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Name : Shinta Bella

Class : XII Farmasi

A. Definition of Solution
Solution is a liquid preparation containing one or
more dissolved chemicals.
B. Factors that Affect Solubility
1. Character Solute and Solven
2. Cosolvency
3. Solubility
4. Temperature
5. Salting Out
6. Salting in
7. Complex formation
C. How to do Medicine in Solution
How to Speed Up the Dissolving process :
 Reducing particle size.
 Using heat/temperature rise to increase solute
 Stirring.
Some medicinal ingredients require a special way of
dissolving them :
 Natrium bicarbonat
 Sublimate
 Kamfer
 Tanin
 Dry extract
 Succus liquritae
 Calcium lactate and calcium gluconate
 Ingredients of hard –working drugs
 Codein
 Fenol
D. Various Preparations of Drug Solution
1. Oral solution
Oral solution is liquid preparations prepared for oral
administration containing one or more substances with or
without a water-soluble scent, sweetener and dye, or a
cosolvent mixture of water.
a. Potiones
b. Elixir
c. Syrup
d. Neutralization, saturation and potio effervescent
e. Guttae
2. Topical Solution
Topical solution is a solution that generally uses
water as a solvent but can also use ethanol.
Example of topical solution :
 Collyrium
 Guttae opthalmicae
 Gargarisma
 Litus oris
 Guttae oris
 Guttae nasales
 Guttae auriculares
 Inhalationes




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