MEEN208 - 2018 Tutorials - 2019

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MEEN208: Engineering

2017/2018 Session
2nd semester

Dr. M. S. Galadima, Dr. Y. M. Sani & Dr. F. N. Dabai, Engr. A. Joji

Intended outcome

The challenge, ever present, is to think topics through to the point of understanding, to acquire the capacity to reason, and to
apply this fundamental body of knowledge to the solution of practical problems.

 Problem Solving Technique

Statement Physical Laws

Schematic Properties Reasoning,

Verification, and

Assumptions and
Approximations Calculations
Problem 1

 Question: Consider a system whose temperature is

18°C. Express this temperature in R, K, and °F.

 Problem statement: A temperature is given in °C. It is

to be expressed in °F, K, and R.
Problem 1

 Analysis: Using the conversion relations between the

various temperature scales

T(K] = T(°C) + 273 = 18°C + 273 = 291 K

T(°F] = 1.8T(°C) + 32 = (1.8)(18) + 32 = 64.4°F

T(R] = T(°F) + 460 = 64.4 + 460 = 524.4 R

Problem 2

 Question: The temperature of a system rises by 20°C

during a heating process. Express this rise in temperature in
Kelvins, Fahrenheit and Rankine.

 Problem statement: A temperature change is given in °C. It

is to be expressed in K, oF and R.
Problem 2

 Analysis: This problem deals with temperature changes

ΔT(K] = ΔT(°C) = 20 K

ΔT(oF] = 1.8ΔT(°C) = 36 K

ΔT(R) = ΔT(°F) = 36 K
Problem 3

 Question: The absolute pressure in water at a depth of 5 m is read

to be 145 kPa. Determine (a) the local atmospheric pressure, and
(b) the absolute pressure at a depth of 5 m in a liquid whose
specific gravity is 0.85 at the same location.
 Problem statement: The absolute pressure in water at a specified
depth is given. The local atmospheric pressure and the absolute
pressure at the same depth in a different liquid are to be
 Assumptions: The liquid and water are incompressible
Problem 3

 Properties The specific gravity of the fluid is given to be SG

= 0.85. We take the density of water to be 1000 kg/m3.
Then density of the liquid is obtained by multiplying its
specific gravity by the density of water.
Problem 3

 Analysis (a) Knowing the absolute pressure, the atmospheric pressure can
be determined from

(b) The absolute pressure at a depth of 5 m in the other liquid is

Discussion Note that at a given depth, the pressure in the lighter fluid is lower,
as expected
Problem 4

 Question: The water in a tank is pressurized by air, and the

pressure is measured by a multifluid manometer as shown in
Figure below. Determine the gauge pressure of air in the tank
if h1 = 0.2 m, h2 = 0.3 m, and h3 = 0.46 m. Take the densities
of water, oil, and mercury to be 1000 kg/m3, 850 kg/m3,
and 13,600 kg/m3, respectively.
Problem 4

Assumptions The air pressure in the tank is

uniform (i.e., its variation with elevation is
negligible due to its low density), and thus we
can determine the pressure at the air-water

Properties The densities of mercury, water,

and oil are given to be 13,600, 1000, and 850
kg/m3, respectively.
Problem 4

Analysis Starting with the pressure at point 1 at the air-water

interface, and moving along the tube by adding (as we go
down) or subtracting (as we go up) the ρgh terms until we
reach point 2, and setting the result equal to Patm since the
tube is open to the atmosphere gives
Problem 4

Discussion: Note that jumping

horizontally from one tube to the next
and realizing that pressure remains the
same in the same fluid simplifies the
analysis greatly.
Some helpful Hints
• For eqns describing thermodynamic change, every term must have one ‘Δ’ in it.
• The only exceptions are for the path functions, W and Q,
• Also, remember that ‘Δ’ expressions are always computed as “final minus initial”.
• Don’t ever combine ‘ΔX’ expressions and ‘X’ expressions (i.e., with no ‘Δ’) in the same equation!
• For infinitesimal changes,
• ‘(P, V)’ is often used for (Pi, Vi),
• and ‘(P + dP, V + dP)’ for (Pf , Vf ).
• This notation may obscure the fact that even an infinitesimal thermodynamic change is
still a change of state, rather than just a single state.
• First Law (differential form): Under any infinitesimal thermodynamic change,
dU = dQ + dW. [infinitesimal]
• In physics, the infinitesimal work done when moving a macroscopic object
against an opposing force [dW = −Fsurdz]
• In thermodynamic terms, the “opposing” force is that imparted by the
surroundings, & the macroscopic object is the (movable) dividing wall.
• These ideas are conveniently encapsulated in the piston-cylinder apparatus

Figure 1. Expansion work for piston-cylinder apparatus.

