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He exercise the power to revoke, for

cause, licenses issued to the security
A. Chief PNP
B. Secretary, DILG
C. Undersecretary for Peace and Order
D. Chairman, NAPOLCOM

Answer: A
What is the minimum age to become
a security guard?

A. 18
B. 21
C. 25
D. 30
Answer : A
Planning is a formal process of
choosing the following, EXCEPT
A. Purpose for which the organization performs
B. An organizational mission and overall
objectives for both the short and long run
C. Strategies to achieve the objectives
D. Divisional, departmental and individual
objective based on organizational objective

Answer : A
They are also referred to as the BLUE

B. Government Security Guard
C. Private Security Guard
D. Philippine Army
Answer: C
In busy and thickly populated Commercial Street
like those in Divisoria, police patrol is very
necessary. Since three are several types of patrol,
which of the following will you recommend?

A. Horse patrol
B. Foot patrol
C. Mobile patrol
D. Helicopter patrol

Answer: B
It is the product resulting from the collection
evaluation analysis integration and interpretation of
criminal activity and which is immediately or
potentially significant to police planning.

A. Investigation
B. Information
C. Data
D. Intelligence
Answer: D
These are work programs of line
division which related to the nature
and extend of the workload and the
availability of resource.
A. Administrative Plan
B. Strategic Plan
C. Operational Plan
D. Tactical Plan
Answer: C
It is the premier institution for the
police, fire, and jail personnel.
A. Philippine Military Academy (PMA)
B. Development Academy of the Philippines
C. Philippine College of Criminology
D. Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC)

Answer: D
A crew which is assigned to a mobile
car usually consists of

A. A driver and intelligence agent

B. A driver and traffic man
C. A driver and a recorder
D. A driver, recorder and supervisor
Answer: C
An industrial complex must
established its first line of physical
defense. It must have;

A. the building itself

B. communication barriers
C. perimeter barriers
D. window barriers
Answer: C
All the following are members of the
Peoples Law Enforcement Board
A. Three (3) members chosen by the Peace and Order
Council from among the respected members of the
B. Any Barangay Captain of the City/Municipality concerned
chosen by the Association of Barangay Captains.
C. Any members of the Sanguniang Panlungsod/Pambayan
D. A bar member chosen by the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines (IBP)
Answer: D
The minimum age requirement for Security
Manager or Operator of a security agency is :

A. 40 yrs old
B. 25 yrs old
C. 30 yrs old
D. 35 yrs old

Answer: B
In the de-briefing, the intelligence agent
is asked to discuss which of the
A. his education profile and schools attended
B. his personal circumstances such as his age,
religion, affiliation, address, etc.
C. his political inclination and/or party affiliation
D. his observations and experiences in the
intelligence function

Answer: D
Private security Agencies has to be
registered with the ____________.
A. Security and Exchange Commission
B. Department of Interior and Local
D. National Bureau of Investigation
Answer: A
It provides means and ways by which all
persons and employees of a company are
trained to develop their security awareness.

A. security check
B. security investigation
C. security education
D. security promotion
Answer: C
What form of intelligence is involved when
information is obtained of the person against
whom the information or document may be
used, or the information is clandestinely
A. Covert
B. Active
C. Overt
D. Underground
Answer: A
The provincial governors shall choose the
provincial Director from a list of ______ eligible
recommended by the PNP Director, preferable
from the same province, city, or municipality.
A. six (6)
B. five (5)
C. Three (3)
D. four (4)

Answer: C
Which of the following is the most important
characteristics of a good operational plan?
A. only one officer is reasonable for his execution
B. need for on-the-operation modification and
amplification is minimized
C. present objectives and allocation of resources but
not the methodology
D. all the details of the plans are properly identified
and evaluated and such details are known by the
Answer: D
Republic Act No. 6975 provides that on the
average nationwide, the manning levels of the
PNP shall be approximately in accordance with
a police to population ratio of;
A. One (1) policeman for every seven hundred (700)
B. One (1) policeman for every one thousand five hundred
(1500) inhabitants
C. One (1) policeman for every five hundred (500)
D. One (1) policeman for every one thousand (1000)
Answer: C
In disaster control operation, there is a need
to establish a ______________ where
telephone or other means of communication
shall ensure public lines of communication.
A. Command post
B. Field room
C. Operation center
D. Safe house
Answer: A
Registration of security agency must
be done at the ________________?

A. Security and Exchange Commission

C. Department of National Defense
D. PNP Criminal Investigation Group

Answer: A
Bicycle patrol has the combined advantage of
______________ since they can be operated
very quietly and without attracting attention.

