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X, a businessman had a grudge on Y who has a

business. X hired A, a famous notorious arsonist who
uses prayer to create a fire. After sometime, A went to the
said building of Y brought along his devoted companion
and started praying in the front of the building, while
praying the thunder stricken the building that caused it to
burn. Was there a crime of arson?

A. Yes
B. No
C. It depends
D. None
Answer: D
Brgy. Captain Wilmore detained Mr.
Kapili for 24 hours, believing that he will
be making scandal in the Brgy. Fiesta
that will start on the next day. What
crime did the Brgy. Captain committed if

A. Illegal detention C. Kidnapping

B. Arbitrary detention D. None
Answer: B
Committed by a private Committed by a public
individual who unlawfully officer or employee who
kidnaps, detains or detains a person without
otherwise deprives a legal ground.
person of liberty.
Crime is against personal Crime against the
liberty and security fundamental law of the
What is the means sanctioned by the
rules of court ascertaining a matter of

A. Proof
B. Evidence
C. Corpus Delicti
D. Procedure
Answer: B
When was the RPC enacted?

A. Jan.1, 1931
B. Jan. 11, 1932
C. Jan. 1, 1933
D. Jan. 1, 1932

Answer: D
When was the Rules of Court

A.Jan. 1, 1932
B.Jan. 1, 1936
C. Jan. 1, 1964
D. Jan. 1, 1962

Answer : C
It is the process where in the
information or complaint is read to
the accused and gives his plea.

A. Plea Bargaining
B. Promulgation of Judgment
C. Pre-trial
D. Arraignment
Answer: D
ARRAIGNMENT (Rule 116) - made in open court by
furnishing him a copy of the information, reading the same
in the language known to accused and asking him
whether he pleads guilty or not guilty.
PRE-TRIAL - It is a mandatory conference between the
parties, to consider the following : plea bargaining,
stipulation of facts, marking of exhibits, waiver of
objections to admissibility of evidence, modification of the
order of trial, Settlement/Mediation (PMC), Witnesses and
Trial Dates.
PLEA BARGAINING - It is process whereby the accused,
the offended party and the prosecution work out a
mutually satisfactory disposition of the case subject to the
court’s approval.
When the higher court gives back
the case for the lower court for new
trial what is the term for that trial?

A. Trial by default
B. Pre-trial
C. Trial De Novo
D. Trial by the Lower Court
Answer : C
Criminal law is that branch or division of
law which defines crimes, treats of their
nature and provides for their ________.

A. Conviction
B. Punishment
C. Penalty
D. None of these
Answer: Punishment
How many days is the validity of a
warrant of arrest?

A. Within 10 days from receipt of warrant

B. Within 15 days from the date of issue
C. After the lapse of 10 days from date of
D. Valid until the person is not yet arrested

Answer: D
What is the validity of a search

A.10 days after application

B.10 days after its execution
C.10 days after its issuance
D.10 days after the filing

Answer: C
What does the judge means when
he says “Qualify the Witness”?
A.To take an oath
B.To testify
C.To interview
D.To make an expert witness

Answer: D
In criminal cases, the evidence required
to convict an accused should be proof
beyond reasonable ________.

Answer: D
What kind of evidence is given by a
person of specialized knowledge?


Answer: B
It is the forfeiture or loss of the right of
state to prosecute the offender after the
lapse of a certain time fixed by law.
A.Prescription of Crime
B.Prescription of Penalty
C.Prescription of Offense
D.Prescription of Trial

Answer: A
It is the forfeiture or loss of right of the
state to execute the final sentence after
the lapse of a certain time fixed by law.
A.Prescription of Crime
B.Prescription of Penalty
C.Prescription of Offense
D.Prescription of Trial

Answer: B
What refers to the taking of a person in
custody in order that he may be bound to
answer for the commission of an offense?

A. Detention
B. Arrest
C. Seizure
D. Initial Contact

Answer: B
What refers to sworn written statement charging a
person with an offense subscribed by the offended party,
any peace officer or other public officer charged with the
enforcement of the law violated?

A. Information
B. Complaint
C. Subpoena
D. Mittimus

Answer: B

COMPLAINT – A sworn written statement charging a

person with an offense, subscribed by (1) the offended
party or (2) peace officer or (3) public officer charged
with the enforcement of the law violated.

INFORMATION > An accusation in writing charging

a person with an offense subscribed/ signed by the
prosecutor and filed with the court
What refers to the formal reading of the
charges against a person accused of a
crime and asking him whether he pleads
guilty or not guilty?
A. Trial
B. Pre-trial
C. Arraignment
D. Judgment

Answer: C
What refers to the suggestion of the
prosecutor to the court for the termination of
the case/dismissal of the prosecution

A. Amor Propio
B. Pro Reo
C. Nolle Prosequi
D. Motion to Quash

Answer: C
Judgment rendered with negligence
is considered a -
A. Lack of foresight
B. Malfeasance
C. Misfeasance
D. Oppression

Answer: C
After information is filed in the MTC,
bail is a matter of right and it is to be
posted -
A. After pre–investigation
B. arraignment
C. Before or after conviction
D. After arraignment