• Pressure can be obtained from force, by dividing by the area of the movable
• Likewise, infinitesimal distance becomes infinitesimal volume when
multiplied by the wall area, so that
dW = −PsurdV Eq. 1

• The “system” is the gas inside the cylinder.

• The piston itself serves as the movable dividing wall;
• as part of the surr, it also provides the opposing force, Fsur (& the surr pressure, Psur).
• Expansion is in the vertical direction.
• The resultant infinitesimal work is -ve (work is done by the sys on the surr).
• Integrating both sides of Eq.1 results in…
• For any thermodynamic process, the (expansion) work, denoted ‘W’, is
defined to be
Eq. 2

• Don’t forget the minus sign in Eq.2

• The minus sign is needed to ensure that work is negative for a true ΔV > 0 expansion.

• From Eq.2, 2 conditions are absolutely required of any thermodynamic

process to exhibit nonzero:
1. a change in the system volume, V.
2. a nonzero surroundings pressure, Psur, against which the expansion takes place.

• Both conditions are necessary.

• Without Condition 1, there is no macroscopic motion, and therefore no work.
• Without Condition 2, there is free expansion, but again, no work.
• Heat at molecular scale is the transfer of molecular kinetic energy across a
diathermic wall.

• Thus, heat is “whatever is left over” in a thermodynamic change, when the

work is subtracted from the change in the internal energy.

Reversible & Irreversible Change

• Isochoric or isometric (constant V)
• Isothermal (constant T)
• Isobaric (constant Psur)
• Free (W = 0)
• Adiabatic (Q = 0)
Reversible expansion of ideal gas
• P(V) = nRT/V.
• The work, in turn, becomes W =

Reversible isothermal expansion of ideal gas

Helpful Hint
• When computing the work for a reversible isothermal ideal gas expansion,
make sure to use the ‘ln’ key on your calculator (natural log), rather than the
‘log’ key (which usually means log base 10).
• The first law of thermodynamics is simply an expression of the conservation of
energy principle, and it asserts that energy is a thermodynamic property.
• The second law of thermodynamics asserts that energy has quality as well as
quantity, and actual processes occur in the direction of decreasing quality of
• For example, a cup of hot coffee left on a table eventually cools, but a cup of cool
coffee in the same room never gets hot by itself. The high-temperature energy of
the coffee is degraded (transformed into a less useful form at a lower
temperature) once it is transferred to the surrounding air.
• The first and second laws of thermodynamics emerged simultaneously in the
1850s, primarily out of the works of William Rankine, Rudolph Clausius, and Lord
Kelvin (formerly William Thomson).
• The term thermodynamics was first used in a publication by Lord Kelvin in 1849.
The first thermodynamic textbook was written in 1859 by William Rankine, a
professor at the University of Glasgow.
• Preserving the quality of energy is a major concern to engineers, and the
second law provides the necessary means to determine the quality as well as
the degree of degradation of energy during a process.

• More of high-temperature energy can be converted to work, and thus it has a

higher quality than the same amount of energy at a lower temperature.

• The second law of thermodynamics is also used in determining the

theoretical limits for the performance of commonly used engineering
• such as heat engines and refrigerators, as well as predicting the degree of
completion of chemical reactions.
Problem 5

 Question: A hydraulic lift is to be used to lift

a 2500 kg weight by putting a weight of
25 kg on a piston with a diameter of 10
cm. Determine the diameter of the piston
on which the weight is to be placed.
 Analysis: Using Pascal’s law
Problem 6

 Question: Determine the work required to accelerate a 1300-

kg car from 10 to 60 km/h on an uphill road with a vertical
rise of 40 m.
 Problem statement: A car is accelerated on an uphill road with
a vertical rise of 40 m. The work needed to achieve this is to
be determined.
Problem 6

