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Earth Systems 3209

Unit: 1
Introduction to Earth Science –
The Evolution of Planet Earth

Chapters 1, 17 and Appendix A & B

Copyright © 2014 All rights reserved, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Unit 1:
Topic 2.1

Formation of the Universe

Focus on . . .
 Recognize differing ideas regarding the origin
of the universe: ex. Creationism
 Describe the origin of the universe as described
by the Big Bang Theory

Copyright © 2014 All rights reserved, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Origin of the Universe
Throughout history many ideas about the origin
of the universe was hypothesized.
These ideas range from;

Creationism - where some supreme being (God)

created the universe, to more scientific views such
as The Big Bang Theory.

Regardless, early ideas (paradigms) changed with

time as new evidence was discovered to change
initial models and theories of the universe.

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Big Bang Theory:
This theory explains the origin of the universe and
suggests that the universe, our solar system included,
is part of an expanding system where all galaxies are
moving farther away with each passing day.

Raisin Bun Analogy

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Big Bang Theory in a Nutshell . . .

 universe was confined to a dense, hot,

super massive ball of gases

 20 billion years ago, an explosion hurled

this material in all directions

 marked the origin of all matter and space

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Big Bang Theory in a Nutshell . . . (Con’t)

 gases cooled and condensed forming

stellar (stars) systems that we call galaxies

 20 billion years in the future, the expansion

will stop and gravitational attraction would
follow where stellar material will collide to
form a new hot, dense fire ball and the
process starts again

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Example 1:

According to modern theory, approximately

how many years ago did the Big Bang occur?

(A) 5 billion
(B) 20 billion
(C) 250 million
(D) 600 million

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Example 2:

Which theory used by scientist explains

the origin of the universe?
(A) big bang
(B) solar nebula
(C) plate Tectonics
(D) uniformitarianism

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Your Turn . . .
Take the time and complete the following questions . . .
(Solutions to follow)
Which is a non-scientific belief of how the
universe formed?

(A) big bang theory

(B) creationism
(C) solar nebula hypothesis
(D) uniformitarianism

Copyright © 2014 All rights reserved, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Solutions . . .

Which is a non-scientific belief of how the
universe formed?

(A) big bang theory

(B) creationism
(C) solar nebula hypothesis
(D) uniformitarianism

Copyright © 2014 All rights reserved, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Summary . . .
Overview of Points covered:
When explaining your answer, include the following
Main Points :
 a dense, hot, super massive ball of gases

 20 billion years ago, an explosion hurled this material in all directions

 marked the origin of all matter and space

 gases cooled and condensed forming stellar (stars) systems that we call
 20 billion years in the future, the expansion will stop and gravitational
attraction would follow where stellar material will collide to form a new
hot, dense fire ball and the process starts again
Copyright © 2014 All rights reserved, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

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