Answer: C
If there are, more than one accused
how is complaint or information stated?
A. All the names of the accused will be
B. Names of the principal absorbed all
other accused
C. Most guilty accused will be selected
D. Include all the suspects
Answer: A
A calamity caused the evasion of prisoners,
how many hours requires for them to return
after the calamity to be granted with Special
Time allowance?
A. 24
B. 72
C. 72
D. 48

Answer: D
What will happen to the criminal liability
of the accused if he died after
arraignment or suspended trial?
Answer: B
What do you call the record in court
that is written by the stenographer?
A. Record
B. Transcript of stenographic notes
C. Transcript
D. Judicial notice

Answer: B
Which of the following acts done by the
accused is justified?
A. The deceased challenge the accused to a fight but the latter did not
accept the challenge. The deceased forthwith rushed towards the
accused with a bolo in his hand so that the accused defended himself by
stabbing the victim with a knife.
B. The accused, a police officer, who, in obedience to his chief of police,
maltreated a fish vendor for bringing a kind of fish different from that he
had been asked to furnish the police station.
C. The accused, who had been attacked by the deceased, succeeded in
snatching the bolo away from the latter and the deceased already
manifested a refusal to fight but the accused killed the deceased using the
latter’s bolo.
D. All of the above
Answer: A
X threatened to kill Y if the latter will not
give him one thousand pesos. What
crime has been committed?
A.Attempted murder
B.Grave Coercion
C.Grave Threats
Answer: B
When can private prosecutors be
allowed to prosecute?
A. Under the authority of the Department of
B. Under the authority of the public prosecutor
C. Under the control and supervision of the public
D. Under the supervision of the regional director

Answer: C
When several persons are co-accused for a
crime committed, what is the requirement that
must be satisfied in order that one or more of
those accused can qualify as state witness?

A. He does not appear to be the most guilty

B. He seems not to be guilty
C. He appears to be the least guilty
D. None of the above

Answer: C
What if the offended party is a corporation,
how do you indicate it in complaint or

A. State the name of the corporation

B. Leave it blank as error is merely and can
be corrected during the trial
C. State the name of the General manager
D. State the name of the CEO
Answer: A
What aggravating circumstance may be
considered with the slaying of an 80 years
old woman?
A.Abuse of confidence
B.Neglect of elders
C.Disrespect of rank
D.Disregard of age and sex

Answer: D
The rule on summary procedure applies to
criminal cases where the penalty prescribed
by law for the offense does not exceed
A.30 days
B.6 years
C.12 years
D.20 years

Answer: B
A, neighbor of B, shot the pig of B which
was eating his camote plants. A
therefore cooked the pig’s meat and
consumed the same. A is liable for?

A. Violation of Anti-fencing Law

B. Violation of Anti-Cattle Rustling Law
C. Malicious Mischief
D. Theft
Answer: C
Which of the following aggravating
circumstances may not be offset by
mitigating circumstance?
B.Night time
D.Superior strength

Answer: A
What are the infractions of mere rules of
convenience designed to secure a more
orderly regulation of the affairs of the
A.Mala Inse
B.Mala Prohibita
Answer: B
A,B and C are board mates of D, E and F and
conspired to kill X who was believed to be a witch.
D knew it all along. After the conspiracy was
executed, A, B and C were arrested. The authorities
learned D’s knowledge regarding the conspiracy.
What crime could be filed against D?
A. Misprision of Murder
B. Conspiracy
C. Murder, as an accomplice
D. None
Answer: D
“Abberratio Ictus” in which the
perpetrator is criminally liable means?

A. Mistake in identity
B. Mistake in Blow
C. Treachery
D. Misapprehension of facts

Answer: B
A with intent to kill, fired a revolver at B. He
inflicted a fatal wound. A brought B to a
hospital, and due to timely medical
assistance, B survived. What crime did A
A. Serious Physical Injuries
B. Frustrated Murder
C. Attempted Murder
D. Frustrated Homicide
Answer: B
It is an order in writing issued in the name of the
People of the Philippines, signed by a judge and
directed to a peace officer, commanding him to
search for personal property described therein and
bring it before the court?

A. Warrant off arrest

B. Search warrant
C. Subpoena
D. Summons

Answer: B
B, is less than three years old. He is a child
of X by his paramour Y. X killed B to
prevent discovery by his legitimate wife. X is
liable for?
Answer: A
A is known for writing obscene material. One of his
writing, entitled “Hayok” was stolen from his office
and was published by someone. The authorities got
hold of the obscene magazine. A is?