 Analysis The work needed to accelerate a body on an uphill road is the sum
of change in kinetic and potential energy of the body,
𝑊𝑎𝑐𝑐 = 𝑚 𝑉22 − 𝑉12
2 2
60,000 𝑚 10,000 𝑚 1 𝑘𝐽
= 0.5 × 1300𝑘𝑔 × − ×
3600 𝑠 3600 𝑠 1000 𝑘𝑔. 𝑚2 /𝑠 2
= 176 kJ
𝑊𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑠𝑒 = 𝑚𝑔 𝑧2 − 𝑧1
𝑚 1 𝑘𝐽
= 1300𝑘𝑔 × 9.80 × 40 𝑚 − 0 ×
𝑠 1000 𝑘𝑔. 𝑚2 /𝑠 2
= 510 kJ
𝑊 = 𝑊𝑎𝑐𝑐 +𝑊𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑠𝑒 = 686 kJ
Problem 7

 Question: Determine the torque applied to the shaft of a car that transmits
150 kW and rotates at a rate of 3000 rpm.
𝑊𝑠ℎ = 2𝜋𝑛𝑇

150 𝑘𝑊 × 𝑠 × 1000 𝑁. 𝑚
1 𝑘𝑊 1 𝑘𝐽
1 1 𝑚𝑖𝑛
2𝜋 × 3000 ×
𝑚𝑖𝑛 60 𝑠

= 477 𝑁. 𝑚
Problem 8

 Question: Determine the work required to deflect a linear

spring with a spring constant of 70 kN/m by 20 cm from its
rest position.
𝑊𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 𝑘 𝑥22 − 𝑥12
𝑘𝑁 1𝑚 2
1 𝑘𝐽
= 0.5 × 70 × 20 𝑐𝑚 × − 0 ×
𝑚 100 𝑐𝑚 1 𝑘𝑁. 𝑚
= 1.4 𝑘𝐽
Problem 9

Question: Water is being heated in a closed pan on top of

a range while being stirred by a paddle wheel. During the
process, 30 kJ of heat is transferred to the water, and 5 kJ
of heat is lost to the surrounding air. The paddle-wheel
work amounts to 500 N · m. Determine the final energy of
the system if its initial energy is 10 kJ
Problem 9

Problem statement: Water in a closed pan gains and looses

heat while being stirred. The final internal energy of the water is to
be determined.
Assumptions:1 The tank is stationary and thus the kinetic and
potential energy changes are zero, ∆KE = ∆PE = 0. Therefore,
∆E=∆U and internal energy is the only form of the system’s
energy that may change during this process.
2 Energy stored in the paddle wheel is negligible.
Analysis: Take the contents of the closed pan as the system.
This is a closed system since no mass crosses the boundary
during the process. We observe that the volume of a rigid tank is
constant, and thus there is no moving boundary work. Also, heat
is gained and lost from the system and shaft work is done on the
system. Applying the energy balance on the system gives
Problem 9

∆𝐸𝑠𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 = 𝐸𝑖𝑛 − 𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡

Change in internal, kinetic, Net energy transfer

potential, etc, energies by heat, work and mass

But ∆𝐸𝑠𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 = ∆𝑈𝑠𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚

∆𝑈𝑠𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 = 𝑄𝑖𝑛 − 𝑄𝑜𝑢𝑡 + 𝑊𝑖𝑛 − 𝑊𝑜𝑢𝑡

𝑈2 − 𝑈1 = 𝑄𝑖𝑛 − 𝑄𝑜𝑢𝑡 + 𝑊𝑖𝑛 − 𝑊𝑜𝑢𝑡

𝑈2 = 𝑈1 + 𝑄𝑖𝑛 − 𝑄𝑜𝑢𝑡 + 𝑊𝑖𝑛 − 𝑊𝑜𝑢𝑡

1 𝑘𝐽
𝑈2 = 10 𝑘𝐽 + 30 𝑘𝐽 − 5 𝑘𝐽 + 500 𝑁. 𝑚 × − 0 = 35.5 𝑘𝐽
1000 𝑁. 𝑚
Problem 10

 Question: A water pump that consumes 2 kW of electric power when operating is claimed to
take in water from a lake and pump it to a pool whose free surface is 30 m above the free
surface of the lake at a rate of 50 L/s. Determine if this claim is reasonable.
 Problem statement: A pump with a given power rating was claimed to transport water from a
lake to a pool at a certain flow rate. We are to establish whether the claim is reasonable.
 Assumptions 1 The pump operates steadily. 2 The changes in kinetic energy are negligible.
 Properties We take the density of water to be ρ = 1000 kg/m3.
 Analysis The elevation of water and thus its potential energy changes during pumping, but it
experiences no changes in its velocity and pressure. Therefore, the change in the total
mechanical energy of water is equal to the change in its potential energy, which is gz per unit
mass, and 𝑚gz
ሶ for a given mass flow rate.
Problem 10

