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United Nations
International organization established
on October 24, 1945. The United Nations
(UN) was the second multipurpose
international organization established in
the 20th century that was worldwide in
scope and membership. Its predecessor,
the League Of Nations, was created by
the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 and
disbanded in 1946. Headquartered
in New York City, the UN also has
regional offices in Geneva, Vienna,
and Nairobi. Its official languages are
Arabic,Chinese, English,French, Russian,
and Spanish.
• The United Nations, or UN as it is known,
is an organization that focuses on
maintaining peace, security, and good
relations among member nations around
the world. The UN is the largest and most
powerful intergovernmental organization.
• The UN Charter was first signed on June
26, 1945. The charter went into effect
later that year on October 24. When the
UN was founded, there were just 51
members. Today, there are 193 members,
as well as two observer states. The UN
was formed by the United Kingdom,
the United States, China, and the Soviet
Union. Delegates from this nation met and
agreed upon the structure and the goals
of the organization.
The UN is made up of five organs. The
General Assembly’s roles include
handling the budget and admitting new
members. The Secretariat offers
administrative support to the other
bodies. The Security Council is
responsible for maintaining international
peace and security. The International
Court of Justice gives legal opinions and
settles disputes. The Economic and
Security Council handles cooperation
between states in economic and social
matters. At one time, there was a
Trusteeship Council as a principal organ,
but this has been inactive since 1994.


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