A set of attributes that bear on the capability of software to maintain its
level of performance under stated conditions for a stated period of time.


–Fault Tolerance
• Usability - A set of attributes that bear on the effort needed for use, and on the individual assessment of
such use, by a stated or implied set of users.



• Efficiency - A set of attributes that bear on the relationship between the level of performance of the
software and the amount of resources used, under stated conditions.
Time Behaviour
Resource Behaviour

• Maintainability - A set of attributes that bear on the effort needed to make specified modifications.




• Portability - A set of attributes that bear on the ability of software to be transferred from one environment
to another.


Who Tests Software?

developer independent tester

Who Tests Software?
• User
– Test while using it
• It’s not in purpose to do so
– Indirect test

Who Tests Software?
• Software Developer
– Understand system
– Test gently
– Driven by delivery
• Independent Tester
– Doesn’t understand system
– Will try to break it
– Quality driven


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