∆𝐸ሶ 𝑚𝑒𝑐ℎ = 𝑚∆𝑃𝐸

ሶ = 𝑚𝑔∆𝑧
ሶ ሶ
= 𝜌𝑉𝑔∆𝑧

∆𝐸ሶ 𝑚𝑒𝑐ℎ
𝑉ሶ =
𝜌𝑔∆𝑧 Discussion: The maximum volumetric
flow rate is 6.8 L/s. Thus the claim
1 𝑘 𝐽 Τ𝑠 of 50 L/s is not reasonable.
2 𝑘𝑊 ×
= 1 𝑘𝑊
𝑘𝑔 𝑚
1000 3 × 9.81 2 × 30 𝑚
𝑚 𝑠
2 𝑘 𝐽Τ𝑠 1000 𝑘𝑔 𝑚2 Τ𝑠 2
= ×
1000 × 9.81 × 30 𝑘 𝑔Τ( 𝑚. 𝑠 2 ) 1 𝑘𝐽

2000 𝑚3 1000 𝐿
= × = 6.8 𝐿Τ𝑠
1000 × 9.81 × 30 𝑠 1 𝑚3
Problem 11

 Question: The pressure in an automobile tire

depends on the temperature of the air in
the tire. When the air temperature is 25 °C,
the pressure gauge reads 210 kPa. If the
volume of the tire is 0.025 m3, determine
the pressure rise in the tire when the air
temperature in the tire rises to 50 °C. Also,
determine the amount of air that must be
bled off to restore pressure to its original
value at this temperature. Assume the
atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa.
Problem 11

 Assumptions
 1 At specified conditions, air behaves as an ideal gas.
 2 The volume of the tire remains constant.

 Properties The gas constant of air is R = 0.287 kPa.m3/kg.K

 Analysis Initially, the absolute pressure in the tire is

P1 = Pg + Patm = 210 +100 = 310kPa
Problem 11

Thus the pressure rise is

ΔP = P2 − P1 = 336 − 310 = 26 kPa

The amount of air that needs to be bled off to restore pressure to its original value is
Problem 12

 Question: Determine the specific volume of superheated

water vapor at 10 MPa and 400°C, using
(a) the ideal-gas equation,
(b) the generalized compressibility chart, and
(c) the steam tables. Also determine the error
involved in the first two cases.
 Properties The gas constant, the critical pressure, and
the critical temperature of water are, from Table A-1, R
= 0.4615 kPa·m3/kg·K, Tc = 647.1 K, Pc = 22.06 MPa
Problem 12

 Analysis (a) From the ideal gas equation of state,

(b) From the compressibility chart (Fig. A-15),

Definition of Terms
• Dew Point - The temperature when the vapor starts to condense
• Bubble Point - The temperature when the liquid starts to vaporize
• Saturated Vapor & Saturated Liquid - Vapor & liquid at the Psat & Tsat
• Subcooled Liquid - A liquid that is below its Tsat at a given pressure
• Compressed Liquid - A liquid above its Psat at a given temperature
• Superheated Vapor - A vapor above its Tsat at a given pressure
• Quality - refers to the mass fraction of the vapor in a saturated mixture
• Latent heat - amount of energy absorbed or released during a phase-change

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Using Steam Tables
& other tabulated data
• Recall that the state postulate tells us that knowing two intensive variables of a
pure species fixes all others (i.e., the state).
• A "steam" tables typically organize u, s, h, v, and sometimes g state functions
according to (typically) T and P.
• Often the quantity of interest does not fall at exactly the tabulated properties.
• Interpolation is the calculation procedure that assumes a straight
line between neighboring "points" in a table or figure in order to
estimate an intermediate value.
• If both known properties are intermediate to the tabulated data, double
interpolation is necessary.

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Problem 13

From the superheated steam table (Table A-6),

Problem 13

 Question: Determine the internal energy of compressed liquid

water at 80°C and 5 MPa, using (a) data from the compressed
liquid table and (b) saturated liquid data. What is the error
involved in the second case?
 Solution: The exact and approximate values of the internal
energy of liquid water are to be determined.
Problem 13

 Analysis At 80 °C, the saturation

pressure of water is 47.416 kPa,
and since 5 MPa > Psat, we
obviously have compressed liquid,
as shown in Figure.
Problem 13

(a) From the compressed liquid table (Table A–7)

(b) From the saturation table (Table A–4), we read

The error involved is

which is less than 1 percent.

