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Presentation about any hazards

related to any daily activities at

work or at ACK or at home or etc.…

Danah Abdulkareem 1719692

Asayel Alromei 1720532
Mr. Farhad Sabri
Psychological Health
Hazards in the
What is a psychological hazard?

 A psychological hazard is any hazard that affects

the mental well-being or mental health of the
worker by overwhelming individual coping
mechanisms and impacting the worker’s ability
to work in a healthy and safe manner.
According to a survey by the European Agency for
Safety and Health at Work, the most important
emerging psychosocial risks are:

 Increased worker vulnerability due to globalization

 Feeling of job insecurity
 Abuse by co-workers
 Long working hours
 Work intensification
 Threat of violence
 Poor work–life balance
 Harassment and bullying by clients or co-workers
 Technostress
Sources of psychological hazards

 Work Organizational Factors

Workplace violence and harassment
Working alone
Technological change
Fatigue and hours of work
 Personal Factors
Substance abuse
Depression, anxiety, other mental illness
Age-related factors
Work-life conflict
What are the effects of psychological
hazards in workplace?

 Exposure to psychological hazards can negatively

impact a worker’s physical and mental health.
People sometimes develop negative coping
behaviors to deal with psychological hazards, such
as alcohol or drug abuse, which can create further
psychological distress or possibly lead to

 Exposure to psychological hazards in the

workplace not only produces psychosocial and
physiological damage to individual employees, but
also produces further repercussions within society
- reducing productivity in local/state economies,
corroding familial/interpersonal relationships, and
producing negative behavioral outcomes.

Rating Criteria
Rare May only occur in exceptional circumstances
Unlikely The risk event could occur at some time ( during a specified
period ), but it is unlikely
Possible Might happen at some time; occurrence would not be unusual
Likely Will probably occur in most circumstances
Almost certain Is expected to occur in most circumstances

The psychological hazards in the workplace is “Almost certain” that an

risk may occur.
Qualitive Risk Assessment

Insignifica Minor Moderate Major Severe
Almost Moderate High High Extreme Extreme
Likely Moderate Moderate High High Extreme
Possible Low Moderate Moderate High Extreme
Unlikely Low Moderate Moderate Moderate High
Rare Low Low Moderate Moderate High

I have determined that the consequence of psychological hazard in

workplace is “Major” and the likelihood of this hazard occurring is
“Almost certain” and the resulting risk rating is Extreme.
Quantitive Risk Assessment

likelihood severity
1 = extremely unlikely 1 = very minor injury
2 = unlikely 2 = first-aid injury
3 = possible 3 = lost-time injury
4 = likely 4 = hospital treatment
5 = very probable 5 = disabling injury

Psychological health hazards in the workplace might be calculated as 5 x 4 =

20 ( very probable x hospital treatment ).
Hazard identification and assessment
of risk level

 The Rehabilitation Professional should carefully

assess the potential for exposure to psychological
hazards related to the work environment,
working conditions, as well as to individual
 Controls should be implemented for each hazard,
using the hierarchy of controls.
Potential Hierarchy of Control
Hazards of Engineering Administrative Personal
Abuse by co-workers Alarm systems and Management policies and Assertiveness training. Use of
panic buttons. Video procedures related to no tolerance mediation and/or counseling
surveillance. of violence or abuse. Worker services.
education in violence
awareness, avoidance and de-
escalation procedures. Working

Hazard related to working Communication Scheduling to avoid having

alone: devices. Vehicle design workers work alone. Worker

Threat of violence
considerations. Panic
alarms. Bright lighting.
training. Working alone policies.
Surveillance cameras.

“Technostress” related to the Design of instruments Selection procedures to ensure Self-education concerning new
introduction of new technology or equipment with user- user- friendly technology choices. technologies. Time management
friendly features. Provision of sufficient training for strategies. Open communication
workers. Worker participation in about stress related to change.
selection and implementation of Healthy lifestyles. Setting realistic
new technology. Provision of goals. Limiting the need to multi-
problem solving resources and task. Technology “time outs”. E -
support workers. Back-up plans in vacations.
the event of failures. Change
management strategy for
introduction of new technology.
Realistic expectations regarding
use of communication technology.
Limit use of technological
monitoring of worker
productivity. Setting and
 References:-





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