A. Reduced speed and greater area of

B. Mobility and wide area coverage
C. Shorter time travel
D. Mobility and stealth
Answer: D
The term used for the object of surveillance is
subject while the investigator conducting the
surveillance is:

A. Rabbit
B. Decoy
C. Surveillant
D. Target
Answer: C
It is the police function which serves as the
Backbone of the police service. In all types of
police situations, there is a specific unit assigned
to undertake this function in view of its
A. Vice control
B. Traffic enforcement
C. Criminal investigation
D. Patrol
Answer: D
Two or more persons forming an
organization must identify first the reason for
establishing such organizations. They must
identify the organizations ______________.
A. Strategy
B. Vision
C. Objective
D. Mission
Answer: D
Which of the following strategies is
A. Patrol officers are assigned to the New Cops on
the Block
B. Foot patrol places the patrol officers to greater
danger than mobile patrol
C. Helicopter patrol is of no use in search and
rescue operation
D. The PNP does employ foot patrol
Answer: C
It is the weakest link in the security

A. Managers
B. Personnel
C. Barriers
D. Inspections

Answer: B
Which of the following best reflects the first
step, logically and to some extent
chronologically, in planning the budget for an
operating unit of the police agency?

A. forecast of workload
B. find out how much money was given last
C. establish a priority for each task or activity
D. all of the above
Answer: C
A police station should have
_______________ plan which includes every
step that has been outlined and officially
adopted as the standard method of action to
be followed by the members of the police
A. Tactical Plan
B. Procedural Plan
C. Management Plan
D. Operational Plan
Answer: B
Which of the following is considered as the
most important factor in formulating an
effective patrol strategy?

A. Training Of Station Commander

B. Adequacy Of Resources Of Police
C. Rank Of The Patrol Commander
D. Salary Rates Of Police Personnel
Answer: B
Who among the following have summary
disciplinary powers over erring police
A. District Director
B. Chief of Police
C. Provincial Director
D. Chief, PNP
Answer: D
Who shall have the Summary
Dismissal Power?
• PNP Chief
• PNP Regional Directors
Direction that is provided on a one-
on-one basis is called?
A. Administration
B. Supervision
C. Management
D. Organization

Answer: B
You are the Patrol Supervisor for morning
shift, you don’t have enough men to cover
all the patrol beats. Which of the following
will you implement?
A. Assign roving patrol with no foot patrol
B. Assign mobile patrol only in strategic place
C. Maintain your patrolmen in the station and just wait for calls
for police assistance
D. Assign foot patrol in congested and busy patrol beats but
assign a roving mobile patrol to cover beats which are not
covered by foot patrol.
Answer: D
It is the importance of the firm or
installation in relation to national
economy and security.
A. Relative necessity
B. Relative vulnerability
C. Relative security
D. Relative critically

Answer: D
 Relative criticality of operation – importance
of the firm with reference to the natural
economy and security. Ex: gasoline depots,
communication transmission lines, and power
 Relative vulnerability – susceptibility of the
plant or establishment to damage, loss or
disruption of operation due to various hazards.
A good example is the location of the building;
the machines; or presence of possible poisons.
These procedures relates to the
assignment and method of performance of
police task away from headquarters.
A. Field procedures
B. Staff procedure
C. Headquarters procedure
D. System procedure

Answer: A
Which of the following is the most
common reason why an informer gives
information to the police?

A. Wants To Be Known To The Police

B. Monetary Reward
C. As Good Citizen
D. Revenge
Answer: B
In surveillance, the following are
done to hide the appearance of the
surveillance vehicle EXCEPT
A. Changing license plate of surveillance vehicle
B. Putting on and removing hats, coats and
C. Change of setting arrangement within the
surveillance vehicle
D. Keep the cars behind the subjects car
Answer: B
It is the entrustment of a particular workload
to some other person within the organization.
A. Budgeting
B. Delegation
C. Inspection
D. Evaluation

Answer: B
Police personnel may be effectively
distributed according to any of the following
classification, EXCEPT

A. By time
B. By function
C. By area
D. By gender

Answer: D
Protective lightning, perimeter barriers and
_______________ systems are known in
industrial security as physical security.
A. Relieving
B. Reporting
C. Accounting
D. Guarding
Answer: D
What administrative support unit conducts
investigation and evaluation of physical
evidences related to crimes, with emphasis
on their medical, chemical, biological and
physical nature.
A. Logistics Service
B. Crime Laboratory
C. Communication and Electronics Service
D. Finance Center
Answer: B
Those who are charge with actual
fulfillments of agency’s mission
are__________ personnel.