Problem 14

 Determine the temperature of water at a state of P =

0.5 MPa and h =2890 kJ/kg.
 Solution The temperature of water at a specified state is
to be determined.
 Analysis At 0.5 MPa, the enthalpy of saturated water
vapor is hg = 2748.1 kJ/kg. Since h > hg, as shown in
Fig., we have superheated vapor. Under 0.5 MPa in
Table A–6 we read
Obviously, the temperature is between 200
and 250°C. By linear interpolation it is
determined to be T = 216.3°C
Problem 15

 Assumptions At specified conditions,

air behaves as an ideal gas.
 Properties The gas constant of air is R
= 0.287 kPa.m3/kg.K (Table A-1).
 Analysis Let's call the first and the
second tanks A and B. Treating air as
an ideal gas, the volume of the
second tank and the mass of air in
the first tank are determined to be
Problem 15


Then the final equilibrium pressure becomes

Problem 16

 A tank is filled with oil whose density is r 5 850 kg/m3. If the volume of the
tank is V = 2 m3, determine the amount of mass m in the tank.
• What is the difference between the classical and the statistical
approaches to thermodynamics?
• Classical thermodynamics is based on experimental observations whereas
statistical thermodynamics is based on the average behavior of large groups
of particles.
• Why does a bicyclist pick up speed on a downhill road even when
he is not pedaling? Does this violate the conservation of energy
• On a downhill road the potential energy of the bicyclist is being converted
to kinetic energy, and thus the bicyclist picks up speed. There is no creation
of energy, and thus no violation of the conservation of energy principle.
• What is the difference between kg-mass and kg-force?
• kg-mass is the mass unit in the SI system whereas kg-force is a force unit.
1-kg-force is the force required to accelerate a 1-kg mass by 9.807 m/s52. In

other words, the weight of 1-kg mass at sea level is 1 kg-force.

• What is the net force acting on a car cruising at a constant
velocity of 70 km/h (a) on a level road and (b) on an uphill
• There is no acceleration, thus the net force is zero in both cases.

• What is the weight, in N, of an object with a mass of 200 kg

at a location where g = 9.6 m/s2?
• Applying Newton's second law, the weight is determined to be
• W  mg  (200 kg)(9.6 m/s )  1920 N

• A 4-kW resistance heater in a water heater runs for 3
hours to raise the water temperature to the desired level.
Determine the amount of electric energy used in both kWh
and kJ.

Analysis The resistance heater consumes electric energy at a rate of 4 kW

or 4 kJ/s. Then the total amount of electric energy used in 3 hours

Total energy = (Energy per unit time)(Time interval)

= (4 kW)(3 h) = 12 kWh

Noting that 1 kWh = (1 kJ/s)(3600 s) = 3600 kJ,

Total energy = (12 kWh)(3600 kJ/kWh) = 43,200 kJ
Discussion Note kW is a unit for power whereas kWh is a unit for energy.
The gas tank of a car is filled with a nozzle that discharges gasoline at
a constant flow rate. Based on unit considerations of quantities, obtain
a relation for the filling time in terms of the volume V of the tank (in L)
and the discharge rate of gasoline V (in L/s).
Assumptions Gasoline is an incompressible substance and the flow rate is constant.
Analysis The filling time depends on the volume of the tank and the discharge rate of
gasoline. Also, we know that the unit of time is “seconds”.
Therefore, the independent quantities should be arranged such that we end up with the
unit of seconds. Putting the given information into perspective, we have:

It is obvious that the only way to end up with the unit “s” for time is to divide the tank
volume by the discharge rate. Therefore, the desired relation is

• A large fraction of the thermal energy generated in the engine of a
car is rejected to the air by the radiator through the circulating water.
Should the radiator be analyzed as a closed system or as an open
system? Explain.

The radiator should be analyzed as an open system since mass is crossing the
boundaries of the system.

• You are trying to understand how a reciprocating air compressor (a

piston-cylinder device) works. What system would you use? What
type of system is this?

The system is taken as the air contained in the piston-cylinder device. This system is a
closed or fixed mass system since no mass enters or leaves it.
• A can of soft drink at room temperature is put into the refrigerator so
that it will cool. Would you model the can of soft drink as a closed
system or as an open system? Explain.

