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Delinquency is a minor crime, especially one committed by a youth.

Delinquency has always been considered as a social problem over an

above the fact that it is a legal problem. It is also a psychological
Crime committed by children and adolescents under the age of 18 ye
ars, is called delinquency. The maximum age limit and also the meani
ng of delinquency varies from country to country. But it is always belo
w 18 years of age

In India any person between the age of 7 and 18 years, who

violates the provisions of the children’s Acts, it will be consider
ed as delinquent. Persons above this age are considered as

Common delinquent acts in females are sexual offences, smal

l thefts, drug usage, running away from home etc. Among the
males delinquents are more engaged in stealing, drug usage,
robbery, aggravated assaults, sexual abuses etc.

According to the novel approach and concepts of modern crim

inology, the causes of juvenile delinquency have been divided
into two classes-internal and social. In crime, two types of fact
ors are at work, internal and external. Internal factors include p
hysical and psychological factors while the external factors co
nsist of social elements.
The causes of juvenile delinquency will be divided into
three classes for convenient study

> social causes

> psychological causes

> economic causes

Social Causes : Of the various causes of juvenile delinquency, the
most comprehensive are the social causes. Among them, the main
causes are : (1) family, (2) school, (3) criminal area, (4) bad company,
(5) recreation, (6) war, (7) social disorganization, (8) displacement.

psychological causes; Mental diseases , Characteristics of

personality ,Emotional instability

Economic Causes: Crime and poverty are intimately related In fact,

poverty is not the cause of crime : rather, the cause of crime is the psy
chological factor that arises in poverty and impels boys and girls crim
e. In

The most effective programs for juvenile delinquency pre

vention share the following key components:
3.Parent-Child Interaction Training Program
4.Bullying Prevention Program

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