A. Staff
B. Management
C. Supervision
D. Line

Answer: D
Which of the following is contained in the
heading of an intelligence report?

A. Reporting unit
B. Conclusion
C. Signature of the director
D. Assessment of the operation

Answer: A
Licenses of private security guards are
processed and issued by whom?

A. Philippine National Police

B. National Police Commission
C. Department of Interior and Local Government
D. Security and Exchange Commission

Answer: A
Small alleys like those in the squatter’s
area of Tondo can be best penetrated by
the police through;

A. foot patrol
B. highway patrol
C. mobile Patrol
D. helicopter patrol

Answer: A
Highly qualified police applicants such as
engineers, nurses, and graduates of forensic
science enter the police service as officers
A. Regular Promotion
B. Lateral Entry
C. Commissionship
D. Attrition
Answer: B
The number of subordinates that can be
supervised directly by one person tends
A. increase as the physical distance between supervisor and
subordinate as well as the individual subordinate increases
B. decrease with an increase in the knowledge and experience of the
C. decrease as the duties of subordinates increase in difficulty and
D. increase as the level of supervision progresses for the first-line
supervisory level and management level
Answer: D
Police Inspector Juan Dela Cruz is the Chief of
Police of a municipality. He wants his subordinates
be drawn closer to the people in the different
barangays. He should adopt which of the following

A. COPS on the Block

B. Oplan Bakal
C. Oplan Sandugo
D. Oplan Pagbabago
Answer: A
A plan with a time horizon of 5 to 10
years is called?

A. Annual Plan
B. Long-Term Plan
C. Strategic Plan
D. Midterm Plan
Answer: C
What should be undertaken by a security
officer before he can prepare a
comprehensive security program for his
industrial plan?

A. Security Conference
B. Security Survey
C. Security Check
D. Security Education
Answer: B
This patrol method utilizes disguise, deception
and lying in wait rather than upon high-
visibility patrol techniques.

A. Low-Visibility Patrol
B. Directed Deterrent Patrol
C. Decoy Patrol
D. High Visibility

Answer: A
A method of collecting information wherein
the investigator merely uses his different

A. Observation
B. Research
C. Casing
D. Interrogation

Answer: A
In stationary surveillance, the following
must be observed, EXCEPT

A. Never meet subject face to face

B. Avoid eye contact
C. Recognize fellow agent
D. If burnt out, drop subject

Answer: C
Pedro is a thief who is eyeing at the handbag
of Maria. PO1 Santos Reyes is standing a few
meters from Maria. The thief’s desire to steal is
not diminished by the presence of the policed
officer but the ________________ for
successful theft is.
A. Ambition
B. Intention
C. Feeling
D. Opportunity
Answer: D
In intelligence evaluation, the evaluation
rating of A-4 means;
A. completely reliable source - Doubtfully true
B. Usually reliable source – Probably true
C. fairly reliable source - Probably true information
D. Usually reliable source – Probably true
Answer: A

A - Completely reliable 1 - Confirmed by other

B - Usually reliable 2 - Probably true
C - Fairly reliable 3 - Possibly true
D - Not usually reliable 4 - Doubtfully true
E - Unreliable 5 - Improbable
F - Reliability cannot 6 - Truth cannot be
be judged judged
It includes every procedure that has been
outlined and officially adopted as the
standard method of action to be followed by
members of the police organizations.
A. Tactical Plan
B. Management Plan
C. Procedural Plan
D. Operational Plan
Answer: C
Graduates of the Philippine National Police
Academy (PNPA) are automatically appointed
to the rank of?

A. Senior Superintendent
B. Senior Police Officer 1
C. Inspector
D. Superintendent
Answer: C
PNP in-service training programs are
under the responsibility of the;
A. PNP Directorate For Plans
B. PNP Directorate For Human
Resource And Doctrine Development
C. PNP Directorate For Personnel And
Records Management
D. PNP Directorate For Comptrollership
Answer: C
The random and unpredictable character of patrol,
cultivation of feeling of police omnipresence, high
hazard areas, adequacy of the number of man to
meet the need, likelihood of criminal apprehension,
and safety of control officers determine:

A. patrol coverage and deployment

B. degree of police-community relations
C. type of weapon to be used
D. deployment of intelligence agent
Answer: B
Before the objective of a plan can be
formulated, the following must be
first recognized:
A. What resources are necessary to carry out
the plan
B. Who will implement the plan
C. When will be it implemented
D. The need to plan

Answer: D
The presence of a uniformed patrol officer
and observant of the persons and things
around, deters the desire and destroys the
_________________ for one to commit
A. Opportunity
B. Need
C. Intention
D. Ambition
Answer: A
Dogs have an acute sense of
____________ thus, their utilization in
tracking down lost persons or illegal
A. Smell
B. Eating
C. Hearing
D. Drinking
Answer: A
Which of the following is the most
ideally suited in evacuation and
search-and-rescue duties?

