Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Denslister M. Mahilum

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What are they?
Medicinal & Aromatic Plants They are also the
(MAPs) are botanical raw starting materials for
materials, also known as value-added
herbal drugs, that are
processed natural
primarily used for
therapeutic, aromatic and/or ingredients such as
culinary purposes as essential oils, dry and
components of cosmetics, liquid extracts and
medicinal products, health oleoresins.
foods and other natural
health products.

Their significance and Uses

Benefits for
human Life
“ One of the huge benefits
from medicinal and
aromatic plants was to
overcome many difficult
illnesses, such as
contagious disease,
cancer, and AIDS/HIV.

Integrated medecine
⊷ Integrated medicine is a medicine to perform a satisfiable
living and improve the quality of life (QOL).
⊷ Integrated medicine is accepted in not only the treatment
of illness but also in the treatment of the presymptomatic
state, prevention of illness, or maintenance of health.
⊷ Integrated medicine includes, for example, western and
eastern medicine and traditional medicines.
⊷ Patient chooses the most appropriate treatment depending
on the circumstances; however, the most important
thinking regarding “cure” is self-healing power that could
cure yourself using medicinal help, not the drug that cures


Recently, people Some medicinal and
concern health of body aromatic plant origins
and mind, prevention of Asia are daily used
diseases, detox, and in the world because
longevity. of the popularity and
Consequently, variety.
integrated medicine or
preventive medicine is
focused and accepted
in modern medicine
and daily life.
Japanese pepper
(Zanthoxylum piperitum)
⊷ The origin is Japan and south of the Korean Peninsula.
⊷ Dioecism and 1–3 m height, a tiny green fruit matures in
September and turns red including one black seed, the
pungent peel is used as spice and crude drug.
⊷ The medical actions are antioxidation, stomachic,
digestion promotion, and improvement of blood
circulation. Japanese pepper symbolized the prosperity of
posterity for the fecundity.

Kumazasa (Sasa veitchii)
⊷ The origin is Japan, the Korean Peninsula, the Kuril
Islands, and Kamchatka
⊷ Perennial and 1–2 m height, the rhizome propagation is
shown a forest floor in mountains in Japan.
⊷ An herb tea of kumazasa leaves effects a breath-
freshening for the deodorization.
⊷ The constituents include chlorophyll, vitamin B1, B2,
and K, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and benzoic
⊷ The dried leaves are crude drugs which effect for
stanching, diuresis, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory,
detoxification, and intestinal.

Dokudami (Houttuynia
⊷ The origin is Japan, Southeast Asia, and China.
⊷ A cold resistance and perennial, 20–30 cm height,
rhizome propagation, dokudami inhabit throughout
Japan, and the whole plant is used for cosmetics and
⊷ The crude drug effects for diuresis, laxative, anti-
inflammatory, detoxification, and the herb tea relieves a
constipation, hypertension, and strengthen capillary.

Chinese quince
(Chaenomeles sinensis)
⊷ The origin is China
⊷ 6–10 m height, flowering in spring and mature yellow
fruit has great aroma in autumn.
⊷ In China, more than 2000 years ago, the fruits were
used as a medicine for cough and recovering from
fatigue and an aromatic.
⊷ The fresh fruit is very solid and astringent; therefore, it
needs to be cooked or steeped in liquor or sugar and
used for cough, sore throat, tonic, diuresis, analgesic,
obstipant, and calming intestinal.
⊷ The constituents are malic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid,
saponin, tannin, sucrose, and fructose.

MAPs in he

Sambong or blumea
camphor (Blumea
⊷ This plant is known for its useful traits in treating
kidney stones, wounds and cuts.
⊷ It can be helpful as well in healing rheumatism, colds,
coughs and acts as an anti-diarrhea, anti-spasms
⊷ Studies show that this plant helps delay dialysis.

Akapulko or ringworm
bush (Cassia alata)
⊷ In most places, this plant is called as bayabas-
bayabasan and it’s an effective treatment for tinea
infections, insect bites, ringworms, eczema, scabies
and itchiness.
⊷ The akapulko leaves when extracted can be directly
applied to affected areas in the skin.

Ampalaya or bitter gourd
(Momordica charantia)
⊷ The plant is originally a vegetable eaten alongside fish
and meat dishes as meals.
⊷ It might have a bitter taste but it is endorsed by the
DOH because of its healing power on diabetes,
hemorrhoids, coughs, burns and scalds
⊷ This plant is normally extracted to food supplements
ingested by patients.

Bawang or Garlic (Alium
⊷ Aside from being useful in the kitchen, it also can give
benefits to your body
⊷ It has been proven to heal infection because of its anti-
bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and it is also
known to reduce cholesterol levels.
⊷ It plays a significant role in lowering blood pressure and
boost the immune system.

Bayabas leaves or guava
(Psidum guajava)
⊷ Bayabas is a fruit equally delicious and helpful for the
⊷ It’s used as a herbal medicine for treating open wounds
and keeping the intestines healthy.
⊷ The leaves have antibacterial and antiallergy properties
that perfect to apply on wounds

Lagundi or five-leaved
chaste tree (Vitex
⊷ This plant is effective in reducing cough, colds, and
⊷ It’s also known to treat asthma, pharyngitis,
rheumatism, dyspepsia, boils, and diarrhea.
⊷ Lagundi is a common ingredient in cough syrups and

Malunggay or horseradish
tree (Moringa Oleifera)
⊷ Malunggay can be mixed with chicken in soups and
⊷ It’s considered as a superfood that Filipinos use to
increase milk in lactating women.
⊷ The leaves are source of phosphorus and iron.
⊷ It has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
⊷ It contains vitamin A, potassium, calcium, and vitamin
C.It is best when added in soup but it can also be
consumed raw.

Tawa-tawa or
asthma Plant (Euphoria
⊷ The DOH recommended this plant as effective
treatment for dengue fever.
⊷ In 2014, it was listed as beneficial when it comes to
maintaining the upper respiratory and increasing the
blood platelet count.
⊷ Tawa-tawa is valuable in the health industry as it
boosts the immune system.
⊷ It was also recorded to help patients recover from
Dengue faster.

The Impact of climate change to MAPs

The role of medicinal and aromatic plants is changing continuously
in accord to a period and the role expands such as cure of disease
to prevention of disease. The accumulated massive knowledge,
information, and materials should be shared in the whole world
and go down to generation to generation. The blessings of
medicinal and aromatic plants are treasures that belong to all lives.

Climate change already causes a serious state for plants
throughout the world. A research group assessed late twenty-first
century distributions for 1350 European plants species under seven
climate change scenarios. As a result, more than half of the species
could be vulnerable or threatened by 2080. As is generally known,
some countermeasures against climate change need an enduring
cooperative effort from national and international interdisciplinary


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