A. Liable for Pornography

B. Liable for Obscene Publication
C. Liable for Public Scandal
D. Not liable at all

Answer: D
A suspected arsonist was caught. Evidence
showed that he poured gasoline under the
house of another and was about to strike the
match to set the house on fire when he was
apprehended. What crime was committed?
A. Arson
B. Frustrated Arson
C. Attempted Arson
D. Malicious Mischief
Answer: C
A woman held the legs and shoulders of
another woman being raped by her former
classmate. What is her participation in the
rape committed?
A. Principal
B. Accomplice
C. Accessory
D. None
Answer: A
The personal evaluation of the judge after the filing
of a case in court for the purpose of determining
the existence of a probable cause for the issuance
of a warrant of arrest –
A. Preliminary Investigation
B. Preliminary Examination
C. Criminal Investigation
D. Inquest

Answer: B
The kind of evidence addressed to the
senses of the court, which is also
known as the evidence of the highest
probative value –
A. Oral Testimony
B. Object Evidence
C. Documentary Evidence
D. Testimonial Evidence

Answer: B
When may a peace officer or a private
individual may, without a warrant, effect an
arrest of person –
A. When, in his presence, the person to be arrested
has just committed, is committing, or attempting to
commit an offense
B. When the offense has in fact been committed and he
has probable cause to believe based on personal
knowledge of fact and circumstances that the person
to be arrested has committed it
C. When the person is an escaped prisoner
D. All of the Above
Answer: D
Any amendment before plea, which downgrades the
nature of the offense charged in or to excludes an
accused from the information, can be made only on
condition that –

A. There must be motion filed by the prosecutor

B. There must be notice of the motion upon the
offended party
C. The motion must be by leave of court
D. All of these
Answer: D
Warrant less arrest may be effected by –

A. police officers only

B. private individuals only
C. police officers or private individuals
D. only any peace officer authorized by law.

Answer: C
Criminal actions requires preliminary
investigation by the proper officers where the
prescribed penalty at least –
A. 6 months and 2 days
B. 4 yrs. 2 mos. And 1 day
C. 6 yrs. 2 mos. And 1 day
D. 4 yrs. And 1 day

Answer: B
Offenses involving criminal negligence
where the penalty of fines does not exceed a
fine of P10,000.00 is within the coverage of
this rule –
A. regular procedure
B. ordinary procedure
C. summary procedure
D. any of this
Answer: C
Jurisdiction over the subject matter is
determined by the law enforced at
the time of the –
A.discovery of the crime
B.commission of the crime
C.filing of the case
D.trial of the case
Answer: A
The illegality of an arrest can be questioned
by the person arrested before the court at
any time –

A. during the trial

B. even after posting bail but before entering
a plea
C. during the pre-trial conference
D. before posting bail.
Answer: B
The law that prescribes certain rights of a
person arrested, detained or under custodial
investigation and guidelines, procedure and
responsibilities of arresting, detaining and
investigating officer is –
A. B.P. 129
B. R.A. 7691
C. R.A. 8294
D. R.A. 7438

Answer: D
Refers to facts and circumstances that would lead
a reasonably discreet and prudent man to believed
that an offense has been committed and that an
object sought in connection with the offense are in
the place to be searched is –
A. Probable Cause
B. Search Warrant
C. Plain View Doctrine
D. Arrest Warrant
Answer: A
The offender who is still under
investigation by the police –

Answer: B
Provides that the right of a party cannot be
prejudiced by an act, declaration, or
omission of another unless it falls under the
exceptional circumstances.
A. Privies
B. Conspiracy
C. Compromise
D. Res Inter Alios Acta

Answer: D
That which consists of writings or any
material containing letters, words,
numbers, figures, symbols or other
modes of written expressions offered as
proof of their contents.
A. Documentary evidence
B. Best evidence
C. Original of a document
D. Secondary evidence
Answer: A
Rule which requires the highest grade of
evidence obtainable to prove a disputed
fact is the original of a document.
A. Parole Evidence Rule
B. Best Evidence Rule
C. Original of a document
D. Secondary Evidence

Answer: B
Is the proof of facts from which, taken
collectively, the existence of the particular
fact in dispute may be inferred as a
necessary or probable consequence.
A. Substantial evidence
B. Preponderance evidence
C. Circumstantial evidence
D. Corpus delicti
Answer: C
Are admissions, made out of court, or in a
judicial proceeding other than the one
under consideration.
A. Extra-Judicial Admission
B. Judicial Admission
C. Admission
D. Confession

Answer: A
Is a voluntary acknowledgment in express terms
or by implication, by a party interest or by another
by whose statement he is legally bound, against
his interest, of the existence or truth of a fact in
dispute material to issue.
A. Admission
B. Judicial Admission
C. Extra-Judicial Admission
D. Confession

Answer: A
Is the declaration of an accused
acknowledging his guilt of the offense
charged, or of any offense necessarily
included therein, may be given in evidence
against him.

A. Confession
B. Extra-Judicial Confession
C. Admission
D. Extra-judicial Admission
Answer: A
Also known as “but for” or taint doctrine

A. Exclusionary Rules
B. Search Warrant
C. Doctrine of fruit of poisonous tree
D. Warrant of Arrest

Answer: C
These are admissions, made out of
court, or in a judicial proceeding other
than the one under consideration.

A. Extra-Judicial Admission
B. Judicial Admission
C. Admission
D. Confession
Answer: A
Is a voluntary acknowledgment in express terms
or by implication, by a party interest or by
another by whose statement he is legally bound,
against his interest, of the existence or truth of a
fact in dispute material to issue.
A. Judicial Admission
B. Admission
C. Extra-Judicial Admission
D. Confession
Answer: B
Thank you……

and God Bless…..

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