A. Motorcycle
B. Patrol car
C. Helicopter
D. Bicycle

Answer: C
A method of collection of information
wherein the investigator tails the person
or vehicle.
A. Investigation
B. Casing
C. Undercover Operation
D. Surveillance
Answer: D
A person, thing or situation which
possesses a high potential for criminal
attack or for creating a clamor for police
service is considered as:
A. Patrol hazards
B. Patrol effort
C. Police discretion
D. None of these

Answer: A
It is the combination of analyzed
data to form a logical picture.
A. Integration
B. Infiltration
C. Elicitation
D. Deception

Answer: A
The information is obtained through
direct communication in which the other
party is unaware of the specific purpose
of the conversation.
A. Integration
B. Infiltration
C. Elicitation
D. Deception

Answer: C
It is conducted when the subject is
moving from one place to another.

A. Casing
B. Lost
C. Made
D. Shadowing

Answer: D
It is the total number of police
officers assigned in patrol duties.

A. Mandatory Strength
B. Effective Strength
C. Physical Strength
D. None Of The Foregoing

Answer: A
It is natural and man-made structure or physical
device which is capable of restricting, determining
or delaying illegal access to an installation.

A. Fence
B. Barrier
C. Wall
D. Hazard

Answer: B
It provides means and ways by which all
persons and employees are trained to
make them security conscious and
A. Security Check
B. Security Investigation
C. Security Education
D. Security Promotion
Answer: C
In disaster control operation, there is a need
to establish a ______________ where
telephone or other means of communication
shall ensure public lines of communication.

A. Command post
B. Field room
C. Operation center
D. Safe house
Answer: A
PO IV Ram Edgar is assigned to collect available
information concerning the activities of Blue
Sagittarius Group. He is in what unit of the police?

A.Criminal investigation
D.Women’s Desk

Answer: C
If the information or documents are produced
openly without regard as to whether the subject of
the investigation becomes knowledgeable of the
purpose/s for which it is being gathered.
A. Overt operation
B. Covert operation
C. Evaluation
D. Interpretation

Answer: A
It is the type of intelligence activity which
deals with defending of the organization
against its criminal activities.

A. Counter intelligence
B. Military intelligence
C. Military information
D. Strategic intelligence

Answer: A
MOSSAD is for Israel, CIA is for

A. Philippines
B. Great Britain
C. Russia
Answer: D
In intelligence, what is meant by C.B.I?

A. Complete Background Investigation

B. Complete Background Investigator
C. Complete Back draft Investigation
D. Competent Background Investigator

Answer: A
A uniformed PNP personnel who is
permanently disabled in his performance of
his duties can receive ______ of basic salary
Answer: B
What organizational principle should be
adopted since no one person cannot exercise
all the authority in making decisions?

A. Delegation of authority
B. Span of control
C. Unity of command
D. Line and staff work

Answer: B
What refers to utilization of units or elements of the
PNP for purposes of protection of lives and
properties, enforcement of laws, maintenance of
peace and order, prevention of crimes, arrest of
criminal offenders and bringing the offenders to
justice, and ensuring public safety, particularly in the
suppression of disorders, riots, lawless violence,
rebellious seditious conspiracy, insurgency,
subversion or other related activities.
A. Employ
B. Deploy
C. Assignment
D. Distribution
Answer: A
• "Employ" refers to utilization of units or elements of the
PNP for purposes of protection of lives and properties,
enforcement of laws, maintenance of peace and order,
prevention of crimes, arrest of criminal offenders and
bringing the offenders to justice, and ensuring public
safety, particularly in the suppression of disorders, riots,
lawless violence, rebellious seditious conspiracy,
insurgency, subversion or other related activities.
• "Deploy" shall mean the orderly organized physical
movement of elements or units of the PNP within the
province, city or municipality for purposes of employment
as herein defined.
Thank you……

and God Bless…..

……“….Ask and you shall receive…..”

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