A can of soft drink should be analyzed as a closed system since no mass is crossing
the boundaries of the system.

• Is the weight of a system an extensive or intensive property?

If we were to divide the system into smaller portions, the weight of each portion
would also be smaller. Hence, the weight is an extensive property.

• What is the difference between intensive and extensive properties?

Intensive properties do not depend on the size (extent) of the system but extensive
properties do.
• Is the state of the air in an isolated room completely specified by the
temperature and the pressure? Explain.
Yes, because temperature and pressure are two independent properties and the air in an
isolated room is a simple compressible system.
• The molar specific volume of a system v is defined as the ratio of the
volume of the system to the number of moles of substance contained
in the system. Is this an extensive or intensive property?
If we were to divide this system in half, both the volume and the number of moles
contained in each half would be one-half that of the original system. The molar specific
volume of the original system is

and the molar specific volume of one of the smaller systems is

which is the same as that of the original system. The molar specific volume is then an
intensive property. 58
• What is a quasi-equilibrium process? What is its importance in
A process during which a system remains almost in equilibrium at all times is called a
quasi-equilibrium process.
Many engineering processes can be approximated as being quasi-equilibrium.
The work output of a device is maximum and the work input to a device is minimum
when quasi-equilibrium processes are used instead of nonquasi-equilibrium processes.

• How would you describe the state of the water in a bathtub? How
would you describe the process that this water experiences as it
The pressure and temperature of the water are normally used to describe the state.
Chemical composition, surface tension coefficient, and other properties may be
required in some cases.
As the water cools, its pressure remains fixed.
This cooling process is then an isobaric process.
• When analyzing the acceleration of gases as they flow
through a nozzle, what would you choose as your
system? What type of system is this?
When analyzing the acceleration of gases as they flow through a nozzle,
the proper choice for the system is the volume within the nozzle,
bounded by the entire inner surface of the nozzle and the inlet and outlet
This is a control volume since mass crosses the boundary.

• Someone claims that the absolute pressure in a liquid of

constant density doubles when the depth is doubled. Do
you agree? Explain.
No, the absolute pressure in a liquid of constant density does not double
when the depth is doubled.
It is the gage pressure that doubles when the depth is doubled.
• The barometer of a mountain hiker reads 750 mbars at the beginning of a hiking
trip and 650 mbars at the end. Neglecting the effect of altitude on local
gravitational acceleration, determine the vertical distance climbed. Assume an
average air density of 1.20 kg/m3.

• A site evaluated for a wind farm is observed to have steady winds
at a speed of 8.5 m/s. Determine the wind energy (a) per unit mass,
(b) for a mass of 10 kg, and (c) for a flow rate of 1154 kg/s for air.

• A gas in a piston-cylinder device is compressed, and as a result its
temperature rises. Is this a heat or work interaction?
It is a work interaction.
• A room is heated by an iron that is left plugged in. Is this a heat or
work interaction? Take the entire room, including the iron, as the
It is a work interaction since the electrons are crossing the system boundary, thus doing
electrical work.
• A room is heated as a result of solar radiation coming in through the
windows. Is this a heat or work interaction for the room?
It is a heat interaction since it is due to the temperature difference between the sun and
the room.
• An insulated room is heated by burning candles. Is this a heat or
work interaction? Take the entire room, including the candles, as the
This is neither a heat nor a work interaction since no energy is crossing the system
boundary. This is simply the conversion of one form of internal energy (chemical63
energy) to another form (sensible energy).
• Is iced water a pure substance? Why?
• Yes. Because it has the same chemical composition throughout.
• What is the difference between saturated vapor and superheated
• A vapor that is about to condense is saturated vapor; otherwise it is superheated vapor.
• Is it true that it takes more energy to vaporize 1 kg of saturated liquid
water at 100 °C than it would at 120 °C?
• Yes; the higher the temperature the lower the hfg value.
• What is the physical significance of hfg? Can it be obtained from a
knowledge of hf and hg? How?
The term hfg represents the amount of energy needed to vaporize a unit mass of
saturated liquid at a specified temperature or pressure.
It can be determined from h = h - h.
fg g f
• What is quality? Does it have any meaning in the superheated vapor
• Quality is the fraction of vapor in a saturated liquid-vapor mixture. It has no
meaning in the superheated vapor region.

The challenge, ever present, is to think topics through to the point of understanding, to acquire the capacity to reason, and to
apply this fundamental body of knowledge to the solution of practical problems.

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